OK 9 yr old ... lives with her mum so we're spared that one but she's in a funny mood with us at the mo
next one is 7 going on 40 (must be the age easy!) and has the hormones and temper of a 14 year old. She's known as Kevin .... because "it's not faaaaaaaaaaaaaaair" and is in a permanent state of "if you want to live at your Dad's I can arrange it!"
Youngest is 4 - a delight generally but hard done to by his elder sisters and has started school this month so in a permanent state of tiredness at the moment.
Ous kids are hard done to compared to you lot though .... no TV allowed (ration of an hour a day) we don't own any computer consoles and the kids aren't allowed on the pc/internet :shock:
i'm pretty strict and if I raise my voice the kids run and hide because they know I mean business!!!!!