Hello all.
I'd be really interested to hear other peoples opinions regarding time wasters.
I was stood up today for the second time by the same person. Maybe I'm a little too trusting, perhaps a tad naive. But when I organise to meet with someone I'd expect to meet or at least be given an explanation as to why the no show.
Both meets were arranged at relative short notice, which, you would assume, meant that the other person new they were free or had no prior engagements.
The annoying thing on top of the wasted 90 minute round trip is that when I've attempted to ask the person in question where they were I get nothing.
Is there a protocol for "outing" timewasters, or do I just need to learn from the episode, forget it and move on?
Thanks for reading
Mike here.
It has not happended to us yet, but can imagine how annoying and frustraiting it can be.
We know someone who lives near Newcastle and travelled all the way to London, and ended up sitting in a restaurant for an hour or so waiting for a couple to show. Apart from feeling a right burke, it is a very expensive outing.
I can understand someone getting cold feet, but a text at least to save you the time and money does not seem a hard thing to do. Anyone who does not at least give this courtesy are rude and ignorant, and in the end the type of people you would not want to meet anyway.
Unfortunately policing this is almost impossible, in the end it is one persons word against another, and therefore I feel your last comment, as highlighted by Kentswingers does indeed sum it up.
yup we got that wound once too,, they sure aint funny, can assure anyone timewasting isnt our scene either, we would certainly go ape if we drove a long distance for nothing. It can feck up peoples confidences.
xxxxx liz and gary {gaznliz}
May I speak from the other side.
I was making arrangements for a meet, but before the date was set I had to back out. Then later, I started to think about the meet again. Every time I was about to ask the lady again something came up.
Things happen, but it is good manners to cancel up front or appoligised afterwards.
I flew from stansted to dublin, for a date that did not show up.
I knew it was going to happen as she had broken contact 2 days before the date... on msn and cellphone
I still went and spent the weekend touring a city new to me.
was I happy? f..k no I wasn't!
it's the first and only no show so far.
I've been a gentleman about it too, as I knew where she would have been at later that day..and even have her on facebook, where I could have posted a few nasty things about her...but what would have been the point?
but yes the idea of posting on these websites the names of those people who have a change of heart and don't have the manners to alert you (or alternatively give an explanation afterwards)... should be an option to look into.
I have perservered and as for the idea of naming and shaming...the person who stood me up is regularily online (not here)...and to this day (nearly one year has passed) I still don't know what her motives were. not that I'm interested..
I admit that there may be cases such as your example..but still..
anyway, it seems to me that the word timewaster, these days is thrown around too easily and quite often inappropriately..
I have a feeling that people who simply are not interested, or have found so after chatting for a short while, might end up being called timewasters... when all they are is people who have made a choice.
I once turned up for a meet and wished theat the other person had not shown :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
So far I have had four meetings from this site and thankfully they have all turned up. That said, I have been burnt many times in the past by no-shows. In my old age I am getting increasingly pessimistic, which is why, if possible, I try to arrange meetings within walking distance of my place (not always that easy in London). That goes for all meetings, and not just the ones from this site. I also try to go somewhere where I can do some work while waiting for my date (ie a cafe) in order to minimise the inconvenience if I am stood up.