I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy
Quote by VenusnMars
Let`s see how quickly everyone can turn someone antagonistic for using a ` apostrophe instead of a ' !
Now there`s a real challenge!
Quote by Silk and Big G
I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy
Quote by SunBunny
I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy
Quote by Happy Cats
People ripped the shit out of him, because you was young and naive. Not because he was rude or insulting.
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.
He didnt ignore all the advice offered, he did actually try.
He wasnt on a wind up - he genuinely thought he would impress everyone.
I agree it was an entertaining read - but wasnt it just a little bit easy?
Not all of us were born with the experience and knowledge that we have now.
Quote by easy
I was going to post the story of the two bulls sat on a hill....
The younger bull says to the older bull
"See those cows down there, let's run down the hill and one"
To which the older bull turns to him and replies
"Why don't we walk down and :hump: 'em all"
But I thought nah, what's the point? Given his attitude he'll be banned by the end of the night anyway.
Strange how a "doorman" who has to be vetted and trained to work the doors now, can loose his temper and make threats sooooooo quickly.
Quote by easy
Agreed Venus, but when he was told in a way he could grasp that if he didn't like the site he should perhaps leave, his reaction was to threaten physical violence, rather than saying what have I done wrong?
Quote by Scandal
I'm absolutely certain you have very sincere motives Venus but like I said that's life in the big city.
Venus, our very own Florence Nightingale. x x x
Quote by Happy Cats
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.
Quote by fabio grooverider
i and many others sent him advice thru the forum and in PM's and i know he didn't take on any of my advice, and i don't think he listened to anyone else...