Quote by Angel Chat
And now for something completely different (ie, a bit more lighthearted ;))
My 16 year old daughter is going to have trouble living this one down....
When she got here yesterday morning she told me that my car was all frozen up and went on to describe the patterns on the passenger window of her dad's car. "You know when it's all in those swirly patterns, kind of in lines?..... Is that where Jack Frost has touched it?"
Cue giggles from me :giggle:
Her: "What?! Is Jack Frost not real?!" :shock:
Bless her... do you reckon this is a good time to talk about Father Christmas and the tooth fairy :giggle:
Quote by dambuster
The Sandman.
It was some time in my mid-thirties that I discovered The Sandman to be a good dude.
I thought he was a nasty piece of work, to be avoided at all costs like his mate The Bogey Man.
My mother used to scare us kids into staying in bed at night by telling us that if we got out of bed, The Bogey Man would get us :scared:
So - when I heard about some dude called The Sandman throwing sand in your eyes; it was obvious to me that he was a bad dude
It wasn't until I had pop at Mk II some years ago for scaring our kids by signing The Sandman song that anyone had actually explained it to me ops:
Did any of that make any sense to anyone other than me ???