normally scream and shout at the pc, or just have a little stroke lol
well .... I fit in some work during those 5mins (on office PC at the mo). You have got to make an effort sometime.
on my 5th or 6th wait, its all too much
i get a cup of tea or the rampant rabbit out in those 5 annoying minutes x
I'm trying to get in at the mo and cant :cry:
So will have to go out and find some entertainment lol
not one to normally complain, but yes its getting on my nerves.
Cannot log into chat and when it takes you to a blank room there is no log out optuon , so your left stranded for 5 mins.
if a certin server is down can admin not turn that one off so we dont get sent to it on log in?
lou xxx
One might say "get a life". but not me... wanna get in too :cry:
:therethere: awwhhhh
im getting tired of being rejected by a server lol
xxx lou xxx
Not wishing to bee seen complaining but its about time these problems got sorted. They have been going on for months.
I just clicked to open the chatroom to see exactly what I would do for the next 5 minutes and the ferkin' thing opened first time :shock: :cry:
Well I fucking well tossing well sodding well give up. There's only 600 people in there, a third of the usual total, and it just DOESN'T WORK! And YES I'm SHOUTING if that's OK, or even if it isn't.
im not impressed at all dodgy to say the least...still waiting to get on and you are trying to get yearly subscriptions hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..