Hiya Dambuster and HLB
We missed it. No sitter, no money etc etc usual story and ended up a friend's BBQ with the kids. It was good fun, but must admit to thinking more than once about the good time we might have been having with you all! Suffice to say we childishly amused ourselves with naming objects and people around us with all your user names :silly:
We're both sorry we could'nt be there, but very happy that it all went off ok for you both!
Firelizard & Stormwalker xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
thanks to Dammie and HLB and everyone who helped last night It was brilliant.
Really good to see everyone I had met before... esp those I hadn't seen for a few months.....
Also really good to meet new people as well and hope to get to know you better in time.
ok Darkfire look away this is going to be pink and fluffy...
to my darling... I don't have to say how much you mean to me and how you have changed my life in so many ways since I have met you. It was a bit sureal being back where we met again but so much nicer as a couple... thank you for the past 5 months and I hope it never ends between us...
everyone else no that isn't a hint to go hat shopping
P.S Just had another memory come flooding back
CaseyJones and MidlandsLady being all 'loved up' on their first official couple munch. Awwwwwwwwww :inlove:
May be back with more as the fog clears!
Thanks to the utterly wonderful Dammie & HLB and to everyone else who helped make last night a success xxx
just a quick thanks from us to HLB and Dammy and all who helped. and to Marcuso for the afters.. had a great night pity it has to end...
dave and debs xx
Well, what can I say! (Now that I'm back abroad again!)
Two of my favourite people - and the most fantastic collection of 'talent' I know. I had a blast.
Thanks to Dammie and HLB for sticking with it and giving us the opportunity to have a great time with you.
As ever thanks to Ice and Kaz for the badges. Next Time I'll bring me glasses to read 'em I'm running out of excuses fer grabbing badges on breasts with the accompanying comment 'Who are you - that feels good!'
And not forgetting Alex DJ for making the place rock and swing at the same time (quite an achievement that!)
I cannot mention names but I met some people whom I've been dying to meet fer ages - so thanks, thanks, thanks for that.
An absolute BLAST :twisted: :twisted: of a weekend!
Whilst I remember .....
You'll see from my thanks that I apologised to two people over spilt red wine .....
I know it's not politically correct to shame people but I really feel the need to get this off my chest. I was standing talking to one member whilst wearing one members shirt, holding a glass of red wine, someone shoved past me so viciously, (hands on my back kind of shove) hence the spillage. I have no idea who did it but was totally mortified, luckily white wine and patience I hope has stopped the staining.
There was no need for the shove as we weren't blocking access to or from the bar and whilst possibly not meant maliciously kinda spoilt part of my evening!
huge thanks to Dammie and HLB for going ahead with the night although it wasnt what you were originally hoped for you are stars
thanks to everyone i spoke to/snogged/danced with i had a brillian time, to those i missed my apologies, i was the lobster in black.
fantastic to see so many friends and excellent to meet new ones
Dizzy - thank you
right going back to sleep now
Earthy xx