Now I can't comment on the halycon days of nationwide Munching, because that was before my time. However, I can offer some perspective from someone whose munching has decidedly regional tendencies:
It is nothing to do with chatrooms in my case - it's a) financial - I find that the cost of transport is more manageable (plus hotels) if the Munch is vaguely local and b) because as a single gal, I like to know folk that are going.
I was petrified at my first social - but I met cool people... and so the next time they suggested a Munch, I went along - and met some people from the social and some new people. That made the next Munch easier, knowing I would see familiar faces...
and so my regional Munch habit developed!
Nola x
I've gotta say... i miss all the old munches.
i remember my first ever munch.... was in Eccles. (NW munch III) which i if i recall was hosted by Vicky-uk and Steve-G. there was te likes of Tiger-uk from Peterbough.... Lucifer from London... a couple from glasgow. and i'm sure there was one or two couples from devon too. everybody travelled to them. and was alwaya good catching up with everyone.
was chatting about memories of the olden days to a freind yesterday and its weird how daft things and comments job your memory.
i personlly try and get to other socails.. the world is too small to stay in one part.. and there are too many interesting and great people on this site that are outside the midlands. and if i was just to stick to the cov or derby socail.. i would miss them.
for me i think the Wigan munch, shows that people are still willing to travell, as this still does bring people from the NE, Midlands and on the odd time Essex.
while we are talking about the 'olden days"... here are some of my memories of the munches / parties
-- Drinking the bar @ NW III dry of alcohol
-- Midland Munch, which was my last munch before doing the whole "relationship thing"... where Dammy got the brunt of a arsy set of bouncers.. and resulting in everyone leaving early.
-- Medievil Banguete - a load of swingers in fits of giggles when the compare / jester was talking about stocks and chains. then playing giant jenga in the centre of the bar area
-- Notts Munch I - the snog action
Was diffcult seeing so many sexy ladies snogging.
-- Marcuso 40th birthday (well i think it was his 39th). small house... 150 people on the guest list... nearly all 150 turned up.. marguee in the garden.. but would anyone go out there.... NO.. so house was packed body to body... getting a beer was a challenge.
there are many many more... but i'd be listing them for an hour or more..
the only "old school" munch we have like that now is wigan, and thats the reason why I don't miss them...
I would organise one again, for me organising them was like organising a do for friends, so the payment bit was the least of my worries and I know that people would cover any costs I had.......
maybe i would, the biggest worry for me would be if anyone outside of our region would turn up... i use to remember people from yorkshire and the north west would come up, people from scotland would come down..... and it would be a proper mix....
I have always said that If I was ever fortunate to win the lottery I would do a big one.. it the middle of the country.... book 100 rooms in a hotel... and give them to anyone coming more than 50 miles away.... to encourage people from outside the region to come and get a mix
Right, what we need is the "O2 Arena Munch".
Get enough of us booked it wouldn't be too expensive, plenty of transport links and hotels locally.
Then next year the "Birmingham Indoor Arena Munch".
Is there a nice big place in Edinburgh/Glasgow for 2011?
We'd best avoid london in 2012 - we could be competing with too many athletes/visitors for space.
Does anyone know any swinging musicians/bands for our entertainment?
Get a tent, doss bag, firepit, wood and firelighters ;o)
see you all next summer :inlove:
your lucky Roses knickers have never been the same ,
Neither is my red dress but that wasn't DB!