We’ve just been looking at the link posted in another thread here about the Sybian machine, - we’ve also been looking at a few other places on web giving info and pics about this - is it just us or does anybody else find this a huge turn on?. I never knew such things existed, would love to hop on one of those and try it out, I don’t know who’s more excited by the idea, me at the thought of trying one out or Dave at the thought of watching me!. Is there anybody on this site who has one of these machines or even anybody who has tried one out?. They are made in the USA (surprise, surprise!) but apparently there are some owners over here in the UK.
Firstly, I DON'T own one, and wouldn't really want to tbh.
The first time I heard of them, someone I was chatting to online mentioned them, and sent me a link to a website about them. I'm afraid I can't remember the name of it, but there were several video clips of how they work (just the machine itself, not a machine "in use" lol)
I personally didn't find it arousing anyway, but just to make my mind up for sure, the NOISE of them is totally off putting! Its a really loud engine, and as it (for want of a better word) PUMPS in and out, its so loud, I wouldn't be able to concentrate on the pleasure I was supposedly receiving.
Obviously this is just MHO, but there were an awful lot of different models (all very expensive too if I remember rightly) so there's obviously some market for them.
Imagine a small pony with an erection. Take off the legs, head & tail, turn it upside down then chop off its penis and super-glue it back on at an angle of 90 degrees - ie vertically. Then sit on it. I believe it's kinda like that, except it's mechanical and it vibrates.
Actually, here ya go, here's some illustrations. I don't endorse the following site at all - I just typed "Sybian" into Google and this came up:
<<<<< Thinks about changing his nick to silent_sybian.....
About two-thirds of the way down that Liberated Christian Sybians link I posted, there's a question "Where are the used Sybians?" - I don't know about you girlies, but that concept makes me go EWWWW!
While doing a search I found the following clip of a Sybian in use:
Its in MPG format and just over in size (about 20 seconds to download on 512kb broadband).
Well I know if we ever win the lottery we shall be placing a order pretty quick!, in the meantime if anybody happens to own one of these machines I would just love a test drive!
Emma your not the only person who would love to try one. If you find one of these imfamous machines let me know where it is!!!!
well for anyone who hasnt tried one u dont know what u are missing they are absolutly amazing take my word for it and girls if u get the chance to try one go for it i did and have never regretted it love u all lemons xxxx
"If i build one they will cum"...field of dreams part 2?
Nice to know there are people interested, have one sparingly used here, not for sale mind you, but might be able to lend / rent. The probes can be sterilised or buy new ones if you wish. Contact via PM.
Well if I was in Aylesbury Id go for it!!!
Does no one have one around Manchester area?