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Surely Too Easy

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I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy
Point taken. Let`s see how quickly everyone can turn someone antagonistic for using a ` apostrophe instead of a ' !
Now there`s a realchallenge!
Quote by Silk and Big G
I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy

Sooo wicked
Will this be locked? (ark at me joinin in!)
Cathy x
Quote by VenusnMars
Point taken. Let`s see how quickly everyone can turn someone antagonistic for using a ` apostrophe instead of a ' !
Now there`s a real challenge!

He he he '
Quote by VenusnMars
Let`s see how quickly everyone can turn someone antagonistic for using a ` apostrophe instead of a ' !
Now there`s a real challenge!

It's not an apostrophe, you dummy, it's a grave accent. Can't really see much point in it, because in normal text it always has a letter under it, and there are separate ascii codes for letters with grave accents. The only practical use I know of for that character (apart from your misuse of it instead of an apostrophe :P ) is in the IRC "tick" command, where it acts as a shortcut to a fairly long-winded prefix to a number of channel commands.
Is that antagonistic enough for you? ;)
Quote by Silk and Big G
I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy

Yes he was - but like I said to him - he was too good to be true.
It was a question of make the most of him - WHILE HE LASTS. wink
(poor boy. Talk about wrong place wrong time. If he'd tagged onto the Tossers! thread he may still be here. He would have felt more comfortable and able to contribute more thought-provoking posts.....)
Quote by SunBunny
I missed the lynchin , but you people are better than this . He was too easy

Yes he was - but like I said to him - he was too good to be true.
It was a question of make the most of him - WHILE HE LASTS. wink
(poor boy. Talk about wrong place wrong time. If he'd tagged onto the Tossers! thread he may still be here. He would have felt more comfortable and able to contribute more thought-provoking posts.....)
I thought he was holding his own reasonably well until he started threatening violence. :shock:
Worra plonka. rolleyes
I thought he was quite sweet personally wink
He threatened a Mod :shock:
I thought he was a naive pratt mad
Yes he was naive and after the threat he had to go.
He was however subjected to severe rip roaring piss taking for no other crime than that of being naive.
Yes he was offered advice and support, some of which he tried to take. Up until the threat I don’t think he broke any aspect of the AUP, is that the same for all other contributors?
Sometimes the anonymity of our keyboards makes it easy to go for the cheap dig and laugh, safe in the knowledge we will never have to meet the victim and justify face to face.
I wonder how many (myself included) would have acted differently if this was in the real world?
I'm not going to lose any sleep over it. :twisted:
I don't understand why some people find it so difficult to join the site and post in a manner that makes people want to welcome them instead of ripping the shit out of them. dunno
Every now and then a completer twat comes crashing in, ignoring all the advice they're given, and continues to make an ass of themselves as if they're blind to everyone else.
It just leaves me with the conclusion that they're on some kind of wind up at which point I'd say they're fair game.
Entertainment comes in many forms!! wink :wink:
People ripped the shit out of him, because you was young and naive. Not because he was rude or insulting.
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.
He didnt ignore all the advice offered, he did actually try.
He wasnt on a wind up - he genuinely thought he would impress everyone.
I agree it was an entertaining read - but wasnt it just a little bit easy?
Not all of us were born with the experience and knowledge that we have now.
come on guys
He never stood a chance,as soon as he posted he was ripped to shreds by the big guns
on here,alright he was your typical essex wide boy,but is that a good enough reason to
do what you did to him.
Yes he had to get banned for threatening a mod,but that was going to happen anyway,
he was not fair game,he was as others have said on this thread easy.
You guys are better than that.
please give people a fair crack of the whip :cry:
Quote by Happy Cats
People ripped the shit out of him, because you was young and naive. Not because he was rude or insulting.
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.
He didnt ignore all the advice offered, he did actually try.
He wasnt on a wind up - he genuinely thought he would impress everyone.
I agree it was an entertaining read - but wasnt it just a little bit easy?
Not all of us were born with the experience and knowledge that we have now.

I`m inclined to agree. There was a point where I think things *may* have been very different but was steamrollered by the

Granted, his behaviour left a lot to be desired, and in the end he shot himself in the foot, but I have to ask, was it him who already held the gun, or was it handed to him? We will never know, but given that we do have longterm members here who, by their own admission, were complete twats when they first joined up, perhaps it would be valuable to the site to extend more tolorance? I cringe to think of the really good friends I would never have made if they had encountered the same attitude on the site which is prevalent today. They wouldn`t have lasted two seconds. It seems to me to be a matter of Russian Roulette when joining up here if you happen to be a person who has a great deal to learn.
I haven`t yet made up my mind how much the responsibilty in fitting in lies with the new members, or the established members, but I do know that it`s a lot to ask that new members should automatically know how to fit in, or be able to adapt to a new environment and behaviour as quickly as some would demand. The attitude they encounter will have a great deal of influence upon encouraging negative or positive behaviour from them.
Is the entertainment value really more important than extending tolorance and time toward new albeit twattish members? If so, perhaps we should be asking ourselves why?
I was going to post the story of the two bulls sat on a hill....
The younger bull says to the older bull
"See those cows down there, let's run down the hill and hump one"
To which the older bull turns to him and replies
"Why don't we walk down and :hump: 'em all" wink
But I thought nah, what's the point? Given his attitude he'll be banned by the end of the night anyway.
Strange how a "doorman" who has to be vetted and trained to work the doors now, can loose his temper and make threats sooooooo quickly. dunno
Agreed Venus, but when he was told in a way he could grasp that if he didn't like the site he should perhaps leave, his reaction was to threaten physical violence, rather than saying what have I done wrong?
Quote by easy
I was going to post the story of the two bulls sat on a hill....
The younger bull says to the older bull
"See those cows down there, let's run down the hill and hump one"
To which the older bull turns to him and replies
"Why don't we walk down and :hump: 'em all" wink
But I thought nah, what's the point? Given his attitude he'll be banned by the end of the night anyway.
Strange how a "doorman" who has to be vetted and trained to work the doors now, can loose his temper and make threats sooooooo quickly. dunno

Pssssst Easy :giggle:
He WAS banned last night LOL
Still unsure about the doorman bit, I know around here you have to ab at least 21 to be a doorman !?!?
Oh Bugger, i miss everything!!! Wheres the relevant thread??? lol
Quote by morbiusUK
Pssssst Easy :giggle:
He WAS banned last night LOL
Still unsure about the doorman bit, I know around here you have to ab at least 21 to be a doorman !?!?

For "doorman" read bottleboy and glass-collector who may "help out" on the door. wink
Quote by easy
Agreed Venus, but when he was told in a way he could grasp that if he didn't like the site he should perhaps leave, his reaction was to threaten physical violence, rather than saying what have I done wrong?

Sorry Easy, I missed your edit! That was when he shot himself in the foot, I agree, but at this point I think he`d just adopted a `fuckit` attitude, which had much to do with the way people handed him the noose. After all, Sarge didtell him he didn`t like the site he could fuck off! He simply reacted aggressively to aggression which had been thrown at him left right and center. Advice was offered, but it was too little, too late, and paled in comparison to the piss-takes. I`m not saying he would ever have made a valuable member, but I`d rather see people burn their bridges without the assistance of others here, they are perfectly capable of doing so themselves, and it would at least make the regular membership seem more `newbie friendly` to those lurking and thinking of joining up. Wideboy is quite an extreme example really, other characters have been flamed for much less.
Quote by Scandal
I'm absolutely certain you have very sincere motives Venus but like I said that's life in the big city.
Venus, our very own Florence Nightingale. x x x passionkiss

kiss Thank you, I needed someone to bounce this stuff off. smile Yes, I do have sincere motives, and despite the `big city` and `Florence Nightingale` comments I don`t think these motives are quite as niave as they might seem at first glance. I do take on board how people interact, and thought very hard about the cause and effect with all involved, including his behaviour. Many of the threads I start, I start because I have a great deal of respect for the intelligence of majority of the people on this site, and think people here are capable of not flaming with quite as much relish as they do. Ok, so I`m a nice guy, but if I challenge others here to extend a little patience, it`s not because I`m stupid, it`s because I believe the membership here are not.
There is a popular sentiment that `this is the real world, deal with it` and that those who suggest otherwise are living in gaga land, I wonder if sometimes this attitude is something which people carry to validate themselves, I feel it`s a destructive attitude which stagnates society, but will stand to be corrected on that, I just haven`t encounted a rationale which is acceptable to me yet. It`s a bone of contention of mine, I`ll admit. I also know I come off as opinionated and invalidating of other people at times. I don`t mean to, and I`m sorry for that. However, by the same token, the way people react to my sentiment that we could be better than this, by suggesting `this is the real world`, will also go a long way toward invalidating my reasoning, it feels like it`s being dismantled as the blatherings of a social hippy (that is not a dig, you know I like you :rascal:, it`s just something I get all the time). I`m also well aware that I need to learn some acceptance of `how the real world works`, I just haven`t yet decided where to draw that line, with both my behaviour or that of other people.
Now I know that everyone is different, and I`m not trying to suggest everyone be me. We all have our personal levels of tolorance, and differing personalities, and that is how it should be, but how capable are we of avoiding that `gorillas grunting` thing when things like this kick off? I`d like to think we are capable avoiding it a lot more than we do, but the `get real` sentiment interferes with it.
Ok. That was deep :shock: and I didn`t actually confront any of your comments on `wideboy` did I?! :lol2:
I think I`ll go take a bath before I hurt myself wink
PS, I think the baby just went down the plughole rotflmao
PS. Ice. Fuck off :P
Quote by VenusnMars
PS. Ice. Fuck off :P

Say that to my face and I'll... errr... ummmm.... stamp my foot really angrily!
Quote by Happy Cats
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.

and i wonder why i left sunny romford for the glorious north.....:-)
i and many others sent him advice thru the forum and in PM's and i know he didn't take on any of my advice, and i don't think he listened to anyone else...
what he didn't realise is that swinging is different to just sex and a quick shag.... and you'll find the people who have it ripped out of them don't....
sean xxxxx
Geez we're navel gazing again!! rolleyes
There have been times when I've jumped to defend someone who's getting a roasting, which I think is unfair. But I didn't in this case, because this guy was asking for it.
It pisses me off when we start recriminating and making others feel guilty when quite a lot of us were watching what was going on and doing nothing. Credit to those who were trying to cool (shit sorry!!) things down but quite frankly you were fighting a losing battle. The guy you were trying to defend was his own worst enemy. He proved that when he showed his true colours and threatened violence. Think how you'd feel if someone like that turned up to a munch!!
As someone else said to me - he was a bit of a troll.
Quote by Bloke2005
I thought he was quite sweet personally wink

Why did you get a taste? :wink:
Quote by da69ve
I thought he was quite sweet personally wink

Why did you get a taste? :wink:
No, I told you, I'm saving that 10% for a taste of you when I meet you mate :wink:
PS: I didn't think he was sweet and there's another 'sweet' one next door right now :shock:
Quote by westerross
Geez we're navel gazing again!! rolleyes
It pisses me off when we start recriminating and making others feel guilty when quite a lot of us were watching what was going on and doing nothing.

It`s called the real world, deal with it! rotflmao :giggle:
Quote by fabio grooverider
i and many others sent him advice thru the forum and in PM's and i know he didn't take on any of my advice, and i don't think he listened to anyone else...

Sean is right here. I was one of those who felt that he wasn't being a given a fair chance in the beginning and long before getting involved in the piss-taking I PM'd him with some advice. Tried to explain why he might want to change his sig - and even explained to him that if he was just after a quick shag he was in the wrong place. And I even explained what would happen if he went out guns blazing and trousers already unbuttoned and ready for "action".
Umm - the reply I got was something along the lines of "yeah, babe, I'll take it slow babe - so tell me about yourself - how about it?" :doh: Don't know why he didn't pursue me then when I told him I was a 38 and a ? dunno