Its all very well this oral sex but is there ever a time when you're down below (shhh looks furtively) you've been going for ages your tongues knackered and the person on the end of your slathering administrations has cum and cum is not saying "hey its about time I had a go on you" And you think "Oh I wish this would finish" I need a coffee now?
thought the post was about tooth ache lol
ive been unfortunate that ive met several guys who are crap at oral, or maybe its like the washing dishes theory, do it crap and you wont be asked to do it again.
however they all seem to love the bjs i give and lie ther sometimes for far to long enjoying it, i just stop if i get bored lol
xx fem xx
i only give as good as i get.......
but then again he might make up for it else where
it takes about 40 mins for me to get tongue ache...the worst part is when you pick up the pace and they are on the verge of cumming and you know you have to keep that pace up until shes cum.
convince yourselves that the pain/ache is a form of masochism, and all is well with the world!
Well, I learnt all I know from an Aardvark
Aardvark a million miles for one of your smiles......
Sorry about that. Yes there can be discomfort from giving oral sex whichever genital is being administered to but I don't think that's the point. The point is that you are trying to pleasure someone else and your own temporary discomfort is irrelevant for the moment. That said, any advice about lessening jaw and tongue ache is always welcome because losing the rhythm through fatigue at just the crucial point is a shame.
Another thing that has occurred to me; it's very nice to give an orgasm with your mouth but just the intimacy of a mouth-genital connection is a pleasure in its own right.
outch muy jhaw hurths anth aikhs, i fink its haz locked upp.........(trying to type and make it sound as though your saying it with a painful jaw is really hard to pull it off)