I am in no way having a dig at anyone, or the new systems we have in place on Swinging Heaven.
In my time here, and in helping to, and in organising social gatherings; I’ve seen many posts and PMs asking about Munches/Social etc and what they are/what happens etc etc. I don’t think I’ve seen a thread devoted to the subject – so here goes.
Why does it matter ?
Because I think everybody has a right to know at the outset, what to expect. There has been quite a large influx of newer members, that “we†sometimes no longer give enough time to. So much so, I’d be upset to think they would see some of the posts in LMU about “socials†and be misinformed by what they read.
I know the Mods are loathed to get involved in further “legislation†or definitions, but for reasons I’ll go into, I think something needs to be said outloud and in public by somebody.
So I’ll say it, and take it on the chin where necessary.
We have a clearly defined definition of “What is a Munch†here
But more often lately, the term “Social†is being used. Partly, I believe, to get round/comply with the rules contained in the official Munch definition and the posting across two or more other sites.
Another reason for the confusion is, I think the influx of people to the forum, particularly LMU, from the chatrooms and Photo Ads now that we have the unified log in.
So .. . . . . . . .
I think maybe a little clarification is needed.
I think there are three levels of social gatherings and it really is just simply a question of size/number of attendees, facilities available; and who is allowed to attend. Although -the question of who is allowed to attend what is a completely whole other subject that I also believe needs to be re-addressed before very much longer – in a thread of it’s own.
And I specifically use the word SOCIAL.
They should ALL be social gatherings. The behaviour and attitudes of people should be the same at all of them. And their purpose is unchanged, regardless of size; and that purpose is to socialise with, and meet socially, other members/swingers.
A no pressure/expectation environment.
Munches, Mini-Munches, and Socials.
And then there are what I would call “meets†for the purposes of “playingâ€
Munches are defined HERE so I’m not going to labour that point, other than to say that as far as I’m concerned, the main criteria is the separation from vanilla people with regards to the room, the bar and toilets. Please; if you haven't read it, do so.
Mini-Munches are just simply Munches on a smaller scale, for fewer people. The requirement for segregation from vanillas not being part of the criteria. The best examples I can give are the Leicester and two Burton Mini Munches. Not much help to those not there, I know.
At the Leicester, organised by Steph and Lovecommando a good while ago, half of the pub was screened off for us, but we shared the bar and toilets with the “normal clientele†At Burton, we sort of took over one section of the pub, but again shared the bar and other facilities; and were in full view of the whole pub.
This seems to be where the grey area is showing itself in the forums.
I’ve always viewed posts about socials to be where maybe a dozen or so of us gather in a pub/eatery, take a couple of tables, or a corner for a few drink and a chat and giggle.
It seems to me, and I’m sure a few others, that some of the “socials†being posted are more a pre-playing “meet†to see who wants to shag who.
I’m not knocking that, I’m just saying that there should be a difference in the terminology and postings.
In the worst case scenario (for me) I wouldn’t want to go to the “trouble†of driving 20 or 30 miles for a social to find that after an hour, people start thinning out to go off shagging.
On reflection – I actually think we could do with a site sanctioned definition of all three “Social Gatherings†in the terminology sections. At least that way, people would have both a yard stick, and a reference point.
I would also ask that people organising “chatroom style get-togethers†title their threads as such. And as meetings/meets rather than “Socialsâ€
But please - overall – I am NOT wanting to have or start, a “Them and Us†situation.