how do you trust in a swinging relationship?
why are there no "hes bigger then me", "shes thinner than me", "does he fancy her more than me" and ultimately "did she take his number"
I have yet to see a single post on here showing any sign of the green eyed monster, im sure it exists somewhere... anyone experienced this, if you have how did you combat it?
i'll leave it at that for now,
Ithink its more tha 'trust'
there is a sort of understanding too
whether that is soft swap or only once with another couple
because there are a load of wayne kerrs out there it helps us to focus on what we want and what we dont want
that sorts out the mfm mff and mfmf
i dont think its the same set of rules or boundrys for gang banging ,multi participant dogging or for bukkake
maybe some who does that can add there perspective to this thread
I think the answer is don't swing unless you have a secure and loving relationship. We have never been overcome by the green eyed monster.
I have seen some signs of jealousy at clubs. This is usually when peeps forget themselves and get rampant etc.
Otherwise if you are contacting through other indirect sources, the vetting process more or less narrows its down to yourself and the other swingers. By which time trust should be established anyway.
Sorry for the harsh reaction before Nic but I just didn't want to see another free for all on the subject.
I'm not sure I agree with Dammie here. In my view trust is a rock - once broken it stays broken. Apologies are words - they are ephemeral and history is sprinkled with heartfelt apologies meaning absolutely nothing as soon as cirumstances change. That's not to say some don't stick but on balance they not worth the paper they're rarely written on.
Trust is different for everyone where it begins or ends varies from person to person, length of relationship, type of relationship prior to loss of trust etc.
In my own case I used to swing with my first wife and she became jealous of certain types of women ( Large breasted Blondes) my type has always been small breasted Brunettes ??? Shouldn’t cause a problem you think!! No the mere presence at parties would cause issues. So we gave up swinging and eventually divorced (yes she became a cheat).
I’m now remarried have been for 11 years and I trust her unconditionally and always have she hasn’t had to earn trust it should just be there, if it isn’t it’s a problem within yourself not with your partner.
I say this because my ex has now undergone psychiatric & hypnotherapy and the jealousy was related to unresolved childhood issues (her mum was a large breasted blonde who was a serial cheat)
So look into yourself for the answers nobody else can give them to you.
What a can of worms!
I suppose I am in a position were by definition I am cheating (or at least considering it) on my partner by resuming my lifestyle choice without her knowledge. Now, regardless of what anyone else thinks of my choice, it is mine to make and I have "squared" it with myself.
Hand on heart, I cannot say that I would be able restore my trust in my partner 100% should the shoe be on the other foot. Having said that, I'm pretty sure that if my partner did discover my "dirty little secret", it would be a terminal event in our relationship.
I think the best thing anyone can do in a broken trust relationship, or with a new relationship haunted by an ex, is take it day by day and slowly go over the hurdles when you get to them...
and remember that your new partner is not and will never be your ex
Some of these opinions are very black and white. I think there are too many variables to be so definitive about this. Each person is so different, and consequently so is each relationship so I agree with Judy on this.
Surely for some, trust will be a fragile thing that must be coddled and once bumped too hard seems shattered beyond repair, but for others trust might become a bit tarnished but can be polished up to its former brilliance and even more. And all the variations inbetween that you can imagine.
And there are flavours of trust, degrees of trust etc.
So to say, don't swing if you have any doubts seems a bit daft to me. Jealousy is a messenger like any other emotion, and not necessarily a no go area. I'm reading an interesting book at the moment (The Ethical Slut) and have just started the chapter on jealousy and I think it has a lot of useful things to say about it.
However, it hasn't explained to me why I feel relatively ok about my ex (possibly to be partner again) dating, having sex with dates, and even relationships but feel absolute despair at the prospect of her swinging without me there. There is no logic and this stuff is fiendishly difficult to suss out, but probably well worth the effort.
I'd be interested in any other jealousy experiences and what people learned from them, whether they overcame them, and if so how etc. etc.
Nicola - thanks for starting a fascinating thread - I don't think it is necessary to think things through completely before posting something. Surely one of the points of posting is to have others help you figure something out! So please don't hold back, but keep posting interesting q's like this.
Mark x
My entry for quote of the thread (spoken in a, well Yodaish voice) :
"Jealousy, the shadow of greed it is" - Yoda
A very wise half pint Jedi?
I think there are a lot of values which do not which do not run according to the text book.
Many of us have trust spoiled constantly at work. But we just consider this as part of the job.
The small print in the agreement.
How many of us pay for 'piece of mind' when buying a new product.
Trust is sometimes supported by a 'guarantee'.
But then we go to the 'professionals', who we often trust completely and absolutely to do things to us or for us. We trust like in this in situations beyond our normal control.
So with swinging we trust because we believe its all under control. That our partner will derive as much pleasure from another but no more than is expected. Or that emotions will not go beyond certain limits.
I think jealously is strongly related to conditions and people and the control we feel we have over them.