I notice that the Girlies have the Swinging Heaven best boobies competition, but don't you think its about time us guys had something???
How about a cutest cock competion?
Or Best Butt ?
or Amazing Ab's....
Mind you who would be the judges? I suppose we would have to get a panel of you girlies together!!
Anyone got a twopennethworth?
<-- Will happily volunteer to get my ass out for the camera
best beer belly? I'd win that one hands down!
I am happy to contribute arse/cock/beer belly.
Sod it... no time like the present. Here you go:
Greg get some new curtains...brown is so much last years colour !!!!
I noticed the cheeks were clenched was it beans or cabbage?
Fish and chips. But that wasn't why my cheeks were clenched. I am just naturally anal. You'll have to speak to my psychoanalyst to find out why.
And yes, I do need new curtains.
I might win that, judging by my photo. I was looking at that pic and thinking "what the fuck is that between my legs?" (It's a thought I have quite often). And then I realised it was my bollocks.
I assumed that my pic would start an avalanche of men posting pics of their body parts... but it seems the men are shyer than I expected.
Very impressive. Come on... let's see if anyone can beat reese's effort.
*cue 1000 people googling for pics of men with elephantitis*
jeepers resse...you need a bra to put them buggers in......don't it hurt when you run !!!!
Bigger than the bloody bags tesco give you them are !!!!
I'll try and get mine in next week guys ,when I have a little more time....
Till then ttfn from Cock Shot Competition Winner!!!!