Humptey Dumptey fell of a wall, cracked his open poor fella,
All the kings horses and all the kings man, ended up with Salmonella
or how about
Moo moo jersy cow have you any milk?
No sir, no sir i've just come off the pill,
The bulls are getting horny
and the grass is getting sparse,
and seeing now im not protected,
im taking it up the ......
the SH poets are at large,
i'd love to join this thread,
t'is quite a thought you had there sarge,
but now it's time for bed!
and so i'll put the kettle on,
and make a bedtime drink,
and mull things over for a bit,
and have a little think.
neil x x x ;)
There once was a fella named Rick
Who was born with a twisty dick
The whole of his life was one long hunt
For the perfect girl
With a corkscrew cunt
Well if Neil is thinking
It'll be a long wait.
What can we do,
Hell, let's find a newbie to bait.
There are none around
so what comes next
Lets wind up Judy
And, all spk in txt
Sarge it gets worse
Cos this little nurse
Just wrote something bad
In your inbox, good lad :twisted:
pussy come & pussy go
look at my cock
and watch it go
very wet & allways tight
she likes it banging late at night
big long nipples soft & brown
hope my tongue wont let me down
slap my balls and dont be shy
when i put it in your pussy
youll know why!
Thankyou MrT
The Sarge has just started on Venus
Now she will make fun of his penis
Her face has gone orange
......................oh fuck rhyming rule number one ! Ruined
Bilko had a pig named Charlie
Found out that it`s dick was curly
Said `this is an extra treat`
`gives ahole` new concept to fresh meat.`
So next time you have pork to cook
Take an extra careful look
and be prepared to find the worst......
Cos Bilko may have been there first :shock: :shock: :shock:
I wish I was a hedge hopper
Life would be a farce
I'd climb up all the highest trees
And slide down on my hands and knees
Oh thank you Silk and Big G
I laughed till I needed a pee
And Jas you are right
We'll be waiting all night
For Neil to think and drink tea!!
Well sod this I`m going to bed
You buggers just mess with my head
I may not in fact sleep
But this won`t make me weep
Cos I`ll toy with you nutters instead! :twisted:
Aww poor old Venus
she's been deprived of Sarges' penis
Although knowing the tart
It won't break her heart
And she'll be back on the street with all keeness
Now Neil's been gone
an awfully long time
He must be struggling
to find something to rhyme.
So in order to give an idea
and keep it all fair
Neil here's a hint
think of the Bo Selecta bear.
now look you jas, you little tinker
i'll have you know i'm a very deep thinker
i'm first to admit that i do sometimes tend
to think a bit much but get there in the end
it isn't the first time that i've been called slow
but on this occasion i'll just let it go
i've no time for rows cos the thoughts in my head
are all taken up with me going to bed
n x x x ;)
Bugger, just realised it`s `signing on` day
When in fact, it`s in bed, I`d prefer to stay
I hope theres not much
Form filling as such
So I can get back here to play
There once was a Manchester man
Who had sex in the back of a van
With no comfortable bed
He fractured his head
And lost the ability to make things rhyme
Cock of the North
making the most of my day off from work,
but reading these rhymes wont raise even a smirk.
you lot are not funny, your rhymes are just crap.
and if you do more - i will give you a slap!