Cheers Dirtygirl. Have pics I can send on to him, but not sure how to (?) (When sending with message on here, you can only sen a pic from the profile ones on accounts, as far as I can see)(?)
If that's the case, could st3v3 pass on his/her email address to us gals?
You need to make it as simple as possible. One person should collate all the pics, put the month beside each pic and send the whole lot to st3v3 ONLY when that's been done. He doesn't need/want the extra work of putting it all together. One of you... whoever is planning to be in the calendar should maybe take on that task. Communicate? PM the people in the thread who have said they're interested in doing it, get them to send you their picture and the month they want to be then send the whole lot to st3ve.
Job done. :thumbup:
Can people not just PM them to St3v3 so that they still retain their username watermark and thus a spot of protection from pic collectors and/or other folk of dubious intent?
Well susanmilkmaid it looks like you have the task of selecting one photo for each month, when you have that mail them over to me and I will sort out the rest.
For each month you will need to point out to the person submitting that the site takes no responsibility fro where they end up, when they're out in public domain we have no control at all, I'd also need to know if each person is happy to have their username on the calendar, if they are not then what Alias/Names they would like to use.
So far as the charity goes we can add some text suggesting that they donate as that would be fairly simple to sort out, but I wouldn't want to go down the forced contribution to download as that could have all sorts of ramifications and I'd like to keep this as simple as possible.
I also like the idea of sending them out to clubs, we will have to get a number of them printed out.
So how many months have we so far?
PS: susanmilkmaid - I'll drop you a pm with my email details
Sounds like a great idea! Im a web/graphic designer if you need any help just let me know!
S :twisted: