Well have just got home from WRATS absolutely wonderful wedding celebration. For now I will just say thank you WRATS for a wonderful event, totally brilliantly organised with guests new and old to meet. Lots of memories of the evening and many more will come back soon , Bernie and Bassman want to say thanks as well and I am sure we will all say something more once we get energy levels back up lol.
Can we do this every year at the WRATS ???????????????????????????? please please please
Love Corrie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It didn't look like that on the packet!
Is it the right way up?
yer thanks to u both we had an amazing night and loads of fun thank you
hope to see u again soon we wish u all the best
thanks again
love leonie n adam
A HUGE Thank you to allowing me to invade your home again!
Had a wonderful weekend, your both wonderful hosts and i wish you every happiness in your union!
chaos x
ps. If anyone saw me drunk, do anything stupid or say anything stupid. Then i must remind them it was all a dream and didn't happen!
Well what a weekend!! Only just got home!
Thanks to Rose and Staggy for a wonderful time, you guys know how to throw a party! Congrats again to a fantastic couple.
Was great to see everyone and meet some new faces. Anyone that has pics from the weekend, please PM me a copy, would love to see them.
a party would never be a party wth out guests and we just had grrrrrrrrrrrreat guests
btw the party finished an hour ago, ok we had to change venues but luckily some of our guests came with us........
Everytime I see the name Sassy ( which I take it is the Mistress ) I keep thinking I've had an out of body experience :shock:
sounds like you had a great time and I'm gutted I had to cancel :cry:
id like to just say a few words
firstly we know we singled vicky out with our little award for being OUR ANGEL, thats because she has been consistently every ones angel at every party she goes to, does she deserve a rest or what????????? but we are fully aware there were others who really got stuck in to keeping on top of things, i am not going to name names but i saw you cleaning cooking prepping and generally allowing us to be hosts, thanks.
staggy n rose
Rose and Staggy - thanks so much for a fantastic weekend!
Huge kisses to old friends and new, and extra special kisses for a few people who know who they are. ;)
Cocoa x