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The king and queen of swinging heaven who would you confirm

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Cant vote since I'm supposed to be dead :giggle:
Quote by Tan--Kinky
Cant vote since I'm supposed to be dead :giggle:

well I'll have your vote then!!!! :bounce:
Quote by travlinmanukok
Queen Freckle..... :giggle:

Bugger off! smackbottom :smackbottom:
I lead my case ?????????????? hence .....
what a fantastic site ....
Trav man....Freckle pm'd me to point out that was in jest..which was nice but unnecessary as i took it in jest...
ohh fencing, lol
it will be jousting next
Quote by Sarah
ohh fencing, lol
it will be jousting next

will you be partaking or is your love affair with horses over... biggrin
Quote by Mark_July
ohh fencing, lol
it will be jousting next

will you be partaking or is your love affair with horses over... biggrin
I'll be the lady in waiting, on the side lines please
Quote by meat2pleaseu

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
I agree with you on that lol
Quote by meat2pleaseu

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date..................... :roll:
Quote by markz

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date..................... :roll:
Don't type so much, you'll wear out your wanking hand :roll:
Quote by meat2pleaseu

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date..................... :roll:
Don't type so much, you'll wear out your wanking hand :roll:
its ok I perfected a foot method........... :mrgreen:
Quote by markz

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date..................... :roll:
Does Markz, get alerts when his name is mentioned on here? :roll:
Quote by Mr-Powers

Kings...Flower,R_orbit,markz,...(bear as he is Bambie's bit of stuff),

Surely you have him on the wrong list, he's born to be the village idiot wherever he is rolleyes
Save your breath...You'll need it to blow up your date..................... :roll:
Does Markz, get alerts when his name is mentioned on here? :roll:
Who said that............ :mrgreen:
Quote by varca
I think Meaty texts Markz :grin:

I think they do more than that rolleyes
Quote by varca
I think Meaty texts Markz :grin:

I think they do more than that rolleyes
I can see it now... picture the scene... a moonlit beach, waves crashing against the dunes, passion is in the air..... Markz and Meaty running towards eachother along the shore, the welks and mussels :roll: as they trip along, although the winkles in the sand do tend to get a little excited :grin:
Ok I am ducking for cover now :giggle:
I'm now too scared to go to sleep now...the nightmares will never end! :shock:
Mind you, if I had someone in bed with me...... innocent
Quote by varca
I'm told Markz does not wriggle too much ;) :grin:

He won't if you tie the ropes correctly :giggle:
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
queen sassy
king choon
lady's in waiting nola, varca,mrs bone
dungeon keeper sarah
master of the serving wenches mal
court jesters res and brucie
village idiot markz
court musican dollop

Does that mean I get first dibs on all the ladies in waiting? :twisted:
Quote by vodka_babe22uk
queen sassy
king choon
lady's in waiting nola, varca,mrs bone
dungeon keeper sarah
master of the serving wenches mal
court jesters res and brucie
village idiot markz
court musican dollop

I shall only agree if I get to wear one of those medieval dresses with a plunging neckline and big wide sleeves. wink
Quote by brucie

I nominate Bloke a king

surely bioke would prefer being nominated as Queen???
Quote by bluexxx
For Queen I nominate Bloke..... lol wink

Keep up, Brucie - or is jetlag setting in? :shock:
Let's have a republic.
Quote by noladreams
I shall only agree if I get to wear one of those medieval dresses with a plunging neckline and big wide sleeves. wink

Nola in a plunging neckline? :twisted:
Pppphhwwooaarrrrrr! sillyhwoar:
Quote by noladreams
queen sassy
king choon
lady's in waiting nola, varca,mrs bone
dungeon keeper sarah
master of the serving wenches mal
court jesters res and brucie
village idiot markz
court musican dollop

I shall only agree if I get to wear one of those medieval dresses with a plunging neckline and big wide sleeves. winkwith your cleavage nola no words need to be said xxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by Mal

I nominate Bloke a king

surely bioke would prefer being nominated as Queen???
Quote by bluexxx
For Queen I nominate Bloke..... lol wink

Keep up, Brucie - or is jetlag setting in? :shock: bloke is a gr8 guy .......I would buy him a pint anytime ..
Thank you kind sir but I prefer sherry, sweet.. Harveys Bristol Cream is nice, especially at Christmas with a bit of stuffing lol
And yes bluexxx beat you to it brucie but she kinda gets away with calling me a queen as she's well 'ard ;) Mal also can if he wants as he's like my Yoda on here (and has a nice bum too). You can only do it when your on your knees in front of me brucie.. and I don't mean curtseying :rascal:
King = cubes
Queen = dawnie
That would give us glamour, sexyness, intelligence and objectivity all wrapped up in one Monarchy smile
Quote by Jewlnmart
Let's have a republic.


Quote by BIoke
King = cubes
Queen = dawnie
That would give us glamour, sexyness, intelligence and objectivity all wrapped up in one Monarchy smile

Yeah, but what about Cubes, surely you could have said something nice about him as well as Dawnie bolt
Quote by Sassy-Seren
queen sassy
king choon
lady's in waiting nola, varca,mrs bone
dungeon keeper sarah
master of the serving wenches mal
court jesters res and brucie
village idiot markz
court musican dollop

Does that mean I get first dibs on all the ladies in waiting? :twisted:
Another dynasty doomed!! rolleyes
Swinging Queens and kings. I'm afraid that they might just fuck about at work!