its with a heavy heart i read your posting artificer.
i cant answer for the married man cheeting thing, but i know if i was guilty for thoughts then id be facing a very long time in prison.
take care, youll be missed, please dont feel like you just have to disapear, maybe just read the threads that arnt involving sex???
look out for any mods, me, wbb, kinky etc avoid threads with our names in and youll be fine lol
big kisses xfemxxxxxxxxxx
what a sad thread.
my hubby and i are not swingers either. we have been happily married for 15yrs. i could never swing as i couldnt bear to see my hubby with someone else, it would break my heart. but im not going behind his back by going on here. he sometimes comes in and reads my pm,s to people. we do everything together.
i admire your strength. for opening up your heart and telling everyone what you have just typed....
hope you have many more happy years with your wife.
:upset: :upset: :upset:
just a thought....but why dont you get your wife to come on here and join in with the threads. she might enjoy it.....i know i do.
As relative newcomers to the forums, both me and mrs davej have enjoyed the brief interjections with you Arti and whilst it is true that davej is the principal writer, mrs davej is never far behind urging me on. What a number of others will not always be aware of, is that you alongside some others, sent us a P.M. very early on encouraging us with our posts, this was and still is a tremendous boost and says a lot about you.
We have taken the time to view back on your posts as we quickly saw that you were amongst those that had the gift of a quick wit and a sharp brain and have to say, that we were not dissapointed. You are a wordsmith that we would have wanted to continue both reading and locking horns with, in the nicest possible way.
Our details are freely available from our profile and if you are ever near Herts at any time, then we would urge that you drop us a line so that we can take a country boy into town for a damn good drink.
All the best
Sad to see you go, Arti, but completely understand your reasons.
Enjoy your grandchild, I understand they're great fun.
You have never professed to be anything other than a very married man Arti and a very good friend to people in here. There will be a pm for you. I will miss you in here but as my friends outside of the site say to me "Theres a bloody life out here too!!".
Lots and lots of love and kisses my friend
Oh Arti, now you've made me well up ....... I don't know what to say.
Ever since I joined this forum I've just loved you to bits. Your posts, a constant source of entertainment for me even if it did mean having to clean coffee off my monitor (usually expelled from the nose), I always enjoyed them.
Meeting you at the Mids Munch was brilliant, it just cemented those feelings I had for you before I met you, you are exactly how you write, utterly adorable. You have no airs or graces, just a great down to earth (if slightly warped in the humour dept) bloke.
I can't say that I am happy or even close to happy about you leaving, I'm absolutely gutted Arti. You have no idea how much you will be missed, and even less idea of how loved you are by everyone. But saying that, I wish for you everything you desire, health, happiness and contentment. Noone is more deserving than you.
Thank you for ...... well..... for being you. You've certainly made an impact most people in here, including me.
Sorry to see you go, Arti... but perfectly understand your reasons. And I respect you for having come to this realisation.
I have to say that for a long time now, I've not popped into the Cafe as much as I used to (except in my capacity as Mod). Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy the banter - and start a great deal of it myself! - but for me coming here was about finding a place I could be sexually liberated and NOT tied down to society's expectations of me. Along the way, I've made a great many friends... but when push comes to shove we come here to discuss the lifestyle in peace and freedom... This was never intended to be an extension of the local pub.
Hiya Arti,
I am not a man overburdened with sentimentality, but I shall miss you.
arti..... we have never spoke or met, but i am sad that you are going.
take care honey.... and mabe pop in and say hi.
Awwwwww you`ll be missed Arti m8.
Take care and all the best for the future.
Will miss you too Arti
Take pleasure in your new grandchild and everything that is dear to you
Arti I am so sad to see you go.
I agree with everything that Corrie has said in her post.
Take-care and enjoy life to the full outside this mad place. :rose:
Hi Artificer
I did not really get to know you very well, but, did spend many an hour tittering to myself at the pure genius of your posts.
I am sure that you will be sadly missed by everybody. :cry:
Cheers Dan :cheers:
Arti... if I may be so informal... we never met and yet I felt that there was something simmering , I sort of felt that i knew that if we did meet it would have been as if it were yesterday... I know that that is dammed presumptious but Arti your posts are so welcomeing...
To say that you were the Alaistair Cooke of Sh would not be out of place,,, Letter from salop????
Arti you have PM... I sincerely hope to become a friend.... I so believe that I have much to learn from a countryman such as yourself
If you chosse not to respond to me. May I wish you every best wish for you future and that of your wider family , but I will miss your humour and wit immensely....
maybe you will pop in from time to time?
Blessings and shalom
Not much I can add to what's already been said really. I'm amongst the "haven't actually spoken to you but always enjoyed your posts" brigade, but will be very sad to see you go Arti. You are one of many who seem to be leaving of late, and I suppose that's parr for the course on a forum such as this, but your wit and obvious intelligence will be sadly missed.
I will just say that in my opinion, simply contributing to the forum and meeting people on a social level does not make you unfaithful, but that is as I say, my opinion, and I respect your wish to leave. As you say, there is life outside the forum (so the rumour mongers would have us believe anyway!)
All the best in all you do Arti,
Darling Artificer,
Saddened as I am to see you depart SH, I hope so much you'll stay in touch with Will and I. You've been a very good friend to me in particular and I love you dearly and not least for your honesty, your wit and your humour.
Don't forget us, as surely we'll never forget you.
All the love in the world to you and yours,
Sappho xxx
I am very sad to see you are leaving. I can understand why you use the SH forum and, sadly, why you are leaving.
I have thoroughly enjoyed your posts and wish you well with the books and your endeavours.
Kind regards
(aka JQL)
Arti, you will be missed!
Best of luck with everything
Gonna really miss your posts :cry:
Arti, you are a true gentleman sir and I too will miss your posts, I respect your reasons, I also agree with them. To me swinging and cheating are quite different, but I know this is not everyones view.
Since I joined the site I have grown a lot myself. The discussions about this with my wife (yes I'm married, and I wasn't looking for sex because of that) have opened a whole new area of our life up together, with a better understanding of what makes each of us tick we are closer than ever. There are two of our regulars going, it is going to be lonely in here soon.
So I wish you good fortune sir, enjoy the grandchildren and have a long happy life.
Dearest Arti
I am so sad to see you leave the forum. You have been a very special member of this diverse bunch and have always made me laugh. Your humour, wit and intelligence are wonderful. We were truly blessed to have you here.
I knew you were not a swinger along with many others here, It matters not a jot. Your posts have always been welcome. You have treated all of us with the utmost of respect and I hope you feel you have received the same in return.
Oh, Arti sweetheart, I'm heartbroken. I will miss you so very much. Like Sarge said, it feels like one of the family has flown.
Enjoy your grandchild and tell them from me that their Grandad is a very special man.
With love and a heavy heart.
xx xx xx xx
You will have a PM later this morning. I must echo what has already been said by many members on your postings, I will miss them, honestly. I do wish we had had more time to chat when we met. Finding a fellow enthusiast on natural history subjects is a rare thing.
Do 'pop in' now and then and see whats happening.