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I have a 13 year trying to sleep on the landing to `prove a point` (she gave up on the stairs themselves)
Hormone is violent again today. Been told off, which has proven to be `sooooooo unfair` and have been told not to ` expect me to get up tomorrow`. We were going to make the boy sleep with his elder sister tonight so that he doesn`t cross her, but decided PMT`s (16) room is too much of a health hazard.
So the boy (9) goes to bed, Hormone storms out of the bedroom, and comes downstairs.
She hovers with the door open, I carry on as normal, I don`t look up (I already know the stance, I don`t need to);
`Shut the door, it`s drafty.`
The door is shut, she leans up against it, arms folded.
`I`m not sleeping with him tonight.`
`Nor tomorrow night.`
`Or ever.`
`AND I`m not going to school tomorrow.`
(she just HAD to push it to a point she knew I`d argue with )
`Yes you are.`
`I don`t want to, why should I?!`
`Because the law says you should.`
`But I`m ill, I was off today.`
`You are well enough for school tomorrow.`
`How do you know.`
`I`m your mother.`
`but how do you know?! You`re not in my body, and I am, I feel like sh*t.` :huh: :huh: :huh:
`You didn`t feel like shit this evening, when you were outside.`
`I was sitting on the doorstep, making sure the boy didn`t get beaten up`
(no, just beating him up yourself weren`t you my dear?)
`You might feel better in the morning`
`I`m not going to school tomorrow`
`If you feel that ill I suggest you go to bed`
Hormone flounces off to sleep on the stairs. Not the hallway, not the landing, but the stairs.
Funnily enough it`s not me who can feel the discomfort of this, so I think I`ll leave her to it! :twisted:
She is coughing a lot though, a deep cough, so she may have to stay off after all.
She can ruddy well stay upstairs all day with that attitude!
Been looking at the B&Q website today, hopefully we will be able to seperate the big bedroom, within the next couple of months, so Hormone has her own space.
Come Christmas, when they have thier `inhouse` entertainment, I might even be able to forget they exist. banghead
Oooohhhhh Venus that could be our house... :shock: :shock:
Only difference is ours are boy 9 1/2 girl 7 going on 25......
I am trying to sort out a builder to get an extention built (yeah yeah I know... sad ) so that I can feckin well lock the little mad :x in their rooms......
Like i keep telling people that say they are thinking of having kids.... They are ungrateful, selfish, expensive, bad mannered, rude and feck up your social life.... WHY HAVE THEM??????....
If anyone is thinking of having children, please PM me and I will send you mine for a week.... Guaranteed to put you off for life!!... :x
Sex God
Ignore her, she'll get uncomfortable, bored, cold, and she'll soon end up in her own bed again................. unless she's like me after I decided I didn't want a bedroom when I was about her age and I spent the whole of my teenage years sleeping on the couch...... forget I said that :shock: ..... Anyways, even if she decided to live on the landing forever, you'll soon get used to stepping over her :eeek: rotflmao
Just to keep you ladys even more happy with your children.
Mine are... Boy 21 Girl 26.
Boy still at home and still borrowing from his mother, he has a good job ffs
Girl living away with grand daughter 4, whom we have just taken home after six weeks.
Can't get any respite from them no matter what age they are. mad :x
Love Grand daughter though.
Pretty much am ignoring it. I find the `cool calm unruffled` approach the best, it takes the patience of a saint to keep it up, but it`s definately the best approach. She will try to push her aggression onto something I HAVE to argue about though. :huh: She likes to try to push buttons.
Warming the Bed
OH thank goodness it is not just me and mine them and hate them in equal measure, well I do mine.
Crossing threads I am now totally grey due to daughter worry but Blond for a laugh!!!
Damn it grows out quick when hair is short!!!
Roots to be done soon
So back to teenagers, I am certain I was never as bad as mine are, can't be anything to do with own TVs , CDs Vids puters etc can it?
jerry almost merry
Wow; I was such a good little boy. :angel:
Quote by jericho
OH thank goodness it is not just me and mine them and hate them in equal measure, well I do mine.
Crossing threads I am now totally grey due to daughter worry but Blond for a laugh!!!
Damn it grows out quick when hair is short!!!
Roots to be done soon
So back to teenagers, I am certain I was never as bad as mine are, can't be anything to do with own TVs , CDs Vids puters etc can it?
jerry almost merry

Possibly not in our house, they don`t have them! Bloody well getting them this Christmas though, just so I can `zone them out`!
The PC and PS2 in our house are ours. They don`t get to use them for too long! :twisted:
TV is not used much either, Mars is always on the PS2! lol
Two of the three are readers (gasp) at the mo, the eldest always has been, Hormone has just discovered a series she enjoys, and the boy is just beginning to glean more of an interest too. I`m introducing him to `Horrible histories`
Roger, what went wrong?! wink
Sex God
Firstly a point of bad news for all those parents out there who are counting down the days til they get their house back.....
my brother is 38 years of age (almost 39) and he hasn't left home yet.
Also, our eldest child who is almost a teenager has all the tv, dvd, ps2, pc etc etc in his bedroom. What's next? If I had my way, a toaster, a microwave and a rope ladder from his bedroom window into the garden.
Enjoy them while they are around, time goes so quick.
Sex God
Quote by Ian_Mids
Firstly a point of bad news for all those parents out there who are counting down the days til they get their house back.....
my brother is 38 years of age (almost 39) and he hasn't left home yet.

Our youngest son (19) left home last November because he couldn't stand me nagging him to tidy his room. Ffs I don't think I saw his bedroom carpet for almost three years!!
He got a house share on a six month lease and when the lease expired at the end of April, guess what? He came home again!!! :censored:
Now I've tried nagging, bullying and everything I can to get him to move out again, but it seems he's back for the rest of our life. Gaaaaa!!!!!!!!!! banghead
Teenagers - every home should have one lol
Sex God
My child arrived just the other day;
Came to the world in the usually way
But there were planes to catch and bills to pay.
He learned to walk while I was away.
He was talkin' 'fore I knew it.
And as he grew he said,
"I'm gonna be like you, Dad.
You know I'm gonna be like you."
Chorus :
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man on the moon.
"When you comin' home ?"
"Son, I don't know when.
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
Well, my son turned ten just the other day.
He said , "Thanks for the ball, Dad. Come on, let's play.
Could you teach me to throw ?" I said, "Not today.
I got a lot to do." He said, "That's okay."
And he walked away and he smiled and he said,
"You know,
I'm gonna be like him, yeah.
You know I'm gonna be like him."
Well, he came from college just the other day,
So much like a man I just had to say,
"I'm proud of you. Could you sit for a while ?"
He shook his head and he said with a smile,
"What I'd really like, Dad, is to borrow the car keys.
See you later. Can I have them please ?"
Chorus :
And the cat's in the cradle and the silver spoon,
Little boy blue and the man on the moon.
"When you comin home, Son ?"
"I don't know when.
We'll get together then.
You know we'll have a good time then."
I've long since retired, my son's moved away.
I called him up just the other day.
"I'd like to see you, if you dont mind."
He said, "I'd love to, Dad, if I could find the time.
You see my new job's a hassle and the kids have the flu,
But it's sure nice talkin' to you, Dad.
It's been sure nice talkin' to you."
And as I hung up the phone it occurred to me,
He'd grown up just like me.
My boy was just like me.
(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle Lyrics
Oh BTW ours is 7 going on 40. God I hope he's got it all out of his system before he hits his teens or me, him and a shovel are gonna take a walk to the bottom of the garden. evil (joke.................... I think :shock: lol )
Warming the Bed
I'm so happy with my current sleep patern I think I'm putting off having kids (which will inevitably grow into teenagers) until I'm in my thirties I think.
....Second thought make that fourties. ;)
Warming the Bed
Mark Twain had the right idea "male children should be put in a barrell & fed through the bung hole, when(if) they reach maturity you can let them out or put the cork in"
Feel for you guys, my little miss often ends up asleep in the hall, luckily I can just pick her up and dump her in bed smile
Still I got 7 years till teens.. making the most of it...
Seems to me there's an aweful lot to be said about Boarding School. Get rid of the buggers for about 8 months of the year!
Crossing threads I am now totally grey due to daughter worry but Blond for a laugh!!!
Damn it grows out quick when hair is short!!!
Sounds familiar.....
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Fuck the builder and spend the money on beer sounds like a plan indeed...
How about it honey ???
Dont forget to put aside enough for my new motor
:P :P
Quote by easy
Ugly Kid Joe - Cats In The Cradle Lyrics
Just had to correct you there Easy, UKJ was a cover of the original Harry Chapin song, but I'm glad you brought it up ,so relevant and such a beautiul song.
Quote by steve-shireen
Fuck the builder
Is that in part payment?
Our little girl is 7 and she hates school, she often puts on fake illness' just for a day off then recovers by dinnertime. My lad is 3 and he loves playschool he cries because he cant go more. Luckly enough they have there own bedrooms but the lad is always in my daughters because she has a tele in hers.
Yeah thanks Venus for scarring the shit out of us,its great to know what weve got to look forward to confused
Awww Steve, everything Hormone is doing is natural, she`s easy(ish)
I have an older child, she was a bloody nightmare (settling down now she`s at college). :shock:
Quote by JudyTV
It is also a pretty sad state of affairs when people say "I can see why a parent throws in the towel and just disappears" unfortunately I too at times can see why this happens.

I just buggered off to America for three weeks before I committed murder lol
Missed my plane home too, PMT simmered down a little after that, worried I`d done it on purpose!
Quote by steve-shireen

Crossing threads I am now totally grey due to daughter worry but Blond for a laugh!!!
Damn it grows out quick when hair is short!!!
Sounds familiar.....
lol :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Erm................ Rack off Stephen!!! mad
Quote by steve-shireen
Fuck the builder and spend the money on beer sounds like a plan indeed...
How about it honey ???
Dont forget to put aside enough for my new motor
:P :P

If the builders good looking who am I to complain... dunno
Mind you the rate the little "angels" (and I used the term loosely mad ) are going we wont need an extra bedroom as there wont be children to go in them!!
Builders?! I`m building the partition myself!
Wonder if I`ll be able to board on of the teens up in there....accidently you understand!
Quote by VenusnMars
Builders?! I`m building the partition myself!
Wonder if I`ll be able to board on of the teens up on there....accidently you understand!

I've thought about it Venus trust me.... My need to seperate then is that great...
I have already bought the locks for the doors, ones that go on the outside wink
Ahhhh.... Teenagers you got to love them, we have a 14 year old and boy does he like to make a will proberly be laughing about all the things he does when he's older but not right now he doesn't have a sense of humour.
We have two children aged 6 1/2 and one just turned 3. They are pretty good kids really, just very active. They fight and bicker, then cry for each other when they go to their different schools. confused I also cant wait until the eldest is old enough to babysit and we can get out more lol
They enjoy school and my daughter is doing very well and keeping up with most of the class despite a disability. My daughter also gets her and her brothers own brekkie in the morning (we leave the cereals and bowls out in the morning). My friend moaned at me about this, but I think that why should I stop her from being responsible and independent if she wants to be? I think its a good attitude for her to take, and will make her responsible for her own actions in the future and less likely to be lazy surely?
I loved reading the lyrics to that song, cos although i pull my hair out with the pair of them at times, i know that times flying by. :inlove:
Quote by GenHertsCpl
but I think that why should I stop her from being responsible and independent if she wants to be? I think its a good attitude for her to take, and will make her responsible for her own actions in the future and less likely to be lazy surely?

Spot on! However, don`t be alarmed if this doesn`t help when they hit 13, you`ll be able to tell if it`s a lack of parenting, or if it`s just the natural teen laziness, by whether they just turn into pigs in your house, or whether it remains the same wherever they go.
Hormone is wonderfully tidy in OTHER PEOPLES houses. rolleyes
My daughter is ten and is already acting like a teenager haha poor wean just her age and I know that her hormones are all over the place but she knows what to expect and although I know she will probably get more moody etc Im sure well cope together! Shes a good wean Im really lucky to have her biggrin hormonal little shite hehe smile