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The world has gone mad.....

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Just heard on the news about 2 former heroin addicts that were still on a program of methadone being given fertility treatment by their local NHS.
They had triplets but one of them sadly died, however, the other 2 newborns are now going cold turkey as they are addicted to methadone!!!
wtf is going on in this world???
You would've thought that somebody in their local NHS trust with even the tiniest ounce of common sense would tell said couple that they couldnt have fertility treatment until they were clean.....or is that just me thinking too sensibly?
This country is well & truly fooked up sad
I think that we can safely say being members of this 'community' that being judged by others, at all, or from something that is in the media is wrong.
Unless you know these people personally and have walked a mile in their shoes you have no facts on which to base your judgement and damning attitude.
So you agree thats its right to become or try to become pregnant, knowing full well that your baby is going to be born addicted to methadone?
Nice values you have there....
Like your original post you are basing your judgement of me and my values on little or no information.
You don't know me. You don't know them. You (or anyone else) have no right to judge anyone.
IMO its the Primary Care Trust who should be taken to task on this one dunno
In edit:- In the same way they should be taken to task for refusing treatment to smokers, obese people alcoholics etc. IMO the whole system needs to be overhauled
Quote by splendid_
Like your original post you are basing your judgement of me and my values on little or no information.
You don't know me. You don't know them. You (or anyone else) have no right to judge anyone.

You're not going to answer the question then?
Quote by helnheaven
IMO its the Primary Care Trust who should be taken to task on this one dunno

I agree, i said as much in my original post that somebody at their local trust should really have thought this through a little better.
I think on this that we side with Mrcoupleseekfun on this!!!
Why did the local NHS give then this treatment whilst they were still on a heroin substitute!!!
Its not a god given right to have children & as there still addicts not reformed addicts, because there on methadone which is a substitute for heroin .
What happens to these two babies if the parents fail to stay the course & go back to heroin not a good life for two small children if there parents go back back on the heroin .
Found a news report on it
Doctors have apparently said the babies arent addicted, yet they both "shake & twitch" in their sleep which is apparently a "common sleeping disorder"
What a crock of shit, sorry, but this disgusts me mad
A close friend of mine was refused fertility treatment for years, she was hard working, her husband was hard working, both respectable, none drug taking, middle class citizens yet the NHS decided they werent worthy enough.....yet the NHS decides a couple of (ex)smackheads are worthy parents instead?
How does that work then?
Its probably one of those typical clerical errors which the addicts took advantage of, whilst everyone else assumed it was unlikely they would attempt to have children. So I don't think it was sanctioned as a viable thing in the first place.
I expect they really wanted children to have something to live for and get them back onto the straight and narrow. So went ahead with the treatment.
Kids born with addictions sounds pretty frightening, but it goes on around the world and there are sufficient support systems to help them. So its not as bad as one imagines.
Perhaps it may all be a happy ending.
Im almost certain by now Social Services will have stepped in. The childrens act provides a 'duty of care' and if,as reported, the children were born addicted then Social Services will already be involved
with this family. IMO these people shouldnt be condemed but helped.
We could argue that when they first 'scored' heroin they had the choice to say no but no one knows the circumstances and not everyone has the strength or is of adequete mentality to say no. Some of us here have teenage kids and I for one can say, 'there but for the grace of god'.Unfortunately, our kids are growing up in a drug culture where its now considered normal to experiment. We can only hope that our own kids will have had a loving upbringing, knowing whats right and whats wrong and knowing that for every action there is a consequence.
In the case of this particular couple I hope they are getting all the help they can for their problem and that eventually the methadone programe works for them and they try to bring their kids up knowing the dangers of drug use.
If the babies have been born with addictions which were, if you like, "man made" then have they not been abused? And therefore is the NHS not guility of aiding and abetting the abuse?
Think the babies need a good Human Rights lawyer............Cherie........ where are you?
John & Shel
Sorry but I too sit on the side of MrCouples here..
The very idea that a couple who are being given methadone (by prescription no doubt) leaves me cold.. No way in a million years no matter how many miles I would walk in there shoes or otherwise.. think they be suited for fertility treatment.
Dress it how ever you like its wrong....
Mike x
have to does sound crazy....their rehabilitation should have been more important than having children...get clean,stay clean then consider having children...just wonder if the doctor wasn't just trying to be controversal to start with by giving the go ahead!
Having read the Daily Record report it appears that it was all done with the full approval of the various authorities involved. Well, how about that then? confused
Quote by Mrcoupleseekfun
So you agree thats its right to become or try to become pregnant, knowing full well that your baby is going to be born addicted to methadone?
all for 2nd chances ,but... if these 2 were to be given a chance to become parents they should have at least not just beat there adiction to smack but the addiction to methadone and been off it at least x amout of time ,i naw its nothing to do with this post but we all naw what smack does to a person and cant honestly think why someone would want to try it in the first place,back to this couple ,ok some one must have had access to there medical records and saw what they have been on ,what mr c is asking who in the right minds have made this decision to let them onto the course when theres so many couples looking for this and specially as they aint even finished there methadone to tell the truth its totally unbeleivable but thats the world of today
plenty has been said about the rights and wrongs of this, but isnt there a possibility that the focus of the parents will now be on the child, therefore giving them enough drive to get clean?
Sorry splendid but i dont agree with you, im as liberal and non judgmental as a sensible man can be but im with Mr Couple 110% of the way on this topic.
Why should people who are addicted to heroin and on a detox methodone programe be given the chance to have fertility treatment which will possibly lead to conception of unborn child/ren who have methode effects raging throughout their tiny bodies. They didnt ask to be pumped full of the horrible drug that is coursing through the womens blood into her womb and subsequently into the blood of her unborn child.
A few of my opinions:
The people on methodone should have thought about it and decided to wait untill they were "clean" before embarking on fertility treatment
The local NHS should be more sensible as this has /can and will undoubtedly lead to much criticism and therefore embarrassment for them.
Other people ie non methode detox programme couples should have been given the chance to have the fertility treatment before this couple whilst they were detoxing. There are thousands of couples throughout the country who could have benefited from it and produced healthy children who for no fault of there poor little selves are ravaged by a very nasty side effect inducing drug.
There is always room for people to be tolerant and non - judgmental slendid i think Mr C was just airing his views (for which he is entitled) and im sure the broader public consensus of opinion would concur and favour his viewpoint. It doesn't mean we are bigoted judgmental cretins its just common sense.
I'm gonna stand by splendid & say that no one has a right to judge others if you don't know the facts.
1) I nor you here know the facts only what you have read.
2) I don't know about methadone & the side effects it may cause- do you? If not again should we be making judgements dunno
3) Side effects can affect people in different ways, so we can't really say how much these babies have been affected.
At the end of the day, these babies are here & the parents nor the NHS can send them back to where they have come from.
If they are addicted to the methadone can the babies, like others come off it slowly :dunno:
can methadone do permanent damage to these babies :dunno:
Was the NHS aware of the parents addition :dunno:
sorry lots of questions but they need answering before any one of us can judge the parents & the NHS.
Not read the article
you are all absolutely right...
why let facts stand in the way of a perfectly good haranguing, bullying and vilifying session?
Quote by hisandhers
1) I nor you here know the facts only what you have read.

Well the paper itself has quoted the mum, doctors & professors so i dare say the papers article is fairly accurate otherwise they're leaving themselves wide open for a lawsuit
Quote by hisandhers
2) I don't know about methadone & the side effects it may cause- do you? If not again should we be making judgements dunno

Methadone is a heroin substitute, what more do you need to know? Its not your everyday aspirin or ibuprofen tablet. It is a drug given to heroin addicts to help them feel "normal". Is it morally correct to assist people that need to take drugs to feel normal to concieve children?
Quote by hisandhers
3) Side effects can affect people in different ways, so we can't really say how much these babies have been affected.

I'm sorry, but that is a ridiculous comment! Do you have kids? Would you like them to take methadone? Nobody in this world should ever have to take 'recreational' drugs, a lot do by choice, and the operative word there being choice. These poor babies had no choice but to be born into this world suffering the effects of methadone and even the basest of idiots cannot deny that fact. Not the sort of environment you'd want to bring kids into is it?
Quote by hisandhers
If they are addicted to the methadone can the babies, like others come off it slowly :dunno:

The babies wont have a choice as they're hardly going to give babies a prescription of methadone are they? At least i hope they dont.
The babies will have to do it the hard way (cold turkey) and the parents should do the same.
Quote by hisandhers
can methadone do permanent damage to these babies :dunno:

Its certainly not going to help them...
Quote by hisandhers
Was the NHS aware of the parents addition :dunno:

Yes - very aware of the parents previous drug abuse, read the article as it explains it all in there.
Some quotes from the article
Nicola started taking heroin and drinking heavily when she was 15. Shane became addicted to heroin at the age of 10 while in a care home.
The couple - who have been on methadone for five years - vowed to leave their drug lifestyle behind.
5 years? On methadone for 5 years and they've been given fertility treatment?
Isn't 5 years a bit of a long time to try to kick a habit?
Shane added: "We had been trying to keep it quiet that we are still on methadone because people would maybe judge her.
"I am still on 65mg and she is on about 60mg, which is the equivalent of £50 each.
"Nicola has managed to stay about the same and I have got down from 90mg but we are trying to get off it for the sake of the babies.
Jesus christ!!!!!!! Damn right i'll judge her, she could've made an effort as soon as she found out she was pregnant, if not before, to get off methadone. If she cant do it while the babies were inside her getting high on it themselves why the hell would she do it once she's given birth and it wont affect them medically?
This whole issue makes me fookin sick it really does! mad
<just squinting at the AUP>
Think we can accept that others have a different point of view without agreeing with it.
Quote by Mrcoupleseekfun
You would've thought that somebody in their local NHS trust with even the tiniest ounce of common sense would tell said couple that they couldnt have fertility treatment until they were clean.....or is that just me thinking too sensibly?

I would certainly hope that a couple in recovery from a drug addiction would be required to be completely clean before receiving fertility treatment, there is no need or reason for any child to be intentionally created by doctors when there is a risk of health problems that can be avoided.
Quote by Mrcoupleseekfun
A close friend of mine was refused fertility treatment for years, she was hard working, her husband was hard working, both respectable, none drug taking, middle class citizens yet the NHS decided they werent worthy enough.....yet the NHS decides a couple of (ex)smackheads are worthy parents instead?
How does that work then?

I really don't think that being hard working, respectable and middle class :shock: means you are a more worthy candidate than a couple where one partner doesn't work, is seen as less respectable or working class! I'm quite certain some people would say swingers are less than respectable - do you think that would be a fair reason to deny someone IVF?
And, on top of that, why do people pursue fertility treatment for years yet never consider adoption? Surely being a parent is more important than being pregnant? However, that's a different discussion entirely confused
i do not have an opinion on if this treatment should have happened or not but i just thought i would mention that:
methadone is harder to wean off than heroin and many people remain on small amounts of methadone for the rest of time, unable to cope with the awful side affects of completely giving up the substitute, others do manage to be totally dependant free.
babies withdrawal depends on the amount off substitute that the mothers have been taking during pregnancy, some who take very little amounts show no signs of withdrawal others have a terrible time (these are usually from mothers that have taken both heroin and methadone)
also babies can withdraw from many of the things we take in pregnancy such as alcohol or prescription drugs for pain relief such as df118 and these babies suffer just as much as the babies from hard drugs....
the powers that be.. must have thought about this decision long and hard before making the decision to allow fertitity treatment, all we can hope for is that these parents provide a safe loving home for these children, having come from care i sincerley hope they do and that they dont allow the babies to end up in the same position they were once in.
even hard working middle classes can be on methodone.
have we suddenly started to believe that what the papers say is true?
i say this as even local non sensational papers get "facts" wrong.
should we forbid anyone who has any habit or activity we consider as wrong not to recieve certain things?
we know the pct's cock up. but so do reporters and humans.
xx fem xx
Quote by Serendipity
I really don't think that being hard working, respectable and middle class :shock: means you are a more worthy candidate than a couple where one partner doesn't work, is seen as less respectable or working class! I'm quite certain some people would say swingers are less than respectable - do you think that would be a fair reason to deny someone IVF?

I think you've taken my point slightly out of context, i was comparing my hard working, middle class friends to the couple in the article and how the NHS or whoever deem a couple on methadone with a history of drug abuse spanning more than a decade, to be more worthy of a shot at parenthood courtesy of the NHS than my friends were.
Nothing to do with 1 partner working and the other not
It's not really out of context, comparison or not, you believe that those attributes make your friends more worthy of IVF - I don't think that any of them were relevant, other than the fact they don't take drugs. The assumption you offered is that the people on methadone are neither hardworking nor middle class - isn't it possible that they are both?
Quote by fem_4_taboo
have we suddenly started to believe that what the papers say is true?
i say this as even local non sensational papers get "facts" wrong.

Have you read the article? If not you really should. We all know that certain tabloids spout off all sorts of crap to sell copies, but this article is full to the brim of quotes from the parents themselves....speaking candidly about their drug abuse so i'm very inclined to believe this article very much
Quote by fem_4_taboo
should we forbid anyone who has any habit or activity we consider as wrong not to recieve certain things?

Not at all, but surely we should be drawing a line where drug abuse is concerned? confused:
To put it another way, lets just say you had a 1 month old pair of twins....would you let this couple babysit for you, or any couple for that matter, that had a history of, and was still using drugs?
Quote by Serendipity
And, on top of that, why do people pursue fertility treatment for years yet never consider adoption? Surely being a parent is more important than being pregnant? However, that's a different discussion entirely confused

Though, it did make me think.... strangely enough, meth addicts would not be accepted as suitable people when it comes to adoption :?
Quote by Serendipity
The assumption you offered is that the people on methadone are neither hardworking nor middle class - isn't it possible that they are both?

No, because it mentions in said article that they are both on benefits with no job prospects. He is claiming disability because he was attacked with a hatchet.
You may think my views are narrow minded, i'm not really bothered, but i think its plain to see where a baby/babies would be better born into...