The best book I've ever read on this type of thing is Derren Brown's "Tricks of the Mind" (Channel 4 Books).
I've had a palm reading from a young guy who was so spot on with a lot of things in my past - things he couldn't have guessed.
I took my Mum to see Tony Stockwell thinking if he can get a message from my Dad ( the biggest sceptic in the world! ) there must be something in it. Fuck me, if he did too! He was so precise about how my Dad was, his mannerisms, his illness and how long he was in a coma before he died. Stockwell's parting words to my Mum were 'Stop eating so many sweets' My Mum is diabetic and only minutes before the show, I was scolding her for nicking my licquorice allsorts. I almost dropped the bag! :shock:
I do not believe in clairvoyance, but I do believe that some 'fortune tellers' are very astute and can interpret body language to the extent that they can work out which things you agree with.
Personally ....I think its all a lot of twaddle
steve .
I generally take it with a pinch of salt really but the last time I went to see a spooky woman she told me stuff she couldn't possibly have known and apparently I have my dead relatives living in my flat! Long story, I may come back and tell it later.
Wish they'd do some cleaning now and again. :giggle:
Im a bit of an old hippy and will try to believe most things. This I find quite unbelievable.
I am a sceptic of most of these charlatans, just in the same way that Res described above. Some of these people should be prosecuted for decieving vulnerable people in my mind.
The only thing with labelling them all as hoaxers is that once in a while someone appears on the scene with a canny ability of saying something that can not be explained. I would love to now how they do it. Was it trickery, prior knowledge, reading the body language have plants in the crowd?
The one that has always intrigued me was (I think it was) a lady in the 30/40's. She had two high profile readings. One when she was supposed to have made contact with someone from the R1 (??? an airship in the UK that done a Hindenburg). This reading led to a re-opening of the inquiry and the evidence from the reader led to the finding of the cause of the crash. She also gave a reading to a lady who had gone to contact her husband. They actually contacted her son, who wasn't dead because he was on a ship and the admiralty said that it had not been sunk. Lo and behold, about a week later the Admiralty admitted the ship had sunk. They then stopped this lady from reading throughout World War 2 because she could release secret information.
I remember reading about her about 20 years ago and this spooked me out. How did she do it. If it wasn't trickery or bloody good guessing, how did it happen. I like to understand and this case had me scratching my head about it.
But apart from her, I have not heard of these type of people getting it right all the time.
There's a very good old Yankee proverb that goes ;
There are two types of people in the world - those who want to believe, and those who want to know ...
Phew.............luckily I bumped into this after a short look. This is just about the R101 (I was going off 20 years of memory so gave the wrong airship name). If I find anything on the ship then I will post it up as an edit
I have just read the article and it was the last thing that they said is what makes her a one in a million. She didn't fanfare anything.
In Edit: Done a quick seach on her and wikipedia said she was evacuated from Portugal to America in which spiritualist did they stop because of the ship. It must have been the same book and in my mind I have creditted this lady with both accounts. But as usual I am wrong, so I will have to find who this second person was. :doh:
Come now Dave and Res, you both know full well that its more likely than not that some time or another one of these charlatans/gurus is gonna be bang on the money.
I want to know why Derek Akora meets ghosts who change the tone of his voice but they cant take away his scouse accent. The alternative, an afterlife mostly peopled by Liverpudlians doesnt bear thinking about.
Anybody ever heard of anti phrenology where you give people knowledge and skills by hitting them on the head with a small mallet at strategic points?
99.9% of these people are tricksters in my mind so I agree there with you Ben.
But some people seem to have a gift. I would love to know how they have this gift..........and how it is used.
The rest of them are tricksters in my mind.......but not every single one are. I have never been to a tarot reading, never been to a spiritualist and never seen any of the TV personalities as it makes me reach for the off button fast, but it does intrigue me and not all of them can be explained as hoaxers.
I know next weeks Lottery Numbers... Kind Arthur told me.
I never knew until today that he was from Liverpool
ooops :edit: KinG Arthur
though Im sure he was a kind chap also
a piece of film i thought id share...
it's only the first part.... but hugely other parts are linked into the page.
I can make predictions.
If I don't get a good, uninterrupted nights sleep tonight, there will be bloodshed.
Since I suffered sudden massive weight loss I have developed the ability to commune with the dead.
I think its because I used to be an extra large and now I am a medium.