It depends on which teeth it is in our house, front teeth are £1, side teeth are 50p and back teeth are Luckly they've not had any fall out for a while.
Quote by beebeep
is it just me, but i am curious as to how the tooth came out :rascal:
was it
or was it :boxing:
oh well fantasy world here i come.
BB :twisted:
Quote by red_931
Last tooth my son lost he ended up getting £5 for it. The tooth fairy came at night, then grandma gave him some more the day after.
Quote by Marya
I forgot my tooth fairy duties with the last tooth she lost. The next day, i found her frantically scrubbing said tooth in the bathroom sink ... "It can't have been clean enough!"
Quote by Shireen_Mids
P.S. Out of interest... Does anyone else keep all the teeth that fall out like I do????
Quote by Shireen_Mids
I forgot my tooth fairy duties with the last tooth she lost. The next day, i found her frantically scrubbing said tooth in the bathroom sink ... "It can't have been clean enough!"
Quote by Shireen_Mids
P.S. Out of interest... Does anyone else keep all the teeth that fall out like I do????
Quote by Shireen_Mids
P.S. Out of interest... Does anyone else keep all the teeth that fall out like I do????