Quote by Happy Cats
There's not this mad "papist" plot to take over the world you know
Are you sure, I mean, really sure?
who are you........... :roll:
It is his concealment, of his beliefs, not his beliefs.
does anyone really believe that blair didnt get the results that he wanted ?
were you not here when he ran roughshod over international law and public opinion before the iraq war?
Quote by Suede-head
The point i was making was that he was "unable" not "unwilling" to disclose his new found faith.
In fact followers of Politics would have been aware he was converting to Catholicism ... like all men who want a quiet life he was following the lead of his wife!
In fact it was very well-established in the media that he was closely linked to the Roman Catholic church, in that his wife and children are catholics, and that he had attended Catholic church services many times, and was also reported to be taking instruction in the Catholic faith.
Like a previous poster said the Prime Minister of this country can not be a confirmed Catholic ... in todays age of multi-culturalism this seems anarchic. I for one would have admired Blair more if he had "come out" as a Catholic rather than wait till he had served his time as PM.
He did "come out", more or less - see my point above. In fact there is no constitutional barrier to the Prime Minister being a Catholic, it was just regarded as being rather odd that a Catholic Prime Minister would be appointing Church of England archbishops and bishops - a bit like Arsene Wenger picking the England cricket team!
We could of have had the debate as to whether a Prime Minister`s faith effected his policies in the Public, rather than on on a Swingers forum .. but as Mallock quite rightly puts "Does it really fukin matter ???????"
Quote by willbe_jane
If Dr Ian Paisley and Martin McGuiness can shake hands at Stormont castle and put aside past differences for the good of a country, one that has been blighted with over 300years of unrest, inequallity and war because of the attitudes above, what is more concerning is that attitudes and retoric of the shankil road of the past still persists.
Quote by Pete_sw
The point is that no-one really cares what TB has done about his religious beliefs, if that's what they are, so why make such a public song and dance about it................ Sometimes you just have to keep your eyes on the ball
Quote by Jaq__kryps
right, just to stick my oar in
catholics in history just happen to be the most evil bunch of buggers this planet has ever seen.
as a complete atheist i agree with flower lol
and if anybody cares to argue...
the bible is about two entities, one is a complete b****d, total megalomaniac, loves baby killing, mass murder, shake the world, kill is a pastime, and the other is a devil,
i defy any catholic who actually read the bible to say god is good.
ask galilileo who had the audacity to suggest the earth revolved round the sun lol
Quote by anais
right, just to stick my oar in
catholics in history just happen to be the most evil bunch of buggers this planet has ever seen.
as a complete atheist i agree with flower lol
and if anybody cares to argue...
the bible is about two entities, one is a complete b****d, total megalomaniac, loves baby killing, mass murder, shake the world, kill is a pastime, and the other is a devil,
i defy any catholic who actually read the bible to say god is good.
ask galilileo who had the audacity to suggest the earth revolved round the sun lol