With just over five whole weeks to go what better time to get Secret Santa up a head of steam?
...Or just give Santa some head!
It's time to play "The Not So Secret Santa!! - with a twist!
I think there's a twist - I don't fookin know the rules yet

Tis to stop salivating at all the prezzies at the bottom of the tree coz rpm's gonna let you open one of them!
This prezzie: Maximum cost
...will be the one sent to you by your SH Secret Santa! :giggle:
as per Secret Santa! rules... :small-print: I've just thought o this bit!
Pick (on) a member of your adoration or indebtedness or lust or if ya just wanna wind 'em up!
...on here you can send them a "The Not So Secret Santa!" gift for a tenner or less
...but then they will know who sent it - hence the 'The Not So Secret' bit,
In case anyone was wondering - from America <cough-cough>
(is it cool to like Americans yet?) :shock:
To start the ball rolling...
I wanna be The Not So Secret Santa toooooooo.....
Mr wincwench!
I know how much he loves this film & he will be chuffety chuffed to bits when he gets his paws on it thus in turn leaving the lushus hi kickin hottie Mrs Winchwench all alone for me :rascal:
So what would you get for who... & lets hear your reasons why! :small-print: