I must admit I have been known to throw a sicky in the looooong distant past but for altogether(hic burp oh my gawwwwwwwd) different reasons

Quote by foxylady2209
I reckon everyone should be able to have one 'duvet' day a year if they won't inconvenience their colleagues too much. Just knowing it's there can get you through a bad week at work.
Quote by westerross
I reckon everyone should be able to have one 'duvet' day a year if they won't inconvenience their colleagues too much. Just knowing it's there can get you through a bad week at work.
Quote by foxylady2209
I reckon everyone should be able to have one 'duvet' day a year if they won't inconvenience their colleagues too much. Just knowing it's there can get you through a bad week at work.
Quote by anais
I have.....sort of!
Was working 70/80 hrs per wk for months on end and it all caught up with me eventually! Was utterly exhausted and needed a break desperately. Although I had 7 wks leave a yr, plus bank holidays and xmas close down, never time to take it all. Was lucky if I squeezed three weeks leave in... so I didn't feel bad about it.
Quote by Echoes7
I have.....sort of!
Was working 70/80 hrs per wk for months on end and it all caught up with me eventually! Was utterly exhausted and needed a break desperately. Although I had 7 wks leave a yr, plus bank holidays and xmas close down, never time to take it all. Was lucky if I squeezed three weeks leave in... so I didn't feel bad about it.
Quote by anais
I have.....sort of!
Was working 70/80 hrs per wk for months on end and it all caught up with me eventually! Was utterly exhausted and needed a break desperately. Although I had 7 wks leave a yr, plus bank holidays and xmas close down, never time to take it all. Was lucky if I squeezed three weeks leave in... so I didn't feel bad about it.