I was not here yesterday - but am today. Therefore I am back..
Does that count?
Well I'm amazing so I should be included just because of that....
And also, if you check my ad out, because I'm offering regulars the chance of a shag with me..... :twisted:
I have ignored you for 5 mins - do I get a double mention now??????
I'll tell you who I miss.....
And what did you do to the sheep after we were arrested anyway?
And has anyone seen Fly?
ahh dammit i ain't old enough for this ride :P
its like being 7 years old at the fair again :cry:
I am going to start crying in a minute....
arti is indeed sorely missed!
but then the GFZ's not so unsavoury smelling since the ferret cages were removed, so it's not all bad! every cloud and all! ;-)
neil ;-)
Reckon you've got your work cut out on this one sarge, seems to me that if you are gonna do 'This Is Your Life' for all these people , thats one hell of a lot of,
History teachers that they havn't seen for 30 years, to go out and find.
I dont qualify as I havn't been missing and I havn't got an old headmaster that I want to meet again.
I just went for a piss and I'm back!
I miss SH whenever I'm away!
Sarge!!!!!!!!!!!! :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Where have you beeeeeeeeeeeeen, oh I've missed you come ere