I have found the recipie and will post this evening.
BTW they are a very nice chocolate flavour :grin:
Quote by LiaisonsThanks for posting the oven isn't working right now,else i would've tried to make them.
Well do try dunking a jaffa, you won't regret it!
btw has anyone baked a batch of biscuits from my recipie yet?
Jayma, if I ever get some soggy bits at the bottom from a rich tea or the like, I don't swallow them, we don't do that sort of thing down south.
Quote by Liaisons
Well do try dunking a jaffa, you won't regret it!
btw has anyone baked a batch of biscuits from my recipie yet?
Jayma, if I ever get some soggy bits at the bottom from a rich tea or the like, I don't swallow them, we don't do that sort of thing down south.
Quote by jaymar
Well do try dunking a jaffa, you won't regret it!
btw has anyone baked a batch of biscuits from my recipie yet?
Jayma, if I ever get some soggy bits at the bottom from a rich tea or the like, I don't swallow them, we don't do that sort of thing down south.
Quote by masquerade
Well do try dunking a jaffa, you won't regret it!
btw has anyone baked a batch of biscuits from my recipie yet?
Jayma, if I ever get some soggy bits at the bottom from a rich tea or the like, I don't swallow them, we don't do that sort of thing down south.
Quote by anais
Oooooo, was just thinkihg of my gran and how she used to dip her toast in tea! :? :?
Is tea or coffeee better for dunking? Personally prefer a strong cuppa tea...
Liaisons, recipe looks good....not tried it though as my ovens broken :? :?
Quote by devondelight
Oooooo, was just thinkihg of my gran and how she used to dip her toast in tea! :? :?
I bet that was cause she didn't have teeth to chew her toast with .. I had a relative with similar problems and solutions lol