Sky One - A game show with a difference:
Half a dozen British lads compete for the attentions of a stunning South American model.
She's beautiful
She's intelligent
She's funny
She's romantic
And what the fellas don't know is....
She's a man!
Now personally I'd like to think that I could tell close up, but on the telly it's far from obvious. OK, she has a bit of an Adam's apple, her hands are too big, and the bone structure in her face has something of the "chiselled'" look about it, but would I have noticed those things if I didn't already know the truth? Am I just imagining them because I know the truth?
What do you reckon then people; could you be fooled?
I'd go with Renton from Trainspotting:
"It's all a question of aesthetics and it's f*** all to do with morality. It's just a question of who you fancy"
I can relate to this with one of my closest mates. I always assumed - because he told me so - that he was straight but he has since entered the most loving relationship I know with a lad, someone who has had the most fantastic effect on him. This is all because of they share so much in common. The fact that his new squeeze has a willy has absolutely nothing to do with things.
Good on him, I say!
Miriam is a woman. She believes she is a woman, she certainly looks like a woman. I don't know whether she plans to have her "bits" chopped in the future, but what if she does - who would ever know that she was born XY not XX?
She is what she claims to be. In gaining access to the hormones she has obviously been taking so far, she will have had to convince one or more specialist doctors who know a lot more about what gender is than any layperson, that she is what she claims to be. Therefore, it is not just Miriam's opinion on her gender that counts, it has been clarified by experts in the field. Or are you guys saying you know better? :shock:
The guys not knowing that Miriam has a dick is an ethical issue of course. But bloody hell, they agreed to take part in a reality TV show and surely they know that TV companies will do anything for viewers.
I haven't been watching it as the guys they have on the programme are irritating. Miriam can do much better than any of them - I'm free when she is :twisted:
I knew this was gonna
He may believe that he's a woman and he certainly looks like a woman but that doesn't make him a woman.
He doesn't plan to have his "bits" chopped off (he's apparently quite happy with them) but if he did he could probably lead the life of a woman and you're right, maybe no-one would ever know.
I'm not trying to cause an argument here, we just have different opinions.
I believe she idetifies her self as a T-Girl, in other words shes happy to be identified as a woman but shes allso happy to keep the male genitials.
The guys in the program were up to win 10K in the end when they found out about her sexual identity they all clubed together to ban the program and sue and I believe walked away with 125K EACH!
I personaly find her looks stunning, the strong lines in her face I find very attractive... But I think her voice would eventually drive me nutts, lol.
And yes, I could play with her.
What consenting adults do with full disclosure does not cause me a problem. However I find deception in the sexual arena particularly distasteful.
Considerable offence is caused on this site by people claiming to be something thay they're not (young, fit, single, well equiped etc).
I personally would be extremely offended to think I was getting a beatiful lady to then discover I was getting a lady boy as THAT IS NOT MY THING.
I personally feel that the program is in exceding bad taste. I don't think it does any good for genuine TV's or Gender transformed individuals as it could be argued that a stereo type is being created of a deceptive type of people (which most are not).
Fred, I know very well what the law does to transgendered people. I know that MTF transsexuals get sent to male prisons where their lives are total hell. I know that the law does not recognise sex changes. The law is wrong and will change, but until then yes, transsexuals are stuck by law with what it says on their birth certificates. Have a look at this for lots of info on transgender issues and the law:
However, that is not the issue.
The issues here are:
1. is Miriam a woman? Yes she is. With respect to the people who say she isn't, she IS. We need not debate this. This has already been debated by Miriam and her doctors. What more is there to say? Steveg, sorry but you insisting on calling her "he" is offensive. There is a big difference between biological sex and gender identity. It is a shame more people who are sopposed to be open minded cannot recognise this difference.
2. Is the fact that the guys are fooled into thinking Miriam is a biological female with girl bits unethical. Yes it is I suppose, but hey, were those prats really expecting a shag from something waaaaaaaaaaay out of their league anyway?
Ok, that's all I have to say on the matter. I'm too close to this subject to be objective anyway
Just read on BBC news
Sky have settled out of court with compensation for the 6 men involved who threatened to sue.
Edited by steveg_nw