Amoungst my circle of friends there apparently exists a code that says any girl or guy that has been dating your friend will always be out of bounds, apparently its wrong to date your friends ex. Personally i always make the *all's fair in love and war* comment but get hissed at, what does everyone else think about this?
Here Drew:
She dumped my friend ages ago and has apparently become smitten with me. Shes not really "his"anymore but because of this rule of his it apparently would make me a bad friend if i pursued a relationship with this girl.
Is she a swinger?
Never understood that "rule" and the one rule I always lived by was "never persue a friends (insert apostrophe in the correct position please) current partner". Ex partners are a whole different ball game though :twisted:
I know a few intimate details about her like the fact she wants to have an orgy, i may suggest to her that she join this site!
To be honest, unless i was deeply in love with the girl and couldnt be with anyone else then i wouldnt go there. If that was the case, i would speak to my mate first.
it would prob annoy your mate and if its just for a shag then why would you do that?
unless your a shit friend, and a shallow, desperate wee w@nker???
it was always odd in the part of east london where i use to live on how "the code" worked for blokes...
It really depended on who did the initial dumping
if it was the girl who dumped the bloke, then it was taken that you would ask first.... normally bloke would say "go for it" and everything was sorted...
if it was the bloke who dumped the girl.... all bets were off.... fair game, no questions!!!
Well the reason that im asking is because my friend went out with a girl that ripped his heart out and treated him like dirt....well shes apparently madly in love with me according to her friend (doesnt she know im a horrible little bastard:P) and i thought for a second i would think about morals, ive just remembered that have none though.
It sounds like she wants to cover her tracks, by preventing you being your mate's shoulder to cry on; and so stemming the flow of gossip and bitterness. Or she's just supremely insecure and incompetent.
But if you are the devious and unscrupled operator, you might enjoy the ride that is ahead of you.
Of course none of this might never have entered your mind without the aiding and abetting of her friend the messenger. The ultimate vanilla interloper.
Juicy stuff, play your own game, enjoy.
I gave her a text yesterday asking if she fancied A) going shopping B) having some coffee C) having cocktails in my room an getting plastered.
She opted for C), pitty i dont have a bedroom anymore....
Should of stated that i dont have my own room anymore....i live in a tiny one bedroom flat with my dad (at the moment) cant really bring a girl into a room i share with my dad....thats a bit rude
I was dating Mr W's best mate. He instigated a threesome. I preferred Mr W. I instigated a break up. Best mate said to Mr W "if you want to go out with her thats fine." Mr W went out with me, best mate gave himself status of ex best mate. Best mate then tried his damndest to get me back behind mr W's back. He failed.
17 years on, my advice is- do not expect to keep them both long term.