What can't I resist....?
Temptation :twisted:
Corrupting others :twisted:
An obvious opportunity for a pisstake
Being bad :twisted:
So...... it appears that many of us are tempted by ordinary everyday things..... although also by the entanglement of desire..... a very powerful temptation indeed.....
And how often do you resist??????????
equi-princess xxx
p.s. severely tempted but resisting at the moment.............
ooh and i also find it very hard to not flash a peeps!
love to bend over that little bit more at the shops next to a man and see his eyes looking down my cleavage! :twisted:
Can't resist :-
1. Oysters
2. Champagne
3. Lobsters
4. Shopping
5. My Guy
and not necessarily in that order .........................lol
A woman that is enthusiastic and bubbly does it for me. Stony faced with a far away look doesnt.