Having not yet plucked up the courage it sounds like a good plan to me......but guess its up to those in the know.
The 'hand holding' thing was great... meant we not only met you, practically our RL neighbour, but that also I got to spend time with Postie, without me & him talking Trades Union stuff.
However, when you meet us this weekend, I must warn you thatI have a friend in the pub who makes Postie look as 'red' as that Thatch*r frmale..
So you will not be spared Politics, after all.
I was nervous as hell at the first munch I went to, so much so that I spent most of the evening not talking to anyone, except the people that came to speak to me. It was only when Skimpy came over and virtually dragged me over to the bigger group that I started to come out of my shell a bit. So effectively I had a hand-holder too.
I must admit I was quite nervous at the NE munch, the only one I've been to so far. I shouldn't have been, as everyone I met that night was very cool, and Sean was an exceptionally gracious host.
I didn't take advantage of Postie hand-holding scheme, but in retrospect it would have been a damn good idea.
My nerves also weren't helped by MartyCleveland being on the door - he's a great bloke (at least that was the impression I got after our very brief chat), but he's the spitting image of somebody I knew at uni and the sight of him at the top of the stairs was enough to completely flummox me, especially when I've picked a nickname that's very easy to get tongue-tied over.
I'm not sure putting all of the newbies in touch with each other is such a good plan - after all, they are by definition an unknown quantity and it's possible that they might end up frightening each other off.
If it's not too much trouble for the long-suffering but greatly appreciated individuals who deal with munch badges then the idea of a symbol of some kind to indicate newbie status might be worth implementing, especially if munch organisers want to delegate the task of looking after newbies to another person or people.
The Newbie Identifyer would have to be optional. Some might not want the attention.
Yeah, right!!
munches are like clubs, not knowing what to expect can fry your head a little, but we have all been there , and we all end up thinking after " what the hell was i worried about ", but was great meeting you hun, see you again soon ....... serps & slayer xxxxxxxxxx
Due to go to my first Munch next month, and I must admit i'm as nervous as hell. I remember back to Posties thread about a helping hand at your first Munch. I do hope theres one at this one.
Everyone on hear does sound fantastic and I look forward to meeting you all soon. Maybe a wee-whiskey before I go in.
With regards to the newbie thing, not a bad idea to cat before you go :idea:
Having a newbie list for your 1st munch is def something I'd go for. Doesn't matter how much people say that you'll settle in straight away and that everyone will mingle - I'd much prefer to go with someone in the same boat.
i think its great that existing members take the time discuss issues such as this and are pro-active in trying to integrate newbies such as myself into the group. i will definately feel a lot less nervous when i do get to my first munch knowing that there are ideas in place to get people involved as much as possible. going into a bar where you know no-one and trying to make friends is really scary so thanks for showing what a friendly bunch you all are!!!
I am going to the scottish munch which will be my first. Can't wait and not at all nervous........................Yet!
If anyone wants to hold my hand and introduce me to folks though, give me a pm and we'll arrange to meet.
Oh, also, can you get a sh pin when you're there or do you have to order them now?
Cheers, hope I didn't hijack!
Just to be clear Shaz, the event you attended at Chams wasn't a munch. A munch is a purely social event