I am currently having a window in my office repaired, and the bloke said 'if you pay cash I won't charge you VAT', which means I won't get a VAT reciept and can't put it through my books.
They try to make you think they are doing you a favour, but they are the only one that makes out of it as they don't have toput it through their books.....
Then I suggest you change it, eh???
Maybe you should say, my wife does the books, I'll check with her when she gets home fromthe VAT office.
Remember your the customer he is getting paid by you to provide a service, you shoudn't have to feel bad when he is up to something dodgy!
The company I work for gets inspected at least once a year by the VAT office, and they go through everything, all petty cash, sales invoices, purchases invoices etc and make you feel about 1" tall and that you have been up to no good whilst they do it
If you want a reciept ask for one and make sure you get it.
- but he would be doing himself a favour by earning cash ie undeclared income and consequebtly lowering his tax bill.
That is what i ment