guys if you are genuine its only polite to reply to messages if only to say no thanks
no its the couples that answer ads and get so many wankers that dont reply it is frustrating if cpl are genuine and its not only single females that swing
yes about as much as a dog having a crap
make an effort with your profile...and other people might do the same with you!...its not rocket science!
like your ad nothing in it
Two words for you roshe Manners, Respect
They get you laid on Sh more than anything else so take note.
And I wouldn't call being a member since 2006 a newbie!!!!!
the boy done good!
look at the speed with which this thread grew... :shock:
Hey I bet that's why there's no details! Watch out for anal probes!
sittin' on the dock of the bayyy
watchin' the tiiiiide role awayy
sittin' on the dock of the bayyy
I don't understand it when i receive nasty emails moaning because i haven't replied by saying 'thanks but no thanks' what's the point? They go straight on the ignore list.
Why moan? In my opinion you have to take the good with the bad on this site. I've had lots of great sex, which is why i'm here. I've also had my share of timewasters, nasties, and control freaks. So what! That's life.
I think hell on earth would be married to a guy who was narrow minded and unwilling to tolerate swinging. I'm not so i don't moan.