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Technical corner........

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Hi..... guy with too much time on his hands durin week days here smile thinkin perhaps I can point people in the right direction with their technical probs.....or bring people together who have had the same probs.....anyway lets give it a go....I seem to do this all the time at work and get asked the biggest variety of questions :)....But you lot are a lot friendlier :)
Gary xxx
(worlds biggest jacuzzi lovin fan :))
ah bless him, what a nice guy....
I dont have any techy problems at the minute thou lol
touching wood all around me :lol:
I do quite enjoy tryin to sort out folks techie probs ..... most common ones i get at work are pc or gadget related smile.....but love helpin folks out :)....Ty for the nice comment and keep touchin that wood :) xx
Gary xx
well the wood's always with me lol
okay..heres one for ya gary.
I have MSN....but the i opened it with now closed. So would like to simply change my address on there......without opening a new account..and trying to connact everyone to tell them.
Can it be done..and if so..can i have idiots guide please !!
Quote by deancannock
okay..heres one for ya gary.
I have MSN....but the i opened it with now closed. So would like to simply change my address on there......without opening a new account..and trying to connact everyone to tell them.
Can it be done..and if so..can i have idiots guide please !!

Hi Dean...
Ok click on the link and sign in to the msn settings and stuff page that here you can change absolutely everything about your msn account....

Hope this works for you Dean....
Say hello to us on Friday at Derby social smile
can i have the idiots guide to photoshop or at very least idiots guide to extracting the image from the background i got as far as doing the red and blue dogs then got lost :shock:
Hi Fanny smile.....Adobe Photoshop is the most advanced and clever photo editing software available....sadly it is also the most complicated....thats why people goto college to learn how to use it....Have you tried photoshop elements this is the home user version and much easier to get on with on....apparently....also try my favourite paint shop pro....which was always easier to use....not done any photo editing for a couple of years much to the relief of people i work with.....did some great ones for work droppin peoples faces onto all sorts lol lol lol....anyway if you still want to persevere with photoshop try the link below.....

Gary xxx
Wish i still had that one where i dropped 2 of the guys faces onto a couple of shemales lol....
Quote by X_fanny_x
can i have the idiots guide to photoshop or at very least idiots guide to extracting the image from the background i got as far as doing the red and blue dogs then got lost :shock:

You could have a look at the 'for dummies' range of books, my library has a wide selection so you shouldn't have to buy it. Easiest way to take something out of the background is with the magic wand tool, or loso it but that takes a steady hand. If you copy a section and past it onto a new layer you can fidle with it without it effecting the background. Only way to get the hang of it really is practice.
Any ideas of what to do with a wireless keyboard that my adorable rolleyes cat spilt a cup of coffee over?
Quote by gary-danne
Hi Fanny smile.....Adobe Photoshop is the most advanced and clever photo editing software available....sadly it is also the most complicated....thats why people goto college to learn how to use it....Have you tried photoshop elements this is the home user version and much easier to get on with on....apparently....also try my favourite paint shop pro....which was always easier to use....not done any photo editing for a couple of years much to the relief of people i work with.....did some great ones for work droppin peoples faces onto all sorts lol lol lol....anyway if you still want to persevere with photoshop try the link below.....

Gary xxx
Wish i still had that one where i dropped 2 of the guys faces onto a couple of shemales lol....

sorry its the photoshop elements we have
Quote by H-x
can i have the idiots guide to photoshop or at very least idiots guide to extracting the image from the background i got as far as doing the red and blue dogs then got lost :shock:

You could have a look at the 'for dummies' range of books, my library has a wide selection so you shouldn't have to buy it. Easiest way to take something out of the background is with the magic wand tool, or loso it but that takes a steady hand. If you copy a section and past it onto a new layer you can fidle with it without it effecting the background. Only way to get the hang of it really is practice.
Any ideas of what to do with a wireless keyboard that my adorable rolleyes cat spilt a cup of coffee over?
Thanks will go have a wander round the library cos that up there went abit over my head redface
are your keys sticking or is it still wet?
Quote by H-x
Any ideas of what to do with a wireless keyboard that my adorable rolleyes cat spilt a cup of coffee over?

Yep! Stop the cat from drinking coffe or at least get it a beaker with a lid on instead of a normal cup! :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug: :smug:
So pleased I could help with a techy problem! lol :lol: :lol: wink
Quote by H-x
can i have the idiots guide to photoshop or at very least idiots guide to extracting the image from the background i got as far as doing the red and blue dogs then got lost :shock:

You could have a look at the 'for dummies' range of books, my library has a wide selection so you shouldn't have to buy it. Easiest way to take something out of the background is with the magic wand tool, or loso it but that takes a steady hand. If you copy a section and past it onto a new layer you can fidle with it without it effecting the background. Only way to get the hang of it really is practice.
Any ideas of what to do with a wireless keyboard that my adorable rolleyes cat spilt a cup of coffee over?
Hi H-x ......Regarding the wireless keyboard....personally i would strip it down and see whats what....but if you dont fancy that....apparently popping water damaged items in a bag with lots of dry rice and putting in airing cupboard for a few days works wonders....good for mobiles and ipods etc so they say....never tried it myself smile....take batts out obviously....if that fails sell cat and buy another keyboard (kiddin).....:) it to me lol.....
Gary xxx
Dummies guide books are great....very user friendly....
Quote by gary-danne
....apparently popping water damaged items in a bag with lots of dry rice and putting in airing cupboard for a few days works wonders....

It doesn't sort out the keyboard but the coffee flavoured rice tastes great! lol :lol: :lol:
Not another feline-caffiene incident...
but the application...
now then, my machine tells me it's all switched on, enabled, all that.
But: There are ecrtain places where it won't allow access to chatrooms... not this site... others.
Whats that all about then?
Also... My wireless seems to have been disabled... not by me... not on purpose anyway... & for the life of me I can't get it sorted. Machine tells me it's a semi-permanant thing... how do Un-permanant it?
Have a terible and persistant damp patch in the bathroom... the water is seeping twixt the floor tiles to the extent that I have lime-scale on the floor. Suggestions?
Where can I get my hands on some easy-money? Sharpish?
Can I wire an electric shower into my bathroom ceiling-rose without running the risk of death simply to scrub me nuts?
Do I reallly have to get an RCD Fuse or whatever it is fitted to my box?
Fuse boxes frighten me.
How do I learn how to make friends and influence people... electronically... with this here netmachineweb... rather than through the mains and boobie traps (my old method)? This again brings me back to the fuse-box-phobia issues I mentioned earlier.
Speaking of which... without resorting to therapy (again), onlinewebwise or otherwise, how do I stop my machine from trying to persuade me to bad things to people...?
all help greatly appreciated.
Quote by __random_orbit__
Have a terible and persistant damp patch in the bathroom... the water is seeping twixt the floor tiles to the extent that I have lime-scale on the floor. Suggestions?
Stop weeing on the floor.
Where can I get my hands on some easy-money? Sharpish?
Monopoly set.
all help greatly appreciated.

my problems are solved.
My life is complete.
Thankyou Technical Corner.
Quote by gary-danne
okay..heres one for ya gary.
I have MSN....but the i opened it with now closed. So would like to simply change my address on there......without opening a new account..and trying to connact everyone to tell them.
Can it be done..and if so..can i have idiots guide please !!

Hi Dean...
Ok click on the link and sign in to the msn settings and stuff page that here you can change absolutely everything about your msn account....

Hope this works for you Dean....
Say hello to us on Friday at Derby social smile

woo..i owe you twice now gary......done and are clever sod you know.
Quote by __random_orbit__
Not another feline-caffiene incident...
but the application...
now then, my machine tells me it's all switched on, enabled, all that.
But: There are ecrtain places where it won't allow access to chatrooms... not this site... others.
Whats that all about then?

Not EVERY website has chatrooms hunny, maybe that's the reason dunno
The best way to tell is to look for clues, like a little button with 'Press here for Chatroom'. Google for instance, doesn't confused
And, come to think of it, nor does the BT website - so it looks like it's not as 'good to talk' as they advertise it is :?
Quote by __random_orbit__
Also... My wireless seems to have been disabled... not by me... not on purpose anyway... & for the life of me I can't get it sorted. Machine tells me it's a semi-permanant thing... how do Un-permanant it?

Your wireless what???? :confused:
If it's something like a wireless rubber duck for instance........ all it does is float in a bath anyway, so what do you want to 'unpermanent'? The sink facility?? What more do you want a rubber duck to do??? :confused:
Quote by __random_orbit__
Have a terible and persistant damp patch in the bathroom... the water is seeping twixt the floor tiles to the extent that I have lime-scale on the floor. Suggestions?

Leave it, eventually it will turn into Stalagmites, and your home will be a tourist attraction with tourists and allsorts visiting - how popular will you look then to your neighbours!!!!! cool
Quote by __random_orbit__
Where can I get my hands on some easy-money? Sharpish?

Charge everyone to see your Stalagmites 8-) 8-) 8-)
Quote by __random_orbit__
Can I wire an electric shower into my bathroom ceiling-rose without running the risk of death simply to scrub me nuts?
Do I reallly have to get an RCD Fuse or whatever it is fitted to my box?
Fuse boxes frighten me.

I would scrap the light idea - cos not sure what the tourists would do if they've come to see your stalagmites, only to find you stripped off with a wireless rubber duck that does nowt, and a set of bollocks they can see their reflection in :shock:
Quote by __random_orbit__
How do I learn how to make friends and influence people... electronically... with this here netmachineweb... rather than through the mains and boobie traps (my old method)? This again brings me back to the fuse-box-phobia issues I mentioned earlier.

Electronically making friends and influencing people - not sure about that. I suppose the best way would be a lottery win! 8-)
Failing that, you better get your ABC fuse thingy back out and start visiting them chat websites (excluding google and BT of course :? )
Quote by __random_orbit__
Speaking of which... without resorting to therapy (again), onlinewebwise or otherwise, how do I stop my machine from trying to persuade me to bad things to people...?

Easy, go wireless!!! biggrin
Just pull them there wires out, you don't need them! 8-)
Hi Random....
Ok deep breathe here we go....
Some chat rooms need java installing or their own brand of software etc.
More details on your wifi setup and probs please.
Ewwww dont get water on the floor.
Erm lol any credit card company smile.
Ok the electrics......Ceiling rose?? yes to be safe and to comply to elec cable at least 6mm and seperate earth run with it :)....seperate fuse also....get a proper sparky in....
Stop stalkin.....
Goto a shrink....
but Im sooo tiny already!
leave my ducky, Ducky!
Quote by Whipsnspurs
can i have the idiots guide to photoshop or at very least idiots guide to extracting the image from the background i got as far as doing the red and blue dogs then got lost :shock:

hi fanny, i use elements all the time. make a new layer of your picture. use the rubber to but out all the background. zoom in and delete each pixel to get a sharp edge and save. you can also get rid of the new background so that you can past the image onto another without anything but the image you want. if you can't do it send it to me and tell me exactly what you want and i'll do it for you.
pm me for my email if you want to.
thanks il give it a try does it take a steady hand?
Hi Gary,
I have msn and I used to keep history, I dont now. But it still saves it in my recieved files, which I have to delete via recycle bin.
My son was on the pc one day and I went into his recieved files and all my msn history was in there, yet he signs onto the pc under a different user name.
How can i stop my msn history being logged onto files?
Quote by Whipsnspurs
depends on how complicated the back ground is really. but if you zoom in to it you can pick things out better. just have a play, you should get it.

thanks will have a play
can you sort this one for me please
Here's a puzzle Gary...
my laptop has stopped making any noises - why?
I can't get sound from audio or film files, can't get sound if I play a dvd on it etc etc
Oh and yes, I have already checked and my sound isn't on mute... honest!
Help! I was babysitting last night and a very important game of paintpot pickup on CBeebies website just wasn't the same without the sound effects... at least not according to my nephew (I quite enjoyed it!)
ok... got my wireless back now... Archers and everything.
So Rubber Duckie is now fully wireless again also... though reception and attitude can vary, and indeed become rather startling now!
There he was... in the deep-end of the bath... pootling and paddling quite nicely to the strains of something freeform and relaxed... a crackle and a hiss... all of a sudden I have an axe-wielding topper-wearing duckie, in a style of drug crazed Slash...
not nice near toes, knee caps... or nadgers...
the technical world is fraught with danger.
"hello, Injury-Lawyers are Us?... yes, I've had dealings with Techical Corner, and I was wondering if you could....."
Quote by Theladyisaminx
Hi Gary,
I have msn and I used to keep history, I dont now. But it still saves it in my recieved files, which I have to delete via recycle bin.
My son was on the pc one day and I went into his recieved files and all my msn history was in there, yet he signs onto the pc under a different user name.
How can i stop my msn history being logged onto files?

Hi smile .....
Have looked into this and I know nothin is saved on my laptop when I log out of msn.....In msn goto "tools-options-messages".....make sure both message history boxes are not checked.....This should ensure nothin is saved.....Now if this fails to do as it should I would be tempted to uninstall messenger and download the latest version and put it in.....then first make sure those settings are not checked the first time you use it.....everytime you log off check to make sure they are doin as they should....msn does do some weird things sometimes.....basically on a shared comp its always best to check your history has gone.....try getting a prog called "window washer" that gets rid of all sorts......
Cheers Gary xxx
Quote by Ukwineman
can you sort this one for me please

Hi smile....
Can you put some more details in what chat rooms etc....I have never had a problem with Firefox and cant recommend it enough.....there are very few sites that dont work with firefox now....maybe try uninstalling your flash player.....if you are still struggling send me the addy of the chatroom that doesn't work......
Cheers Gary.....
Quote by noladreams30
Here's a puzzle Gary...
my laptop has stopped making any noises - why?
I can't get sound from audio or film files, can't get sound if I play a dvd on it etc etc
Oh and yes, I have already checked and my sound isn't on mute... honest!
Help! I was babysitting last night and a very important game of paintpot pickup on CBeebies website just wasn't the same without the sound effects... at least not according to my nephew (I quite enjoyed it!)

Hi smile.....
I would try goin into control panel and checkin to make sure your audio drivers are still selected and workin....Are you on XP or Vista??.....on XP goto "sounds and audio devices" in control panel....then click on the audio tab.....and make sure there is a sound card selected in "sound playback" default device can also double click on the volume control in the bottom right hand corner of your screen to check your settings.....
In Vista goto control panel and the "hardware and sound" section. In there you can check your audio settings....
Also if it is just sound from web sites that isnt workin try installin firefox and usin that instead of internet explorer as it is far faster and more reliable.....
These sort of probs are hard to fix without havin the machine in front of you but if that still dont sort it post again with your make and model of lappie....
Cheers Gary xxx