Chat room and Forum divide?! :shock:
I hope it closes back up again groin is starting to bloody hurt straddling it! :giggle:
Anyhoo.......Hijack over, You didn't see me right?
I don't hijack anymore...................ish
Quote by Dlep
Chat room and Forum divide?! :shock:
I hope it closes back up again groin is starting to bloody hurt straddling it! :giggle:
Anyhoo.......Hijack over, You didn't see me right?
I don't hijack anymore...................ish
Quote by neilinleeds
Ooooooooooooooo are we playing Srne's 'Top trumps'?
:bounce: :bounce:
Quote by Freckledbird
Well done!
Not seeing where the age thing is relevant though?
neil and i are continuing this conversation in private mail now.
that was the point i was trying to make in my first reply to i dont like spouting rules off.(NOT BEING HERE LONG AND ALL THAT).