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To shave or not?

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This subject has probably been done before but.... what is the general rule on shaving ones privates? Do men like women to be shaved? Do women like men shaved?
In the swinging scene we have found most women are shaved, and a lot of men are just trimmed. Would be interesting to find out peoples views. We as a couple prefere shaved as we saw a woman at a club once who's fanny looked like a rain forest! :shock: and other people at the club was quite shocked that it was not even trimmed.
No doubt this thread will attract a few funny comments rolleyes but how would YOU feel if you met somebody male or female, who was very hairy down there? Try to keep it serious peeps. lol lol
wow, yet another reason to avoid clubs. If everyone stands around discussing people's nether regions rather than admiring that they have the courage to be intimate in public.
shave everything...go freeeeeeeeeeeee smile
I find hairy bits a turn off but I can't imagine ever standing around chatting about it - I've got better things to be doing in a club! wink
A good trim is fine by me but ideally, I'd prefer shaven bits.
I used to be very particular about being fully shaven but I understand most men don't actually give a shit as long as you've got tits and a hole to fill. :mrgreen:
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?
I'm going to start a thread called "Is Size Important". cool
Quote by Marya_Northeast
I'm going to start a thread called "Is zits Important". cool

Be my guest!! rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao
Quote by Mal
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?

I presumed that this had been talked about before, but I had never seen the topic talked about, but have not been posting on the Forum for long.
If this is a " done to death " topic, then am sorry. Just close the thread if you like.
I think that a fem nicely trimmed is cool. Au natural is cool too. Overly hirsute, hmmm. Then i suppose its not as appealing If your one to sit there staring at it dunno . I know as for womem Mrs Lost likes shaved or trimmed though with men it depends how the guy looks. Mostly she doesn't like them so much shaved although I know of one exception. Maybe for some its how they feel personally as too whether they shave or not. Or is it purely the idea that it's for others benefit.
Its not a barrier to a great time though lets face it. Or are some people that errrrrrrrr fussed?
Quote by kentswingers777
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?

I presumed that this had been talked about before, but I had never seen the topic talked about, but have not been posting on the Forum for long.
If this is a " done to death " topic, then am sorry. Just close the thread if you like.
No! don't close it!! Kent I cant stand using the search button. So being selfish I suppose :confused: . I'm happy to read stuff like this again biggrin. i doubt i'm the only one. :thumbup: goodstuff
Quote by kentswingers777
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?

I presumed that this had been talked about before, but I had never seen the topic talked about, but have not been posting on the Forum for long.
If this is a " done to death " topic, then am sorry. Just close the thread if you like.
You've been posting long enough and even posted in a similar thread last year.
Included in that thread was a link to another much longer thread about the same subject. So that should keep you interested as well, Lost!
Quote by Lost

Its not a barrier to a great time though lets face it. Or are some people that errrrrrrrr fussed?

Yep! Cos I'm fed up with going down for fun, thoroughly enjoying the feeling......... then all of a sudden, what's that in my mouth :shock: did I imagine it, where's it gone, no I imagined it, there it is again the bugger, come ere I'll discreetly catch you with my tongue and flick you out in a minute, come ere grrrrr lost it again, I know you've gone round there and I'm coming to get you! Blast!! now breathed in through my nose a bit forceful and now hoovered a clump of hair up my nose that's still attached to his groin :shock: What do I do, do I try and blow it out again, or sit up, risk the 'mustn't itch nose, and give a sexy grin while composing self, what if it wasn't attached and I now look like Hercule Poirot confused
Not much chance to relish the taste and texture of him himself ......... just cos he likes the 'rugged' look :hunk:
Tis true tho, the subject has been done to death. You do kind of run out of things to say in these threads confused ....
Hence the pretty much unrelated waffle, I've just read back to myself, about a hair in my mouth and up my nose redface
Quote by Missy
a hair in my mouth and up my nose redface

Don't say it too loud or everyone will want one rolleyes
Louise xx
I prefer men to be hairy but its not much of an issue either way. Its more about the man than the body fluff confused
Quote by Dawnie
Its more about the man than the body fluff confused

Absolutley cool I know I rib the life out the poor sod, more so in rl than on here! :lol2: You should see when he's not done his head for a few days and he looks like one of them playdough men (the barber shop ones where hair sprouts out) I'm relentless :lol2:
In reality tho, more often than not it's on of my long head hairs that gets caught up confused Bit of a shock that when I go to pull it out my mouth and it just keeps on coming :shock:
i fully shave, dek part shaves or sometimes just trims men shaving doesnt really bother me, does more for a mans ego maybe tho making things look slightly bigger lol
Quote by X_fanny_x
i fully shave, dek part shaves or sometimes just trims men shaving doesnt really bother me, does more for a mans ego maybe tho making things look slightly bigger lol

makes you look slightly bigger mmmmmmm pass the bic
kinda think its funny when people say this "subject been done to death" We think your getting new people joining site on a daily basis and looking in forum. Do they need to read every post before they start a topic in case its been done before me thinks they be there awhile so if a topic has been done before fine, but you dont have to read it again if its restarted by someone new.
Quote by Mal
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?

I presumed that this had been talked about before, but I had never seen the topic talked about, but have not been posting on the Forum for long.
If this is a " done to death " topic, then am sorry. Just close the thread if you like.
You've been posting long enough and even posted in a similar thread last year.
Included in that thread was a link to another much longer thread about the same subject. So that should keep you interested as well, Lost!
Then I appologise. Must be me age as I cannot remember last week, let alone last year. :shock:
Another white hair!
Perhaps it is time to shave? Where do I stop? Those little lonely ones just above? Do I remove the leg hairs? Now, how high do I go? Do I remove the wig, if I had one.
Is one more prone to sun burn?
OH so many questions, what is best?
Quote by tyneside4fun
i fully shave, dek part shaves or sometimes just trims men shaving doesnt really bother me, does more for a mans ego maybe tho making things look slightly bigger lol

makes you look slightly bigger mmmmmmm pass the bic
kinda think its funny when people say this "subject been done to death" We think your getting new people joining site on a daily basis and looking in forum. Do they need to read every post before they start a topic in case its been done before me thinks they be there awhile so if a topic has been done before fine, but you dont have to read it again if its restarted by someone new.
Actually, I DO have to read it!! But that's a problem of mine, not yours. lol
We understand that new people join all the time and may not know if a topic has been done before. However, if a newbie posts something that falls under the category shaving, size or timewasters for instance, it's normally you, the membership, that have a go at them for posting it. Just have a look at some of the threads running today! Kent doesn't come under the category of newbie, hence my original question to him.
If a newbie posts one of those topics and they are informed that it's been done before and perhaps if they're really interested in the subject, to read previous threads, what is wrong with that? If they wish to comment on the subject, what's wrong with them resurrecting an old thread? It might tempt others for their opinions once they have read the thread.
What tends to happen is everyone jumps up and down about the topic (see other threads), the newbie gets put off instead of taking the advice offered, then people start arguing amongst themselves about the merits of using the 'search button as your friend' and seeing the same topic coming round yet again, then we get 'told/asked' to lock it, then we get an argument started about why we locked it, and then and then and then and so it goes on.........!!!
Quote by Mal
i fully shave, dek part shaves or sometimes just trims men shaving doesnt really bother me, does more for a mans ego maybe tho making things look slightly bigger lol

makes you look slightly bigger mmmmmmm pass the bic
kinda think its funny when people say this "subject been done to death" We think your getting new people joining site on a daily basis and looking in forum. Do they need to read every post before they start a topic in case its been done before me thinks they be there awhile so if a topic has been done before fine, but you dont have to read it again if its restarted by someone new.
Actually, I DO have to read it!! But that's a problem of mine, not yours. lol
We understand that new people join all the time and may not know if a topic has been done before. However, if a newbie posts something that falls under the category shaving, size or timewasters for instance, it's normally you, the membership, that have a go at them for posting it. Just have a look at some of the threads running today! Kent doesn't come under the category of newbie, hence my original question to him.
If a newbie posts one of those topics and they are informed that it's been done before and perhaps if they're really interested in the subject, to read previous threads, what is wrong with that? If they wish to comment on the subject, what's wrong with them resurrecting an old thread? It might tempt others for their opinions once they have read the thread.
What tends to happen is everyone jumps up and down about the topic (see other threads), the newbie gets put off instead of taking the advice offered, then people start arguing amongst themselves about the merits of using the 'search button as your friend' and seeing the same topic coming round yet again, then we get 'told/asked' to lock it, then we get an argument started about why we locked it, and then and then and then and so it goes on.........!!!
Am sorry then Mal. I have posted a lot in the Forum, but cannot remember all the topics, or any of my replies. To be honest I have never used the search button but maybe I should. Sometimes even though a new thread appears on an old subject, sometimes peoples views and comments do change from an old thread.
As I have mentioned before that if people want to reply to a thread that has been done many times, then I feel that is fine....but that is only my opinion. Think I will not post again as I seem to get told off a lot. :cry: :cry:
I'm going to reply two-fold in this...
First the "its been done to death" or "there are loads of other threads on this" etc etc...
Is there not an option for the forum moderators to "Merge" threads, therefore if a moderator immediately spots that this is a common subject, they simply move the new thread into the last thread on the topic?? (Sorry Mal, not having a go I promise, just curious as to why this function isn't used?)
And the shaving question... I (Mrs B) suffer from occasional bouts of Alopecia Universalis, this means basically I lose my hair from EVERY part of my body.. legs, pussy, armpits, head, eyelashes and eyebrows...
When I'm in a "rotation(?)" of actually having hair I find I cannot stand it anywhere near my privates... :crazy: it makes me feel unclean, sticky and uncomfortable, so I shave or use delapitory creams and go totally naked... actually it takes me a while to get used to hair on my head too... I had my first haircut in about 6 years last week, I was terrified!! :scared:
Mr B is au natrel, although he has very little hair and none on his head so maybe not a good model! But I've never found it an issue to be honest... its whatever makes each of us comfortable...
Quote by tyneside4fun
i fully shave, dek part shaves or sometimes just trims men shaving doesnt really bother me, does more for a mans ego maybe tho making things look slightly bigger lol

makes you look slightly bigger mmmmmmm pass the bic
kinda think its funny when people say this "subject been done to death" We think your getting new people joining site on a daily basis and looking in forum. Do they need to read every post before they start a topic in case its been done before me thinks they be there awhile so if a topic has been done before fine, but you dont have to read it again if its restarted by someone new.
yup same thoughts here, newbies are scared of the search button if they even know about searching the forums
Quote by Dawnie
I prefer men to be hairy....

Rules me out then. :cry:
I've not much hair to be honest..especially on my head..hence the profile name. I love it. Never have a bad hair day, saves £100 a year on haircuts, can swim quicker and get to the bar quicker. As for down there, i'm trimmed and have a smooth No complaints from the ladies. wink
Quote by Mal
Have you done a search on this? were there not enough views there that would appease your interest?
Or have you just posted this to see peoples' reaction to this 'done to death' topic?

I presumed that this had been talked about before, but I had never seen the topic talked about, but have not been posting on the Forum for long.
If this is a " done to death " topic, then am sorry. Just close the thread if you like.
You've been posting long enough and even posted in a similar thread last year.
Included in that thread was a link to another much longer thread about the same subject. So that should keep you interested as well, Lost!
Sorry going to disagree on these comments. :shock: As I don’t want to read old threads that seem to go off the original subject banghead and so then u are left with 2 pages with comments of total waffle. :small-print: bolt Much prefers a new thread with comments off people who want to discuss it, and if it’s been done to death well don’t read it then. :fuckinghell:
Feel sorry for you mods as it can get a bit same old same threads but not a lot of new subjects can be done. :therethere: Might be a good idea to put a sticky thread called..... dunno
Done to death thread please check 1st before posting another thread and then the regulars wont wont jump on your back thread. :shock: worship wave
I shave but that is more due to the fact that i feel more clean and isnt really for the bennifit for peeps that i meet on the site, however, i am not really fussy as to wheather one is shaved or hairy but maybe thats jus me
I can't see a problem if the topic has been covered previously if it generates interest. This hasn't done badly for a "done to death" topic to attract 2 pages of contributions.
Keep on posting and if it has been done before so what.
My preference is for shaved on guys or gals.
Quote by Sweet22couple
Sorry going to disagree on these comments. :shock: As I don’t want to read old threads that seem to go off the original subject banghead and so then u are left with 2 pages with comments of total waffle. :small-print: bolt Much prefers a new thread with comments off people who want to discuss it, and if it’s been done to death well don’t read it then. :fuckinghell:

I totally agree, Sweet22.
Also, I'd much rather see any new thread,even if it is on a subject that's been done before,
(as long as it conforms to the AUP) than see the same 4 or 5 topics moving up and down the top of the thread list for a day or two,
New threads, even if "done to death" can generate new ideas, new contributors, old contributors who want to reiterate or change their point of view... I just don't see where the problem is at all.
I feel that telling people off for posting these "regular" threads, only leads to people feeling cautious about posting at all - and that includes newbies and old timers.
Oh, and I like hairy men. The hairier, the better. :twisted: