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The Black Art of The SH site

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Warming the Bed
Hello and greetings to you All!
I'm a 39 yr old male from London, I did foolishly think that I was a confident individual, but two days into this site and I'm still wondering where to start! One doesn't want to jump in feet first and end up flat on one's face or Arse!! or give the impression of being one either! I did venture into the Chat room and found that completely overwhelming where you either were a complete novice or SH member who knew everybody! I just about mentioned a hello and that was it!! Watching for a while I saw what not to do but not what to do!!!
I guess what I'm ask is at what stage and more importantly how do you get to make the leap from greenhorn to expert, and whilst I guess it would be nice to meet up for some fun I am also looking forward to chatting with some interesting people!
I guess I'm also wondering if this is normal or I'm I just out on a limb...
Sex God
Hi there, why not get yourself a mentor to help you along on the forum. See the sticky post at the top of this forum.
Welcome to SH btw... we were all newbies once, chill cool 8-) 8-)
Hi there
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy yourself here. The best advice to give and I am sure you will get this advice a lot, is to join in on the forums and get yourself known.
I also find the chatroom very frustrating so don't often go in there!
Take care
Sex God
Oh now this could be tricky ! confused
Jacket flung off !!! biggrin :D Just get talking in the cafe and see how you feel .........Interaction is soooo much better.... :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:
As for the chatroom ! :silly: I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
So I stay here.......... rolleyes
Just stick around and have some fun wink
Warming the Bed
thanks for the words of encouragement
Don't worry 'bout it - we've all been there, but as has been said already, watch the threads, put an opinion in where you want ( but respectful and not abusive ), and you will slowly over the weeks get yourself known - and have fun. Just think of it as going to a new pub and trying to make friends there, you can't butt in and be their best mate straight away - but take your time and they'd all want your company.
Sex God
Quote by MrsFC
I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
Sex God
Quote by RAcingGreen
Hello and greetings to you All!
I'm a 39 yr old male from London, I did foolishly think that I was a confident individual, but two days into this site and I'm still wondering where to start! One doesn't want to jump in feet first and end up flat on one's face or Arse!! or give the impression of being one either! I did venture into the Chat room and found that completely overwhelming where you either were a complete novice or SH member who knew everybody! I just about mentioned a hello and that was it!! Watching for a while I saw what not to do but not what to do!!!
I guess what I'm ask is at what stage and more importantly how do you get to make the leap from greenhorn to expert, and whilst I guess it would be nice to meet up for some fun I am also looking forward to chatting with some interesting people!
I guess I'm also wondering if this is normal or I'm I just out on a limb...

Awwww RacingGreen :therethere: That post just brought back all my newbie memories, that was exactly how I felt!
I would say go and find some easy going threads to add to, the ones where you can put an opinion or something - Polo Ladys threads (shoes, months, dance etc) that are around at the moment are a good start, gives us a little insight to you by how you answer the questions and vice versa.
Then before you know it, you will have worn your posting boots in and there will be no stopping you! biggrin
Have fun and welcome kiss
Know what you mean Racing as I am confident in company but coming on sites like this does make you feel vulnerable.
Everybody has been great but it's still the daunting experience of being be honest it gives me a thrill as well.
Have to admit though I'm sure one member probably thinks I'm a stalker as I regularly ask her for validation that I'm not coming over as a complete not to appear as being too weak but probably making it look worse. biggrin
But honestly it's posting in the forums rather than chat.I had the same problem with the 's a lot better site than any other I've tried by miles.
Sex God
Quote by davej
I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I'll second that...... :shock: :shock: :shock:
Sex God
Quote by PlymstockSteve
I regularly ask her for validation that I'm not coming over as a complete cock.

Nah don't worry about that - only start fretting if you find your name changed to PlymCockSteve :lol2:
Sex God
I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I'll second that...... :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
For you both !! I'm a quite soul and shy I will have you know ! rolleyes
Quote by MrsFC
I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I'll second that...... :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
For you both !!I'm a quite soul and shy I will have you know ! rolleyes
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Warming the Bed
thanks for the word of encouragement again....So I went ahead and started a little discussion advice thing....
Quote by MrsFC
I just can't talk quick enough .......... :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

:shock: :shock: :shock:
I'll second that...... :shock: :shock: :shock:
:shock: :shock: :shock: smackbottom :smackbottom: :smackbottom: :smackbottom:
For you both !! I'm a quite soul and shy I will have you know ! rolleyes
Can't talk quick enough I'll swallow - 'cos even at your speed you might want to talk quicker - but quiet soul and shy? Hmmmm??
MrsFC there seems to be some credibility gap.I for one don't know but here does seem some scepticism on others parts on your skills.
biggrin :D :D :D
Quote by RAcingGreen
I guess what I'm ask is at what stage and more importantly how do you get to make the leap from greenhorn to expert

It's a funny thing that, there are so many people on here that I consider as the regulars, the core people on the site. One of them posted me last night and said that it was good to meet me 'the (very flattering word indeed) marms at last'. Now, that took me a little by surprise as the guy in question was one of the guys that I consider to be a core member, and in comparison I consider myself a bit of a noob! It looks like he felt similar things about me.
So in answer, I don't think there is a point when you wake up and suddenly you have gone from noob to regular, just be and add a little to the community that is SH, everyone has something good to contribute.
Hi again everybody,
I have to agree the chat site is really hard to follow.( I can type fast enough)
but much prefer to come in here.
I'm also a newbie and finding my feet, and sometimes you feel have i said
the wrong thing. or seemed really stupid.
But I thought be my self and be honest and see what happens.
The regulars on here seem really nice and lots of people post often
I've joined in some funny threads and polls and had fun.
we are coming to the munch and cant wait to meet you all
Hello there smile
Oooooh I remember being new once and petrified - it took me a while and what I felt after a while of posting was that people were like me some shy in real life and brave on here and vice versa. I am very slowly starting to post on here again having had an extended break and reading millions of past posts it makes me realise that its like the Archers you can leave it and come back and its like you were never away, new faces but same comradeship that made this the place I wanted to stay. I am fatter, wiser and happier from having a break (oh and far more sober ) but coming back gives you a warm feeling mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Stick in here and take it tongue in cheek :)
Nice introduction. Welcome to SH :cheers:
You're welcome to drop by one of my laybys for a cuppa and a bacon butty any time!
:P wink :grin: :grin:
Master of Sex
Quote by marmalaid
I guess what I'm ask is at what stage and more importantly how do you get to make the leap from greenhorn to expert

It's a funny thing that, there are so many people on here that I consider as the regulars, the core people on the site. One of them posted me last night and said that it was good to meet me 'the (very flattering word indeed) marms at last'. Now, that took me a little by surprise as the guy in question was one of the guys that I consider to be a core member, and in comparison I consider myself a bit of a noob! It looks like he felt similar things about me.
So in answer, I don't think there is a point when you wake up and suddenly you have gone from noob to regular, just be and add a little to the community that is SH, everyone has something good to contribute.
I'll probably be shot down in flames for this smile but ............................Marmalaid you really do post some very sensible stuff!! However I get the impression that sensible and Marmalaid are not words that often appear in the same sentence? wink rolleyes
Quote by corriefem
Hello there smile
Oooooh I remember being new once and petrified - it took me a while and what I felt after a while of posting was that people were like me some shy in real life and brave on here and vice versa. I am very slowly starting to post on here again having had an extended break and reading millions of past posts it makes me realise that its like the Archers you can leave it and come back and its like you were never away, new faces but same comradeship that made this the place I wanted to stay. I am fatter, wiser and happier from having a break (oh and far more sober ) but coming back gives you a warm feeling mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Stick in here and take it tongue in cheek :)

Good to see you, friend biggrin so your laptop has allowed you in today then?
Quote by marmalaid
Hello there smile
Oooooh I remember being new once and petrified - it took me a while and what I felt after a while of posting was that people were like me some shy in real life and brave on here and vice versa. I am very slowly starting to post on here again having had an extended break and reading millions of past posts it makes me realise that its like the Archers you can leave it and come back and its like you were never away, new faces but same comradeship that made this the place I wanted to stay. I am fatter, wiser and happier from having a break (oh and far more sober ) but coming back gives you a warm feeling mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Stick in here and take it tongue in cheek :)

Good to see you, friend biggrin so your laptop has allowed you in today then?
ello marms :) yep its a troublesom little fella but every now and again it lets me have some fun :)
Quote by Alleyson
I guess what I'm ask is at what stage and more importantly how do you get to make the leap from greenhorn to expert

It's a funny thing that, there are so many people on here that I consider as the regulars, the core people on the site. One of them posted me last night and said that it was good to meet me 'the (very flattering word indeed) marms at last'. Now, that took me a little by surprise as the guy in question was one of the guys that I consider to be a core member, and in comparison I consider myself a bit of a noob! It looks like he felt similar things about me.
So in answer, I don't think there is a point when you wake up and suddenly you have gone from noob to regular, just be and add a little to the community that is SH, everyone has something good to contribute.
I'll probably be shot down in flames for this smile but ............................Marmalaid you really do post some very sensible stuff!! However I get the impression that sensible and Marmalaid are not words that often appear in the same sentence? wink rolleyes
Thanks for the compliment, Alleyson, I am sometimes complex, but mostly simple and shallow biggrin ooh, and now Corrie's back, a bit of a c*nt on ocassions if I remember correctly...
Quote by marmalaid
Thanks for the compliment, Alleyson, I am sometimes complex, but mostly simple and shallow biggrin ooh, and now Corrie's back, a bit of a c*nt on ocassions if I remember correctly...

redface surprisedops: well I did delete that one .............................. hahahahahahahaha
Quote by corriefem

Thanks for the compliment, Alleyson, I am sometimes complex, but mostly simple and shallow biggrin ooh, and now Corrie's back, a bit of a c*nt on ocassions if I remember correctly...

redface surprisedops: well I did delete that one .............................. hahahahahahahaha
And I missed it, all I saw in the end was the edited version, that's what you get for only logging on from work (apart from now, obviously!)
Sex God
I'm still a greenhorn waiting to go to expert! and I've worn out at least 5 pairs of posting boots on the way. :shock:
I'm waiting for my next munch, as I haven't been to that many :shock: lol
Welcome to SH and have fun
Quote by Sarah
I'm still a greenhorn waiting to go to expert! and I've worn out at least 5 pairs of posting boots on the way. :shock:
I'm waiting for my next munch, as I haven't been to that many :shock: lol
Welcome to SH and have fun

:shock: Has the Masquerade Ball started already then? That can't really be Sarah!
Quote by freckledbird
I'm still a greenhorn waiting to go to expert! and I've worn out at least 5 pairs of posting boots on the way. :shock:
I'm waiting for my next munch, as I haven't been to that many :shock: lol
Welcome to SH and have fun

:shock: Has the Masquerade Ball started already then? That can't really be Sarah!
Took the words right out of my mouth! ( can't have been as you were kissing me - we haven't kissed! Memo to self...rectify that situation at the next munch! wink :lol: )
Quote by smokerjim
I'm still a greenhorn waiting to go to expert! and I've worn out at least 5 pairs of posting boots on the way. :shock:
I'm waiting for my next munch, as I haven't been to that many :shock: lol
Welcome to SH and have fun

:shock: Has the Masquerade Ball started already then? That can't really be Sarah!
Took the words right out of my mouth! ( can't have been as you were kissing me - we haven't kissed! Memo to self...rectify that situation at the next munch! wink :lol: )
Ooooerrrrrrr redface