Our intro into all of this fun has been within the past 6 months andall of it while living in France. Our French is not great so learnig the etiquete, rules and just general chatting is a little more difficult even more so for Julie who normally has her mouth full .
We have visited the saunas here a few times and we sometimes feel like the novelty couple (specially when we get an email from a Frech couple asking "was that Julie crying Oh my god! last night").

To get the point - has anyone got any experience of the French swinging scene - is there such thngs as private parties, how common are these (and are they common in the UK) or is it mainly, clubs, saunas and couple to couple meet ups. We are kinda looking for a few more couples to mix it up a bit more.:twisted:
Although we are newbies we have learnt rather fast and eager to graduate :shock: :lol: and asking how to talk dirtly in our French language class is rather funny.