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The things kids say...................

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So my 9 year old son spots loads of Elvis impersonators on TV and asks
`So which one is REALLY Elvis?` lol
Its the one on Steve Wright in the afternoon, obviously
thank you very much
From my 22 year old son.
"you two swingers then"? :shock: redface surprisedops:
Ooo perfect thread, I was about to set one up about my little darlings. From my little girl when doing Dad stroke on head as she passed "Dad, I'm not a dog!" (She is 4)
As for my son (2) he came through tonight (he has a mild cold), we got worried when we saw what looked like loads of earwax. Putting all the lights on we cleaned out the ear debating doctors, painkillers, etc... Then we worked out what it was, chocolate. How he got that in his ear we don't know, but thats kids for you.
Our 6 year old daughter was listening to the Beatles on the car radio. I explained that they were the Beatles,she then asked, if they were Beatles when they were young how did they turn into men when they were older!
On the anniversary of John Lennons death our local radio station played Woman, she asked ,well, if that man is dead, how come he is singing on the radio? :doh:
From the 5/6 year old kids in my class:
Laura: "I'm going to my Aunties party tonight"
Me: "Is she married?"
Laura: "No she's a lesbian" then whispers "she's got a girlfriend" lol
Alice: "How come two ladies can't have a baby?"
Daniel: "How old are you?"
Me: "32"
Daniel: "Bloody hell I thought you were 40!!!!"
Jasmine: "Are you married?"
Me: "No"
Jasmine: "Have you got a boyfriend?"
Me: "None of your business"
Jasmine: "Arrrrrrr MISS HAS GOT A BOYFRIEND!!!" (Really loud around the class)
My now 15yo girl when still young enough to need a child seat on a long journey somewhere.
"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with "f" (f mind; not F)
Mk II "Face"
A "No"
Me "Feather"
A "No"
Her older brother (by 3yrs) "Fags"
A "No"
This went on for about 20 minutes.
All " Okay A, we give in"
A "Fone, sillys. There" Pointing to my mobli in it's cradle on the fascia.
I still tease her about it now when I see her and she still says she remembers it.
Sex God
My daughter H has come out with some classics ... most memorable are ...
She was about 3 for the first two ...
H: Mummy how does a power station work?
Me: Erm it's very complicated, ask Daddy to show you when we get home.
H: you don't know do you?
Me: Yes it's just very complicated
H: It's okay Mummy ..... we can't ALL be clever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
H: I know the French for yes .......... oui oui
Hubby: it's only oui oui for emphasis ... yes is simply oui ....
(few minutes elapse and you can hear the cogs turning in her head)
H if oui is is yes ... is the french for no .... poo?
Then at parents evening a few weeks ago ... (she's 7 now)
H: Miss my mummy's getting old.
Miss: I don't think she is H ...
H: Oh she is ..... you know she's almost old enough to be a Granny!!!!!!
(I'm 31 and she's the oldest!)
Kids ... :doh:
I have mentioned this before, but......
My teenage daughter: "Dad, can pre-cum make you pregnant?" :shock: :shock: :shock:
Mk II's father was the most bigoted, homophobic racist I've ever met. Unfortunately, my son had to spend quite a lot of time in his company)

And my now 19 yo boy when he was just out of a kiddy seat on seeing two guys walking the down the street holding hands:
"Mum, Are they two of them gay c**ts??"
At a footbal match with a mate and his 6 year old son.
Boy: Dad, which player is named You Fucker
Dad: (After spitting half eaten pie over bloke in front) Why do you think some is called that?
Boy: Those men behind keep shouting "Go on you fucker"
Our 5yr old daughter was complaining that her mouth hurt her,i jokingly said its because you talk so much!!
She then turned around to me and asked if my mouth was hurting too then :shock:
Theres loads more,i just need to get the grey matter in gear first!!
Sex God
I have probably said this somewhere else on the forum but here goes.
Child 'A' who was about 9/10 comes down stairs one Sunday morning.......
"mummy are you ok?"
Me "Yes sweetheart, why?"
A "Well I heard you making a noise lastnight"
Me "Did you sweetpea? What sort of noise"
A "OOH arrrrrrr yesssss oh God mmmmmmmmm"
Quick exit by Ian
Me "er............ er.................oh I think that was...........when I stubbed my toe on the bed"
We later went to my parents for Sunday lunch, yep, you guessed it. 'A' came out with the same impression over the roast.
*exit Ian and my Dad
After lunch my Mum gave me a right telling off about it and told me I should have known that when children get older you need to have sex on the settee and not up stairs.
JUST LIKE THEY DID :shock: Like you need to hear what your parents get up to :!:
Kids, you gotta love em
Dawn :silly:
My eldest, when she was three, came down with chicken poxs. I put her to bed, she was grizzling. She was pointing at the particularly itchy spots wailing, and whilst I was tidying her bed she let out an awful wail, pointing to an especially large spot on her chest.
It took me a while to reassure her that the large spot which was upsetting her so, was in fact her nipple! rotflmao
Warming the Bed
My 3 year old daughter came up to me one day and rubbed my chin (3 o'clock shadow)
daddy, are you growing a beard?
no, why?
you are all scratchy, if you grow a beard you will turn into Santa, i don't like Santa
(she freaked out at a santa's grotto when she was 2)
daddy, go and shave, I don't want you to turn into santa
Warming the Bed
My sister, who has 2 girls, related a story to me of when they were 6 and 8. She asked whre they were which the youngest replied..."We're going outside to play the shagging game"...not wanting to draw attention to sister then asked what that game was about...the youngest replied..."Its where the big one gets on top of the little one and goes...SHAG..SHAG...SHAG...SHAG...SHAG!"
Walking to school one morning my 5yr old was having trouble deciding if she wanted to be a princess or a ballet dancer when she grew up,eventually she turned around to me and said
"I think ill be a ballet dancer,ive never seen a princess who does ballet dancing!"
Classic,bless her,
My kids once said to me "dad can we have some money"
No.. I lie they always said that and still do as adults :cry:
Sex God
The garage had become a little bit of a dumping ground, and it became time for a clear out.
I was accompanied to the local waste tip by one of the children. On the way back home I told him that the next trip would only be with two old bicycles, and a third trip would be needed with the rest of the rubbish.
"why don't you put the bikes on the bike rack and then put the rubbish in the boot, then you only need to do one trip".
FFS they never taught me common sense at school.
My son (9) just came home from his school play, telling me of an argument with a friend.
`He said I didn`t sing, that I was fighting with Johnny too much, but I sang more than I fighted`
I corrected him
`You sang more than you fought`.
`No, I KNOW how much I sang`!
Kids! :doh:
Sex God
My Mrs and her mother went shopping and took our little boy with them. He spotted something he really wanted for about £20. My Mrs told him that if he really wanted it he would have to use the money from his savings to buy it.
He put it back confused :? :?
They asked him why he'd put it back and he said "I'm not buying rubbish like that with my own money. That what your money is for." blink
when out shopping with my little boy (3) there was a coloured man waiting to pay infornt of us and my little lad pointed out that there was a chocolate man!
Makes me want to try a black man even more now lol
My 16 year old this morning, after spraying her trainers with febreeze....
Mum, stick your nose in there and tell me if it smells more of febreeze and less of the feet.
Yeah, right, as if. What does she think I am? Suicidal?! surprised
this is one that happend TONIGHT! mad
my daughter was doing the "whinging" thing when it was already past her bedtime... i lost my temper and told her "i am tired of this... get to bed now". she replied "if its YOU who is tired... why is it me who has to go to bed?"
... god help me when she gets to be a teenager!!!!
You have a daughter? How old? She is certainly as sassy as her mum! lol
unfortunately yes.. i do!!!!!
(still whinging lol)
she is probably older than you would expect her to be ...(she is eight!) redface
This afternoon I was sweeping the garden path and my 5 year old daughter asks if she can borrow the sweeping brush when I've finished.
"yeah sure ... what for?"
"For a bitch's womb" :shock:
I can't be certain but I think she meant 'witches broom'.
Warming the Bed
lol kids can say the funniest things and realey hang u out with out even trying biggrin :D
Sex God
Forgot one my delightful daughter came out with.
Busy ladies toilets in town centre, sharing a cubicle she went first and then I decided I needed a quick pee ...
Loud as you can imagine ... daughter said .. "Mummy, why do mummy's have fluffy bums?"
Cue hysterical laughter from next cubicle and we beat hasty retreat!!!!
Quote by Marya
This afternoon I was sweeping the garden path and my 5 year old daughter asks if she can borrow the sweeping brush when I've finished.
"yeah sure ... what for?"
"For a bitch's womb" :shock:
I can't be certain but I think she meant 'witches broom'.

Oooooh pissed my self laughing! well not quite but i cried! LMAO