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Things kids say..

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A few months ago, my daughter asked me something that to this day makes me laugh....She is 9 years old and wants to know one day, just out of the blue she asked: "Daddy, when you were young, did you know Jesus?
Don't you just love them, lol
Can you remember stuff your kids said to you and made you laugh so hard that it it actually made your stomach hurt?
We're about to get a few chickens for eggs. When they expire, they'll be used for meat (if possible) The other day our 10 year old proclaimed that "When we get the chickens, I don't want to eat them when they die"
"ok, that's fair enough, you will be attached to them"
<draws breath>
"Unless you tell me they're really tasty."
And I thought I was fickle lol
:welcome: BTW
My sister, when about 3, was asked her name. Her response was 'Ratbag' (because that's what my dad often called her). And she was also the one who replied to the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' with the simple words 'A boy'! As far as I know, she has dropped that ambition.
Quote by fluff_n_stuff
My sister, when about 3, was asked her name. Her response was 'Ratbag' (because that's what my dad often called her). And she was also the one who replied to the question 'What do you want to be when you grow up?' with the simple words 'A boy'! As far as I know, she has dropped that ambition.

My 9 year old is at that stage too, for Xmas she wants a football, A real one not a Girl's plastic ball...
She once asked if snails have a little table inside their house?
oh i'm loving this one giggled my way through it
our youngest always came out with classics
we had some family come to stay that were vegetarians when he was 4 he asked what vegetarians were and i explained that they don't eat meat so the next night when i was dishing up dinner he asked me not to put any potatoes on his plate and when i asked why he said "because i'm a vegetarian of potatoes" lol
another time we were going over some speed humps when he proclaimed "they should b called slow humps not speed humps" :lol:
i really wish i had written them all down cause he never failed to make us smile with his pearls of wisdom
my oldest just come out with a funny one a mo ago
now to set the scene he is 19 and eats like a horse but luckily he has his dads genes so is still super slim in fact he make me look like i eat like a sparrow n trust me i don't
well just lately he hasn't been eating quiet as much he just hasn't been as hungry but still eating way more than most adults would normally
so he asked me "mum how does anorexia start"
"why" i replied
"cause i'm not as hungry as i used to be i couldn't finish my dinner last night"
bless him lol
don't worry i didn't just dismiss it we had a good talk about it and he really just didn't understand anorexia and he deffo isn't trying to loose weight he is desperately trying to put it on
The area we live in is not very culturally diverse.
We took the kids on a trip to London and a very attractive Asian lady sat next to my husband on the tube. My daughter looked at him, looked at her and said very loudly:
"Daddy, you are sat next to a ........"
At this point my heart went in my mouth .... I thought "Oh shit, what the hell is she gonna say?"
Imagine my relief when she finished her sentence with "Girl!!!"
The whole carriage went "Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"
I was watching a game of football and at the top of the screen you could see the score 2-1 (aggegate 3-2) my daughter asked "what team is playing against aggregate?"
We have always said to our two children, ask us anything you want, we will always be
truthfull with you no matter wat it is.....
A cpl of years bk we were all sat out in the garden, son, daughter and about 7 of our
son's m8s (17yo), they were chatting away about girls/boys ect, when our son looked at
his dad and said "dad....u ever done Anal" bearing in mind wat we said
above....his dad said honestly... "yes", all eyes were on him at this point, then the
next question........"was it with mom" :eeek:.....
He was promptly told 2 "shut up and change the subject" redface surprisedops:
"Mum why do you have a plastic thing in your draw in the shape of a cock" ....... redface Anne summers has a lot to answer for at times lol
When one of our boys was due to start in reception the teacher came to see us and him, while chatting she asked his name, and what is your dads name? she asked ask, it "babe" he replyed as that is what my wife almost always calls me... lol :lol: :lol:
Teacher : "What does your Daddy do for a job?"
My Son : "Nothing. He plays on the computer and shouts at us."
Scarily accurate.
My Son : "Daddy, I love you. Sometimes."
(He'd just done something good after being told off repeatedly for fighting with his sister)
Me (to mother in law) : "I think (my daughter) is starting to look much more like (my wife) nowadays..."
Mother in Law (to me) : "Really? I still think she looks a lot like you."
Daughter (overhearing) : "Granny, that's not very nice!"
Who needs enemies?
Quote by Bambi
We have always said to our two children, ask us anything you want, we will always be
truthfull with you no matter wat it is.....
A cpl of years bk we were all sat out in the garden, son, daughter and about 7 of our
son's m8s (17yo), they were chatting away about girls/boys ect, when our son looked at
his dad and said "dad....u ever done Anal" bearing in mind wat we said
above....his dad said honestly... "yes", all eyes were on him at this point, then the
next question........"was it with mom" :eeek:.....
He was promptly told 2 "shut up and change the subject" redface surprisedops:

i'm laughing so hards my head hurts rotflmao
we went on hol few years back and in a nice little seaside shop at the back was a locked glass cupboard full of vibes and dildos which we noticed and promptly steared our 10 yr old n 12 yr old sons away from hoping we had done it before they noticed
once home we were telling some friends about the incident and trying to do it cryptically as sons were with us when our oldest pipes up
"oh you mean the dildos"
and i thought our kids had led sheltered lives
Christmas - the year my son was 7.
We were still talking about Santa, mince pies for him and carrot for Rudoloph. Apprently, son went into the kitchen and whispered to my Mum "Don't tell Mummy and Dady, but I know about Santa".
Bless him. He wanted to maintain the fantasy - for US. biggrin:D:D:D:D