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Top 10 Modern Films

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4 watchers
Someone mentioned Ryuichi Sakamoto's haunting melody for Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence in another thread and got me to thinking about my favorite films. Not the oldies or just classics but just the 10 films I would take into a room and watch if I had to do nothing for 24 hours! There are many I had to miss off - it was really difficult to pick just 10 and probably if I was in a light hearted mood some classic comedy ones would have been in there. But having just listened to "The Friends of Mr Cairo" I am in a mellow and reflective mood!
So here are my Top 10 - in order..1.) Bladerunner – Directors Cut
2.) Merry Christmas Mr Lawrence
3.) Juggernaut
4.) Midnight Express
5.) Patch Adams
6.) Awakenings
7.) Good Will Hunting
8.) Hunt for Red October
9.) Gorky Park
10.) A Few Good Men
every one a good choice and I've watched most of those films several times. I particularly enjoyed 'Gorky Park', Brian Dennehey is a seriously under-rated actor.
My 10 modern classics would change , as you suggested, with mood. They might include:
The Man Who wasn't There
Miller's Crossing

..yep, all Coen Bros-and you could throw 'The Big
Lebowski' in there for good measure...dude..
Magnolia-Aimee Mann sountrack is as good as a soundtrack gets
Witness-stunning photography, fine plot PLUS Kelly McGillis
Amelie-Joi De Vivre or what?
Il Postino-poets again!!Are you in this one Will?
LA Confidential
One flew over the Cuckoos Nest
oh, and I would always want a Mike Leigh, probably
Life is Sweet-(Jane Horrocks covered in chocolate sauce has
nothing to do with choice)
Anyway, will have changed mind by time I've presed submit button...
Tricky this ...but some faves
Lord of the Rings (all three)
The Usual Suspects
Pulp Fiction
The Green Mile
Shawshank Redemption
Blade Runner (Directors cut)
Apollo 13
That's it for the moment
Witness was nearly there for me - but not quite! - On another day it would have been along with Apollo 13 and The Greem Mile - good ones Fun365!
Apart from that and One flew... - not seen any of the others you mentioned! redface
Bit of a loss at films me really!
Wot, no Goodfellas, Last Orders or 24 Hour Party People?
what about Casino,there are a few more i could mention:-
The Omen-are all kids like this?
Carrie-what an excellent ending
A Casualty of War(a tv film by Frederick Forsyth)starring John Threlfall
The Odessa File
Puppet on a Chain
i'm a bit nervous about this posting as i'm sure your fave films say a hell of a lot about your personality... but here goes.
1 groundhog day
2 the fisher king
3 american beauty
4 life is sweet (and i'm with artificer on the choclate sauce issue, did nothing for me)
5 tilsammans (together)
6 ladykillers
7 toy story
8 naked gun
9 the opposite of sex
10 spinal tap
it's hard just choosing 10 isn't it?
bed head.
Have to agree with you about the tune from Merry Xmas Mr Lawrence - fantastic, and on soooooo many chillout CD's I have.
In no particular order are my (the male half's) choice:
1. Shawshank Redemption
2. Bladerunner (Director's Cut)
3. The Big Blue (Version Longué)
4. Glory
5. The Searchers
6. Alien or Aliens - cannot make my mind up here...
7. The Green Mile
8. The Usual Suspects
9. LA Confidential
10. Dances with Wolves
Loads more I could probably add, just one look at my DVD collection and you've got 100's
Missed the likes of Spartacus, Gladiator, Platoon, Apocalypse Now (Redux), Terminator, Great Escape - oh the list is endless !!!!!!
Will ask the other half and she if she can come up with one later on.
Ok, this is a hard one ....... but this is our top ten for the mood we are in at the moment lol
1. Star Wars
2. Raiders of the lost ark
Reine Margot
private Ryan
never dies
of the state

and times of David Gayle
9. Dead poets society
10. Bowling for columbine
Lots of good movies already mentioned, and lots still missed im sure!
Fran & Stu
Not sure I can make 10 but here goes... in no particular order
Pulp Fiction
Wings of Desire
The man who wasn't there
The Princess Bride
Highlander...yes, I know it's crap but it's got my two favourite men in it
Subway - same favourite man as Highlander
Thanks to DJohn for introducing me to three of those films - x xx x
Only ten? Oh well, here goes...
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead. Tom Stoppard - say no more.
Shakespeare In Love. Tom Stoppard - say no more.
The Man Who Wasn't There. A B&W photography snob's wet dream.
Donnie Darko. Unexpectedly intelligent, great soundtrack, and Drew Barrymore.
Delicatessen. Thanks Jags!
Local Hero. It's impossible to watch this too many times.
The Sixth Sense. But not on my own, and certainly not with the lights off.
Snatch. Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels with more humour and Brad Pitt.
Life Is Beautiful. Because however ugly it gets, life is beautiful.
Prospero's Books. Sit back and let it wash over you.
A Simple Plan. Because I can't count.
And Memento. And Brazil. And Bad Boy Bubby. And Fargo. And Proof. And The Virgin Suicides. And everything the Coens have ever touched. And... and... and...
Quote by DJohn
Only ten? Oh well, here goes...
Rosencrantz And Guildenstern Are Dead. Tom Stoppard - say no more.
Shakespeare In Love. Tom Stoppard - say no more.
The Man Who Wasn't There. A B&W photography snob's wet dream.
Donnie Darko. Unexpectedly intelligent, great soundtrack, and Drew Barrymore.
Delicatessen. Thanks Jags!
Local Hero. It's impossible to watch this too many times.
The Sixth Sense. But not on my own, and certainly not with the lights off.
Snatch. Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels with more humour and Brad Pitt.
Life Is Beautiful. Because however ugly it gets, life is beautiful.
Prospero's Books. Sit back and let it wash over you.
A Simple Plan. Because I can't count.
And Memento. And Brazil. And Bad Boy Bubby. And Fargo. And Proof. And The Virgin Suicides. And everything the Coens have ever touched. And... and... and...

Think you are due for a visit with a bagful of DVDs...I'm sure you have got ALL of those and I've only seen 4 of those. Shakespeare in Love isn't mine but I found it still in the cupboard .....think I need to return it but it reminds me of a VERY drunken night in Glasgow and involves chips at midnight!!!
This thread has intrigued me all day whilst working on some incredibly dull documents, and now finally, with my G&T (sorry Will, it's not Gordon's, it's Bombay Sapphire), I can finally have a think about it... so here goes in no particular order...
Witness - the most sympathetic account of Amish traditions with a superb soundtrack and the delectable Harrison Ford
Sense and Sensibility - Emma Thompson's empathy with Austen is astounding even if she did play with the story slightly
Shakespeare in Love - witty, romantic, superb
Gorky Park - compelling and fascinating
Iris - moving with superb casting
Monty Python and the Holy Grail - then again The Life of Brian... or The Meaning of Life - damn cannot decide
The Draughtsman's Contract - fabulous soundtrack by Talman
The Last of the Mohicans - spectacular cinematography plus Daniel Day Lewis
Rob Roy - Dear God, Liam Neeson in a kilt! Not to mention the reintroduction of the word 'quim' - I've won Scrabble matches with that!
The Name of the Rose - as compelling as Umberto Eco's novel and starring the superb Sean Connery
But then there's more recently the Lord of the Rings, and Wings of the Dove, and A Room with a View, and Maurice, and Chicago and Notting Hill and - too many superb movies to choose from!
Sappho xxx
Quote by Sappho
The Name of the Rose - as compelling as Umberto Eco's novel and starring the superb Sean Connery

The book was great (Foucault's Pendulum was a few million times better), but too much was hacked out and compressed and simplified for the movie. Disappointing.
Bookshops should sort books by translator, to make it easier to find William Weaver's work.
Quote by Sappho

Renee Zellweger is delicious, but I prefer Moulin Rouge.
DJohn.. how could I forget Moulin Rouge??????????????? Sorry.. it was definite eye candy and a feast! Want to see the man falling over in the background again.
Brings me to Ewan McGregor - mmmmmmmmmm
Brings me to Denis Lawson - double mmmmmmmmmm (back to Local Hero m'thinks).
A big leap to Bobby Carlyle..... mmmmmmmmmm
I HATE Rob Roy and Braveheart with such a vengance - non-scottish actors trying hard to be scottish and failing with such aplomb!!
The book was great (Foucault's Pendulum was a few million times better), but too much was hacked out and compressed and simplified for the movie. Disappointing.

You have a point DJohn - but imagine what they would do to Foucault's Pendulum? It would be impossible! I thought the essence of the Rose was captured, but it would have been impossible to get all the theological intricacies in to it.
Sappho xxx
hello.i am new here(posted under hey i am new here !if interseted!?!)
picking movies will no doubt say a little or a lot about yourself and i am sure i could pick more but here are mine in NO particular order except for number 1!

two towers
history X
wicker man
of the jackal
devli rides out

dont what you will make of these!..they are open to change....
xdavidx when i said intersested there i meant interested...!(really should work on the dyslexia) redface
Completely with you on The Vikings, The Wicker Man and The Devil Rides Out. I also agree with DJohn on The Sixth Sense too - usually not my sort of movie (being a scaredy cat) but thought it was superb.
Sappho xxx
Quote by Sappho
The Draughtsman's Contract - fabulous soundtrack by Talman
The Last of the Mohicans - spectacular cinematography plus Daniel Day Lewis
he Name of the Rose - as compelling as Umberto Eco's novel and starring the superb Sean Connery
Sappho xxx

It's no good, I'll just have to have another dabble: my little mate on the left wants a go and you don't argue with horns like those. I love films so much that I could write a hundred lists. But there are a few which are worthy are several viewings-3 of them listed by Sappho (tasteful as always. However, I'm now humming a strange mixture of Michael Nyman and Trevor Jones' theme from 'Last of the Mohicans')
But try a couple that may have passed you by:
'Saviour'-haunting tale of personal redemption in the horror of the Bosnian conflict.
'No Man's Land'-Bosnia again, just out on vid I think? (and if you want a cracking tale about historical background of that horror read 'Montenegro' by Starling Lawrence-got a copy here)
'The Straight Story'-touching (true) tale about a dying old man driving across America on a lawn-mower!
'a short film about killing'-mind blowing
'Once were warriors'-grim reality of life for poor Maoris in the ghettoes of New Zealand
'Manhunter'-the FIRST film to feature Hannibal Lechter. Directed by Michael Mann - -Vastly superior-in ALL respects to Silence of the Lambs and William Peterson's best role (CSI)
'Three Colours (trilogy)'-red,white and blue. All superb. Watch one ..
'The Last emperor'-on tv this week sometime
Plus a couple that I didn't put in the first ten:
'The Truman Show'
'American beauty'

-along with Magnolia, will have you thinking for weeks
Some classic modern Brit-flicks:
Local Hero-never tire of it
'Get Carter'
'Long Good Friday'
'Withnail & I'
'Henry v'

'theMan who would be King'
Westerns (Artificers favourite genre)
'All the Pretty Horses'

'Once upon a Time in the West'-my all time favourite film
'Lonesome Dove'-actually a TV series, but brilliant
'Dances with wolves'
(it grieves me not to include 'Shane',High Noon', 'Magnificent Seven' but they are hardly modern)
'The Searchers'I won't omit.
Can't exclude:
'The Godfather 1&2'
'Taxi Driver'
'saving Private Ryan'
'Road to Perdition'
....and Jerry Maguire, Hurricane,when we were Kings, Field of dreams, Naked, Barry Lyndon, This Sporting Life, Saturday Night &Sunday Morning....aarghhh
Oh, it's all too much.
Got to go, film on the telly :shock:
:idea: Note to self: what we need is an SH film club
what we need is an SH film club

Damn good idea Artificer!
Which Henry V - Branagh or Olivier? I love both but I think Branagh has the edge. (There's also the delightful Much Ado About Nothing too.)
Sappho xxx
Much adoabout nothing too ? I didn't know Will had got round to writing a sequel. That's why he's been a bit quiet lately I guess.
Quote by Sappho
what we need is an SH film club

Damn good idea Artificer!
Which Henry V - Branagh or Olivier? I love both but I think Branagh has the edge. (There's also the delightful Much Ado About Nothing too.)
Sappho xxx
Branagh, by a factor of 10. Stunning film. ( I have to be careful because I know a member of the other fellah's family..) 'Much Ado..'-sheer joy.
+ 'Shackleton' on TV-cracking. talented chap..are you two related? wink
Right , Film club:
Sarge-requisition some supplies-what he's where? Alex? Alex who?
Sappho-management and anything requiring brains
Sappho-anything requiring looks
Music: Give Will and Bassdude some spoons and see what they can do.
Bedhead-general operative. Why you? Well, living in Shropshire mate you'll work for peanuts..which reminds me
I'll shovel the popcorn: I know where I can get training.
G-Man-where's he gone? Any chance of some of that cider to wash down the popcorn me old mucker?
Room? Well, the GFZ doesn't seem to have been used for its intended purpose. Let's have a look..oh, hi Sarge, hi Alex.. yes, I think I dropped some change down there as well..
mmm this is coming together. Anybody else got any suggestions..apart from Debbie and her sojourn to Dallas? The Jordan Link? No, don't think Biblical epics are good for a first film..
This is a topic that could run and run and keeps me thinking
8 Mile (Eminem is actually very, very good, the soundtrack is superb and closing out with One Shot - brilliant)
Deliverance (bought the DVD last year. First time I'd seen it since the original release. Duelling Bango's scene still electric)
The Dish (Bought the DVD as a present - watched it and kept it. Tells the 'true' story of the first moon landing and the trials and tribulations at the Aussie earth station. Funny, in a quiet sort of way)
Shrek (bought for my son. This is seriously funny - and the outtakes at the end are superb)
Blade (Wesley Snipes - it's just great action. )
Enough for the moment
I'll shovel the popcorn

I am a fully trained popcorn shoveller and hot dog dispenser courtesy of Odeon Cinemas and I can flash with the best of them - a torch that is!
Sappho xxx
PS: Would you like to go large with that, Sir?
Goodness, this is difficult isn't it? Also, most of my faves have already gone. sad I was thinking "At least no-one has mentioned Get Carter.", and then Artificer went and did it - and that was his second go too! mad
Here is mine - though as others have said a different day and a different mood would produce a different list (much the same as favourite music really).
Where films are similar (in terms of subject matter or originator), I have put an 'either/or'. Which is really just a sneaky way of getting more films in!
Get Carter - gritty and compelling
Waterloo - Christopher Plummer as Wellington is very good but Rod Steiger as Napoleon is utterly mesmerising.
Lord of the Rings - any or all of them.
The Wicker Man - a favourite since my teens, and includes Summer is Icumen In which is the oldest known piece of written music.
The Man Who Would Be King - Sean Connery AND Michael Caine!
The Name of The Rose- As usual, the book is better but it is still an excellent film!
Henry V & Much Ado About Nothing(Branagh)/Richard III(Olivier).
Elizabeth (just preferred over Shakespeare in Love)
Shawshank Redemption / Green Mile - I know they are both totally different, but I thought one prison movie was enough, and Shawshank probably gets it.
The Italian Job - the original, obviously!
Have you noticed how often Michael Caine and Sean Connery films appear in various people's lists? Fine actors who have the knack of getting cast in great films. Thinking of Michael Caine movies alone leads me on to The Honorary Consul, The Ipcress File, Zulu and Alfie. If one thinks of great directors like David Lean, what about Lawrence of Arabia? What about Ryan's Daughter?
How about Mona Lisa?
The list really is endless.
Thanks to various people for reminding me of some of my other favourites that I didn't have room for. In particular Pulp Fiction and Brazil (Jags), Iris the Monty Pythonfilms and Sixth Sense(Sappho), Midnight Expressand Juggernaut (Fred), Puppet on a Chain(the_tongue), Il Postino(Artificer) and Dead Poets' Society(Fran), Prospero's Books(DJohn).
God, I love the Cafe!!
Just thought of one I am going to go and dig out and watch again for the first time in ages.....
The Killing Fields - one of the most poignant films I know.....
Damn - there goes my top 10! confused
What has made me really laugh about this thred is all the different approaches - from those who ask why certain films are not in the top 10 - (because it is MY top 10 - post your own! wink ) to those who have no self control and who post a top 10 more like a top 100 with honourable mentions for every film they ever saw! WILL! :wink:
Then there are those that have to say something about every film like a commentary!
The nervous one who think scorn will be heaped upon their head for picking a really naff film!
I am not complaining or being judgemental - I just love to see the different approaches people have had.
My top 10 has changed today - which is the good thing about this thread - people will now go off and trawl their videos and DVD's to find the oft forgotten film that they watched to death years ago!
Think I will post my Animation (certificate U) top 10!
1.) Ice Age
2.) Shrek
3.) Muppet Trasure Island
4.) Chicken Run
5.) The Jungle Book
6.) Monsters Inc.
7.) Aladdin
8.) Bugs Life
9.) Brother Bear
10.) The Iron Giant
who post a top 10 more like a top 100 with honourable mentions for every film they ever saw! WILL!

rolleyes I seem to remember he did the same with his top 10 women. :roll: I think we need someone to pin him and and torture him mercilessly until he gives a top ten that IS a top 10! Any volunteers?
:shock: I know - Sappho, next you get Will into a compromising position in which he is at your mercy and can refuse you nothing, ask him what his Top 10 single digit numbers are. wink You can ask him as slowly as you like.