gotta be quick to beat a blobby-fan in this gaff aincha?
is there abit of Edmonds thing going on here?
Answers on a postcard....
brilliant, trev and simon...what about Mask and transformers...oh my god and the racoons!!
check out this link really good...
The A-Team
Knight Rider
Big Daddy- wrestling
Timmy Mallet - and pinky punky.
Louise xx
Fuck I gotta be old, Saturdays didn't involve the telly here, but was the day that they ran the saturday morning film down at the pictures a shilling to get ( 5p ) half a crown ( 25p, I think, not much more anyways, although come to think of it I reckon it was ) pocket money in me pocket which was blown on Kia-ora, Paynes Poppets, a tub and three Park Drive sold as singles from a split pack at the local tobaconist. Huge cheers for the movies heros and big boo's for the baddies, In between all that you might get lucky and sit next to the girls from the local estate for huge kissing sessions.
recent saturdays included staying in bed til 4pm get up make tea, clean house have a bath
go to work at 6 30 home again at midnight to start drinking/ perving/ general hornyness and a shag around 4 am
No telly involved but great fun even work wen texts ran between me n mr dek winding each other up for wen i got home
saturdays for nxt month no work no mr dek no sex am actually thinking of venturing out of the house before 6 30 its never been known either that or hav fun gagging the kids and tieing them to the car park out the back. think some perving may be involved tonight unless a better offer comes up (more chance of a blue moon)
now anyone got any ideas for next 3 saturdays???????
Sally James... :twisted:
Saturdays used to be great when all the weekend's league football matches started at 3pm Saturday.
the dreaded;
my first was in a garden centre at age 14.
but hey.... Brass in Pocket made quite a difference
>& thats not me in the pic...honest :shock: <