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The Sun and Stan

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Quote by willxx69
and a copy of the Sun to while away the time
So that takes care of about 2.6 seconds. Then what the hell do you do? dunno
Given that an IQ in double figures (never mind treble) is a handicap to both footballers and Sun readers alike (let alone the so-called journalists) I suppose they deserve each other. The REALLY depressing thing is that it sells more than any other atrocious pile of crap banghead :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
Oh well, serves me right for coming back in here during the afternoon. The irony is that this so-called 'den of iniquity' is crammed full of intelligent, thoughtful and caring people. While the 'red-tops' for all that they don the habilliments of moral rectitude (and discard them just as easily) are often staffed by sleazy little low-lifes who mire themselves in the gutter and hurl unmerited abuse at anyone who passes. Sweeping generalisation? Probably, but they keep doing stupid things to deserve it.
Note to the mods - don't worry about comeback. Some of my words have more than four letters so the hacks won't have a clue!
....and me so mild mannered too! You should hear me when I am REALLY angry! redface
I have read your many posts on a variety of topics and always found them entertaining, intelligent and full of humour.
So, I do have to object to you branding me as having an extremely low IQ because i read the Sun. I can assure you that my IQ is f**k**g huge.
mad :x
Quote by Fun365
So, I do have to object to you branding me as having an extremely low IQ because i read the Sun. I can assure you that my IQ is f**k**g huge.

As in all things Paul, we all make generalisations at times. I did as well.
Even you have the intelligence to know that Will was not aimimg it personally at you - neither was I. wink :wink: :wink:
Unless of course you IQ is a three figure one - ! :wink: (That was a joke as well in case you missed it!)
Come on!
What I want to know is, why don't those loverly Sun Journos ever contact me and ask for one of Aunty Heather's 'In Depth Interviews'?
Do you reckon they think I don't like them...?
Quote by FredFlintstone

So, I do have to object to you branding me as having an extremely low IQ because i read the Sun. I can assure you that my IQ is f**k**g huge.

As in all things Paul, we all make generalisations at times. I did as well.
Even you have the intelligence to know that Will was not aimimg it personally at you - neither was I. wink :wink: :wink:
Unless of course you IQ is a three figure one - ! :wink: (That was a joke as well in case you missed it!)
Come on!
I absolutely know that - and my reply was very tongue in cheek... I don't think that I would ever get hung up on any responses in here (well - not often anyway)
I read a variety of papers (I am somewhat of a news junkie) and love to read the same story in different papers - just to see what the slant is.
Pikers - seeing as how I do re-enactment, could that be pikes, a 20 foot long weapon from the 16th and 17th centuries - never knew there was a sexual angle to using one....
And now to Deirdre Saunders.... Not so long ago, this piece of kak was telling a couple who thought that their daughter was gay to get her to go to counselling.
So that's another life screwed up because someone can't get their brains around an alternative lifestyle.
Paul, my connection dropped as I was replying so I am glad that Fred got in with an explanation - and I appreciated your response too.
Generalisations are never a good thing - but are sometimes inevitable.
There are two HUGE things in your favour (and a small third one):
1. You are an active member of this Forum who makes intelligent and entertaining posts of your own. That puts you into my first category of "intelligent, thoughtful and caring people".
2. You have already made the point yourself that you read the Sun for its sports coverage and that you "feel the shame".
My comments, though a generalisation, were aimed at those who fit into neither of the above categories. Enough said?
The third small thing is that you are close enough to meet up for a beer. Interested?
I know the press (not just tabloids are in the wrong) are acting either in a childish sensationalist way or just pure cack-handedly way but the one thing that has stood out for me is the way some people are amazes me that something that people do with consent and out of public harm should be treated with such so called "normal" members of the public have been calling phone in shows and talking on buses describing doggign as an act of sick and swinging is a lifestyle choice just in the same way as people decide to play golf or go fishing.I know this seems to be a comical simplification of the matter but the press is simply feeding a hunger to condemn anything that the masses do not either understand or me ask people what harm is dogging doing-care is taken to make sure nobody else is around,unlike pisshead scallies shagging in doorways on the way home from a kind of pathetic little Britainer attitude is what makes this country so sickening to this was something in Italy,France would it be looked upon in the same will happen now is pressure will be placed on the police to clamp down on meets-as if not enough all ready-and take action,and what for?Is your local reservoir car park used at 10-11 PM?Oh yeah mine is crawling with we will pander to outraged of middle England,this is the true enemy not the tabloids mad
Quote by willxx69
Paul, my connection dropped as I was replying so I am glad that Fred got in with an explanation - and I appreciated your response too.
Generalisations are never a good thing - but are sometimes inevitable.
There are two HUGE things in your favour (and a small third one):
1. You are an active member of this Forum who makes intelligent and entertaining posts of your own. That puts you into my first category of "intelligent, thoughtful and caring people".
2. You have already made the point yourself that you read the Sun for its sports coverage and that you "feel the shame".
My comments, though a generalisation, were aimed at those who fit into neither of the above categories. Enough said?
The third small thing is that you are close enough to meet up for a beer. Interested?

You are a star.
Of course I don't normally drink alcohol - but will make an exception just this once.
Is a 'rake of beers' an appropriate term?
the great difference between the European press and the British one is the story that came out from around the time of the Profumo case. Apparently, for a joke, a French newspaper ran this headline: "British Minister sacked for having a Mistress. French Minister sacked for not having one"! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
* steve sticks his head above the parapet
Ok, ok, I'll admit that if I walk into a cafe and the usual choices of tabloids are there on the tables I always go for the Sun, I think it's probably for the entertainment value. I also always start at the back page and read my forwards but then again I do that with most 'news'papers. redface
On the question of intelligence I'm more embarrassed to admit that I was once a member of Mensa. It was like the Sir Clive Sinclair appreciation society. You've never met a more narrow minded bunch of tossers in your life. If that's what we're all aspiring to then I'll stick with flicking backwards through the Sun in the greasy spoon cafe.
Yeah, I've just got that e-mail from 'Kate' too! The emap offices are only just round the corner from me, shall I go give them an arse kicking?
Love Chris
Quote by KitKat
Any photographers / experienced Doggers care to tell us WHY the photo on the front page is a mock up?
No cock pics?
BLOODY HOPE NOT...I'd have to delete them!!! lol :lol:
Just thought I'd give you my reply to 'Kate'!
"How can I put this? Erm.......FUCK OFF! Our lifestyle isn't a topic of national debate, it is what we get up to in our own private lives, and nothing to do with anyone else. Exploring our sexuality is not a crime, nor should it be percieved as such. Sex is a natural, beautiful thing, whatever the circumstances. So take a hint, and leave us good people alone, ok?"
]Love Chris
The Sun is actually very subversive
It is written by well educated intelligent people who deliberately dumb down and sensationalise in order to sell more copy. The Stan story is a classic. Football, great fallen idol , (read Gazza, Best, Maradonna et al) plus sex, plus sleaze, plus "innocent " girlfriend, plus recently appeared to be reformed = great copy. They dont care that they continue to perpetuate the myth that sex is a sordid dirty affair...until anyone DARE poke fun at Page 3!
The frightening thing is when it steps into topics that really affect people. People actually believe much of what is written. Anyone who has ever been a victim of journalism knows how much the truth is sacrificed for good copy. Refer back to the recent thread on here for an item in a swinging magazine.
There are moral rights and wrongs with much of the swinging lifestyle. I am in the stable of anything between two or more consenting adults that hurts no other person is ok, but dont ever expect that to come from the Sun. Unless of cours the Mirror argued the opposite.
Should it worry us? Yes because we may get troublemakers on the site. Yes because people will believe the whole thing. Yes because people will agree with the Suns angle.
Stan Collymore did absolutely nothing wrong and now all his family are subjected to an exteremly embarrassing time. But have any of us the capability to help him and support him. I wish I could , but unfortunately it is difficult for me to come out of the swinging closet.
Lets hope that one day the swinging lifestyle is able to come clean like the gay lifestyle has over the last century (and lets hope it happens a bit bloody quicker!!) and then Stan, who lets face it has had his fair share of problems with depression and his aggressive difficulties, and people like him (ie us!) can get on happily with our lives.
If your reading this Stan...any chance of a couple of tickets for Villa v Man U !!
"How can I put this? Erm.......FUCK OFF!

Chris... you are indeed a poet after my own heart.
Quote by Twisted - Sister
we all know what Bikers are

confused: dunno
What did I do..... surpriseduch:
Oh! I deleted their mail without reading it cos I thought it was a virus......
oops - it probaly was a virus disguised as 'journalism'. lol :lol: :lol:
I saw the Sun and the Mirror and this Story was in both of them. The kind of people who buy these papers do so for these kind of stories! after all Celebrity Get Me a Life has now finished and the people who watch this trash have nothing else to gabble about.
God forbid if these papers started covering anything important their readers would be deserting them for the Beano and Dandy in their troves!
As for Dierdrie she comes over as a Frigid, who wouldn't know a good SH..G
Oh yeah! collymore another has been celebrity!!!
know I have had some emails in last 2 days that just say want fun just deleted them as think they could be fakers........
Colloquial slang:
guy who sits in car and performs manual pleasuring upon himself.
(just another no-bottle drive-by)
Poetry in motion indeed Heather! However, I have followed up my e-mail to the good lady, as I think I was rather abrupt with her, and didn't mean to be offensive- had been a bad day at work! I realised that she was only doing her job, so thought I should apologise,
But won't be dogging anytime soon!
Love Chris
Oh dear!!! rolleyes
The hapless Kate has e-mailed me too!! :shock: I had sent this straight to my 'delete' box but retrieved it because I thought many of you could probably do with a laugh:
Hi Will,
I hope you don't mind me contacting you out of the blue. I got your address from the msn messenger board.
Ooooh! Obviously dealing with a first class intellect here - should I be awestruck?
More magazine is looking for female doggers and pikers aged 18 to 25 in the Staffordshire area who may have been in contact with Stan Collymore. And girls the same age who have experience of dogging and piking. We pay for stories and it's fine if they want to remain anonymous.
Oh right! Not so much awestruck as mesmerised by the total lack of even rudimentary thought processes. I clearly over-estimated the dear Kate. I am not sure how Will could be female dunno; The info next to every single one of my posts clearly states I am from Berkshire. I freely admit that my geography is shameful, but even I know that Berkshire is nowhere near Staffordshire :roll:; I NEVER post in the 'Dogging' Forum but spend pretty much all my time in the Cafe; I will let her off for the 18-25 bit. Although I am actually 40 I am frequently mistaken for being under 25. It happened only last week. A gorgeous young thing thought I was about her age and seemed about to start chatting me up! :shock: It happened just after I apologised for tripping over her guide dog! rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Research shows More readers have an adventurous sex life - they're into threesomes! -
NO!!! :eeek: I am shocked! THREESOMES? How outrageously adventurous. We are clearly out of our depth here folks! :rotflmao: (FFS!)
and would no doubt like to find out more about it if they don't already!
What? :dunno: No. It's no good. No matter how many times I read that it still isn't a sentence. This merely confirms my prejudice that all tabloid journalists are illiterate! That might sound harsh but this is not the first time I have dealt with one and in my experience they have a 100% illiteracy record so far!
It would be great if you would post my contact details on the msn messenger board asking girls to get in touch with me.
Yeah, right!
Thanking you in advance for all your help,
I wouldn't hold my breath if I were Kate.
That's it. Full and unexpurgated (apart from Kate's contact details). What has apalled me is the total lack of effort in terms of research. Anyone can come on this site (they don't even have to register - though it is free and wouldn't even dent the expenses budget) and it would take no more than a few minutes to find out who the doggers are, who dogs in Staffordshire and, in most cases, age and gender too.
Doesn't this fill you with a warm and comfortable feeling about our media? Frankly, No!
Research shows More readers have an adventurous sex life - they're into threesomes! -

:shock: :shock: Threesomes? :shock: :shock:
I thought that counted as a quiet night?
Threesomes lol :lol: :lol:
Hardly counts as swinging, that rolleyes wink
Surely you have a duty of care to her to post your entire reply to her as it is above.......
Go on - dare you! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
In my personal experience these mags tend to get an rough outline of a story from you, then totally disregard everything you have said and make up something completely different.
I have been in a story in CHAT mag and it was about as far from actual events as possible, and was not flattering to me at all. Grr!
Ok, new to the board (Hi All biggrin) but this is an issue that really got my goat...
The Sun, who brought us page 3, have discovered that a man (ok famousish) enjoys casual sex... What an amazing discovery, and this is front page news.
Whats for tomorrow confused: Winter is cold, water tends to get me wet when I fall in it :?:
Lets lose the false disgust guys (and I'm talking to the Sun here) Consenting adults having fun is not front page news. I agree with the previous posts I saw here. Lets see an investigation into the over reaction to 'protect' us (not sure who from) from this 'problem' by the Police (raids, etc) / local yobs interference. Lets return to our permissive society (Sure we supposed to have had one in the 60's and 70's) and leave people alone to engage in an activity they enjoy, chose to do, and know the risks of.
There are a lot worse things out there than liking to be watched, or enjoying watching those who like to be seen...
Quote by FredFlintstone
Surely you have a duty of care to her to post your entire reply to her as it is above.......
Go on - dare you! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
I had forgotten to re-check this thread. Now that I do I find that I had missed a dare from Fred. Well, (as he knows only too well evil) I can never resist a dare.....
Kate will get her reply!
( mad :x I keep forgetting that I am not supposed to be here. That's another 5 points to Sappho. This is getting expensive! :shock: )
Yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaa! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: