Point taken. Let`s see how quickly everyone can turn someone antagonistic for using a ` apostrophe instead of a ' !
Now there`s a realchallenge!
He threatened a Mod :shock:
Yes he was naive and after the threat he had to go.
He was however subjected to severe rip roaring piss taking for no other crime than that of being naive.
Yes he was offered advice and support, some of which he tried to take. Up until the threat I don’t think he broke any aspect of the AUP, is that the same for all other contributors?
Sometimes the anonymity of our keyboards makes it easy to go for the cheap dig and laugh, safe in the knowledge we will never have to meet the victim and justify face to face.
I wonder how many (myself included) would have acted differently if this was in the real world?
People ripped the shit out of him, because you was young and naive. Not because he was rude or insulting.
He didnt post what he did (up until the threat) to upset anyone but because he thought that was what you had to do to get a shag. Afterall thats probably his attitude in real life teenage Romford.
He didnt ignore all the advice offered, he did actually try.
He wasnt on a wind up - he genuinely thought he would impress everyone.
I agree it was an entertaining read - but wasnt it just a little bit easy?
Not all of us were born with the experience and knowledge that we have now.
come on guys
He never stood a chance,as soon as he posted he was ripped to shreds by the big guns
on here,alright he was your typical essex wide boy,but is that a good enough reason to
do what you did to him.
Yes he had to get banned for threatening a mod,but that was going to happen anyway,
he was not fair game,he was as others have said on this thread easy.
You guys are better than that.
please give people a fair crack of the whip :cry: