in my parents attic when we were supposed to be tidying it!
Dont think this counts as weird, but wonderful, yes!
On the 47th floor of The Hilton in San Francisco - banging my head on the plate glass window of our hotel room whilst being taken from behind, and orgasming with the view of the Golden Gate Bridge becoming shrouded in the late afternoon fog............
Many years ago I had a Suzuki GT750 motorbike and my girlfriend of the time used to love putting her arms around me while out for a run at night (tho the day was occasionally done too)... unzipping AND unbuttoning my pants... and bringing me to orgasm while doing stupid speeds, which was reckless I know but hey.. I was 19!
The Suzuki was an old two-stroke... me too sometimes!
A girl at work fancied me, so i text her teling her that i wanted to cum in her pants! She said she wanted me to do it now (in the office). So I did! She went commando whilst waiting for me outside the toilet, then when i had finished she put them back on and it made her cum without me even touching her!
Hopefully I will one day get her to give me a bj at work, or even fuck her over my desk!
Heres to working late!! :idea:
So jaymar, you would like to know how weird we are?
down in the woods, no
side of a cliff, no
in a horse box,?
train loo, ?
All in company.
You pick! Then tell me if I am weird.
Whats really wierd is that you thought ofthat kind of cliff in the first place :lol2: