A tribute to Douglas Adams. A thread to name all the things which we do not have names for.
So find an annoying something that there should be a name for, but there just is not. Then take a look on the map, find a place that fits and make the place name do some real work.
Once something has a name we can all settle down and get on with life.
I am just of to find something to name.
Tittybong (Australia)
The act of bouncing breast together.
Hickling (Notts)
- What an heckler does to a performer when in Australia
- OR... The offspring of two cousins who live on a farm together in Alabama.
(Good Thread too!)
Locking Stumps (cheshire)
The action of the wickets in cricket being seemingly glued to each other!
Pott Shrigley (cheshire)
a meal made by chucking anything and everything from the cupboards into a pot with stock and boiling it all together for an hour and serving with crusty bread!
Cardiff, car-diff
1 the act of putting keys into a hat and randomly retrieving them to select partners to bed.
2 the act of moving from car to car for sex, a specialist form of dogging.
The act of sighing for no apparent reason
The feeling left in the mouth after a night on Guinness
Cocklick End (Lancs)
The final moments of oral sex on a bloke
Great thread! :thumbup:
I need an atlas.
Broadwoodwidger DEVON
A wider than usual, hugely erect cock being inserted into an unlubed orifice.
Newport; naval slang, at first referred to only females, but now male and female, but some straight males dislike the term.
1 someone new to swinging, but not yet gone all the way.
2 a new attendee to a regular swing party.
3 a new partner.
Those people you think about playing with.
Faulkboume( north of Witham Esssex) annal intercourse.
Essex A very high high gained from have sex.
Terling(Essex)The pain felt when a Man just can not make himself come for the fifth time in a row.
Boreham Essex- a guy who keeps fucking but never makes a lass cum.
Nempnett Thrubwell (Somerset)
The act of placing one's hands in one's crotch to cover up an involuntary erection, particularly at work, thus making it worse.
WETWANG North Yorkshire
CPWD aka compulsive penis washing disorder
A serious punch to the genital area.
Blackball (New Zealand) an old term to;
1. to play or seek to play with a gentleman of African or Aboriginal decent.
2. a gentleman of African or Aboriginal decent who makes a point of his race in a SH advert in an effort to play.
3. over enthusiastic caressing of an mans balls.
4. a none-swinging assult.
Blackballed any of the above in the past, or the subject of a blackballer.
Blackballer someone who does the above.
This word has now been replaced with 'ballwithnomilk' or 'non-europeanball'