On a more general topic. Why, when we can not afford cancer treatment for those already born are the NHS spending money on fertility treatment.
...but to spend money on fertility treatment for addicts mad, mad, mad.
Good to see common sense prevail here.. majority of people seem to follow the same thought process.
I can seriously understand those who think there is no tollerance and its narrow minded, maybe even conservative in the way I think but far from it.. I can say without any doubts whatsoever I know what these people are like, how unpredictable unbalanced and fickle they can be.. I have seen it first hand over 10's of years not months the changes these people go through and the neglect they can give themselves never mind others. Sure theres the odd case where it goes against this thought and people get and stay clean, live happy productive lives but is the risk even barely worth it.. The lives they affect are very real.
Sure its happened now, they are here they have had the treatment and the future will tell what kinds of parents they turn out to be.. My big fear as said before is that others see the attention they have got and think the same thing. No way!! Bad move to start with never mind repeat..
I hope whoever thought this acceptable has had enough time to reflect..
Mike x
Its fucking ridiculous trying to defend the logic of the health authority involved. methadone is just as destructive and addictive as the drug it is intended to substitute.
Those poor kids are never gooing to stand much of a chance of having happy childhoods and fulfilling lives.
Here we go again, putting words in where they are not missing! Can't recal saying anyone was a scumbag can't recal saying they are worth nothing?? What I say is they are unstable, unreliable!! Fickle even. Please correct me if I am wrong!!
Now again dress this as you like but if you have kids yourself ask yourself one simple question.. Would you leave your children with a meth or heroin user over night? For a week? A month.. No?? I know I wouldn't ff's no matter how feckin nice they seem!
This isn't a competition to prove who is right or wrong.. My opinion is just that .. My opinion. I think the money should have been spent elswhere simple. All the liberal minded fookin loonies can stuff as far as I care cause I won't be swayed by might have's could be's and maybe's.. This is peoples lives.. Not toys to be played with..
So would you honestly leave your kids/babies with someone who openly admits to using like they do?
And i'm not saying one more word on the subject...
Final lol... Nope not a word. :undecided:
I have been following this, and have respected the opinions, whether I agree with them or otherwise, of those who have posted...
not wishing to get drawn into the debate specifically raised here...
but a point has been made about whether drug users (managed, on a programme, street, or ex-users and clean) can snap at any time, making them I assume untrustworthy.
My opinion here is:
Anyone, in any situation, no matter thier medical history or drug status, is capable of snapping.
Anyone at all.
i have read and studied carefully the replies on here.. and imho.. 2 many are getting caught up with "the parents" and the rights to concieve. Only a few have stated or commented on the effects on the children.
There is no way any person here would in their own true mind say yes to allowing the suffering of a new born child, to allow any child to go through this is torture.
this is child abuse and torture.....
As it stands so far; would it be fair to say that:
The 'loonie left', consider the parents to be convincingly on the mend, the authorities have made a pro-active decision and that the situation looks positive for all concerned.
The 'hard right', 'cruel to be kind' collective would rather have seen proof that the parents had completely reformed, before IVF treatment was given.
Are these the basic aspects of the debate so far?