Since I have travelled a bit (not a lot, just a bit) I have been called a few things that make me laugh.
All seem to be bird related. What are the common names for where you come from?
Leeds - Love
Cumbria - Marra (similar to marrow)
aaawww Mrs FC darlin
its well meant
My mum's a Derbyshire Lass born and bred she uses Chuck, Chicken, Pigeon!!!!!
I use Darling or sweetheart a lot.
The only people I've ever heard use Duck are those from Yorks or who have moved into the area.
Someone called me a div the other day. Apparently it's a term of endearment in the north. Down here it means you're a bit dumb :shock:
Yeah Div is defo a harsh term of endearment.
In the mids, its usually mate or Boss.
For the ladies, flower, petel, canderal (or is that just me-jee im such a dickhead)
Deadwood is also a up and coming term, usually implied to someone junior to yourself for example
"Oi, deadwood, did you get the sambo's?"
" Yeah!"
" i ordered on brown.......bloody deadwood"
People often call me Sarge as a term of endearment !!
WBB uses "Bilko" as her way of being nice to me!!!
North East - chicken?????????????/
As a gal from the north east i have never used that expression in any term of endearment!!!!!!
Have you been dreaming ..................
Weirdly enough me mum always calls me:
Hiya cock :shock:
Us northern folk are weird sumtimes
I can do a wicked Somerset accent. Unfortunately it comes in the form of a slightly offensive ditty. I recited it to a Taxi Driver from there..................
He was NOT happy.
*think Venus, THINK! :doh:
Bristol - Moy luvverrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr