I was just wondering if anyone has any amusingly named pets, if so whats the origin behind them?
When we were kids my brothers and I had a cat, my two elder brothers christened it 'Bollox' just for the amusement value of hearing our mother calling it in at night. Mother was a little naive and it took ages for her to cotton on to why we were all sick with laughter. Eventually she insisted the cat be renamed 'Skippy.
My vet has a budgie called 'Onan', because he's always spilling his seed, and I have heard of a kitten called 'Laptop'.
Any others?
I have a rat called Matt :shock:
see pics
there are many others too
i had two cats called
Hannu Mikkola and Ari Vatanen
didnt half feel a prat at the vets :
Wonders what the vet would do with two top rallydrivers?
Don't have a pet, but if you go to Ikea you can get a bed called BUNK.
I've got a rabbit....but not the furry, cuddly hutch type :giggle: Haven't named it yet though but George Clooney might suit it well :twisted:
i normally name my pests after famous people (mostly dead ppl) - i had dog called winston , after winston churchall. If i got another dog it would be called ike after General Issinhorer.
Sorry about the spelling
I had a Jack Russell, Corgi cross, a great little thing he was,
I named him Tunji and Tunji Banjo who played for Leyton Orient and Nigeria
he died in 1992 and is still with me every day
in a box on the shelf
When we had a cat, I wanted to call it Cooking Fat, but t he wife said no.