After due consideration and consultation with my lawyers ( Mssrs Sue, Grabbit and Run) I would like to be removed from the Meaningless List.
As Mr Grabbit said, so succinctly, "what the f*ck is the point of being on a list that has no point. You'd be better off being on a pointfull (legal terminology) list that showed you in your true light" He also noted that " These pointless lists are growing on a countrywide basis and mark my words - No good will come from it. Why, in no time at all everyones name will be on a list that has no point and where is the point in that"
It's my birthday - so please can I please have a candle please next to both of my entries please?
Was that polite enuff?
See you all on the flip side - somewhere about Tuesday!
:happy: :happy: :happy:
You know me SO well!!
No really Sgt Listmaster - I think Jags is just shy :shock: She really really wants to be on it. :twisted:
i think jags would enjoy the ins and outs too much so leave her out
sarge you haeve a pm
I knew I should have changed the wording in my reply!
Right. It's time I got my arse in gear and got ready for work. That means I'll be going soon and gone for the week but I'll be back at the weekend so does that mean I'll have to come off the list and can I go back on when I come back????
And I managed to get the interwebdotcom connection back from C earlier so that means she was sort of gone but then she pulled the plug/pulled my plug and came back on so should she be on the list but because I'll be gone all week she'll be back on here all week so should she be on twice but as I come back every weekend does that means I can have re-entry every Fri evening (this new contract is sh*te but at least it means I get get back most Fridays) Even I've had enough of this rambling now so you must be bored witless by it so I'm going now (or soon) so how many times does that get me on the list?
Nice to see you back Funin - hope all is well now!
Hugs, Alex x