What memories make you
Share em n bin em in the cringe bin to be forgotten forever :scared: or give everyone a giggle :giggle:
Just some light hearted friday fun
heres a couple of mine :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Aged 7 i found a folder under parents bed whilst playing hide n seek with brother whilst my mam was having a princess house party downstairs, my dad was in the middle of moving out and i saw that his name was written on it so off i goes downstairs with the folder to give to mam to put in his bags
gets in to the living room shouts as loud as i could "mam this is dads" during which tripping over a box fell flat on my face and the folder had fell and opened scattered and spread about 10 dirty magazines (quite kinky stuff aswel) well they lay open in front of me and 20 guests :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: :eeek: my mam died of shame i went bright red as i didnt realise what was in the folder :embarrased2: :embarrased2: :embarrased2: :embarrased2:
The second night dek spend at my house, the first night had been a one night stand and obviously i hadnt told anyone yet as it was still very early days so were sat on the couch me sucking his cock and in walks my mam n step dad ops: they had their own key and was used to letting themselves in and we had the music on loud so hadnt heard them after composing ourselfs we got 9 million questions thrown at us as we tried to explain in a nice way it was just sex at the time they were asking very parenty questions like whats your intentions etc (they used to think i was a good girl) dek sat there not knowing what to do with a hard on still raging both had very red faces :sticky: :sticky:
My first 50 or so threads and posts :doh: :doh: what ever possessed me
will be back with more later
Tan x